Nightmare (Chapter 5)

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(Nikki POV)

"I don't care! She's staying with me! End of story"! I say angrily. Brooke's Uncle Allen just stares at me blankly before trying again, "Nikki, I know you feel guilty, but....." Mick cuts him off mid-sentence, earning a glare from our manager, and a smirk from yours truly. "Just let her stay with him. You know yourself, there's no arguing. And besides that, Brooklyn is just as safe with Nikki as she would be anywhere else" Before either one of us can respond, movement from the bed catches our attention.

(Brooklyn POV)

Opening my eyes I'm overwhelmed by the sounds of beeping, and men arguing, but all I can see at the moment are several blurry figures. I blink a few times in an attempt to clear my vision as one of the figures rushes towards me.

Just as my Uncle Allen takes hold of my hand, my sight is functioning normally enough for me to take in my surroundings. A plain white room with one window, a bathroom, and a closet. The beeping is coming from an IV pole on my right, that unfortunately seems to be attached to me. I follow the IV line down to the needle in my arm, noticing along the way that I'm wearing a hospital gown instead of the pajamas I went to bed in. There's also a very noticeable pain in my left side.

Nikki, Vince, Tommy, and Mick surround the bed with worried expressions. "Brooke? Honey, how do you feel?" My Uncle asks from beside me. "Am I in a hospital?" I ask, completely ignoring his question. For a long moment no-one says anything, so instead I ask why I'm there. Finally with a grave tone my Uncle replies, "There was an incident at your apartment last night. You were attacked, Brooklyn".

Attacked? What? At first I can't wrap my mind around his words, but like a flash of fire pieces come back, and I start to feel like I'm about too black out. I remember waking up to someone in my room, then extreme pain. The next thing I remember is someone repeatedly calling my name, then later a man in a suit asking me what happened and if I knew who did this to me.

I sit quietly, letting reality sink in, and wait for the flood of questions that never come. Finally breaking the silence, my Uncle informs me that when I'm released from the hospital I'll be staying with Nikki. "What do you mean? Why can't I go home?" I ask, unable too hide the shock in my voice.

Sighing, "It's just not a safe place for you right now" Vince says softly. "Yeah, and as long as your with Nikki we know you're protected" Tommy interjects. I look down at my hands for a moment, realizing they're right. There's a very real possibility of my attacker coming back. "Ok I'll stay with him, but it's only temporary" I answer quietly.

(4 days later)

After four long days in the hospital I'm finally released to go home. But because of a series of interviews the guys had scheduled for today, it's nearly 8 p.m. before Nikki comes to pick me up.

"I just need to stop off at my apartment and pick up somethings" I say from the passenger side of Nikki's black corvette. If I hadn't looked over, I never would have seen him shake his head no. "What?" I ask with frustration creeping into my voice. "We'll go tomorrow sometime" is his only reply. I try to argue the point, but he just ignores me until we pull into his driveway.

Shutting off the engine he sighs loudly, "Brooklyn, trust me ok. You don't need to go to your apartment tonight". Crossing my arms over my chest, I give him my best death glare. It's dark so its doubtful that he can see it, but in the moment it makes me feel better.

"And why is that?" I ask with acid in my tone. Turning to me, "Because your apartment is a crime scene" he states harshly, "there's blood all over your bed, fingerprint dust all over everything"!

What he said hits me harder than the way he said it. I take in a sharp breath, biting my lip to hold back the tears, and mumble "Ok" before getting out of the car. "Brooke! I'm sorry. It's just I don't think you need too see that right now" he says, following me towards the front door.

"No, I understand. It's alright" I say softly, stepping aside so he can unlock and open the door. Once inside, Nikki leads me down the hall to the guest room where I'll be staying. It's a nice room, pale blue walls, a queen sized bed with a dark blue comforter, and matching curtains on the window.

Clearing his throat he says, "I'll go find a shirt you can wear to bed. I'm sure you want out of that hospital gown by now". Maybe it was my imagination, but I could have sworn he blushed as he was leaving the room.

Nikki returned a few minutes later with a plain black t-shirt. I thanked him as he said good night, and left once more pulling the door shut behind him. He was right about me wanting out of this gown, I hated it.

Putting on his shirt, I can't help but giggle at the way it fits. It nearly hits my knees. Slipping into bed I try not to think about what Nikki said about my apartment, but it's no use. Being out of the relative safety of the hospital, brings up thoughts, and nightmares of what happened.

I wake in the middle of the night feeling an unfamiliar weight over me. Ice cold steel pressed against my throat. I can't scream, he'll kill me. I'm certain of this, without him having to say a word.

With my eyes adjusting to the darkness, I can see him now. Barely visible in the moonlight of my room he's smiling down at me, with murder in his eyes. I want to ask what he wants, why he's here. But I'm too afraid to speak.

Pressing his lips to mine, and without warning he sinks the knife deep into my side........

I wake up screaming in terror, trembling when the door bursts open and someone rushes towards the bed. It takes a minute for my brain to register that it's Nikki, but when he pulls me into his arms reassuring me that I'm safe, I start to calm down a bit.

Getting up from the bed, he coaxes me to lie back down. "Its alright, just lay down and go back to sleep. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere sweety". Still shaking from the effects of my nightmare, I do as he says.

Once I'm settled Nikki slips into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I've honestly never felt so safe in my life. "I'm sorry" he whispers in the darkness, moving his hand so it's over the knife wound, "I should have made you stay".

Blinking back tears, I reply "It wasn't your fault Nikki. How could you have known this would happen? I didn't even expect it". Sighing, he answers, "I still feel like there's more I should have done. You told me what was bothering you, I knew it scared you, and I still let you leave".

A tear slides down my cheek as I close my eyes. I don't know what to say. I don't blame him, and know I'm safe with him. But deep down I'm still afraid. My stalker is still out there somewhere. What if he hurts Nikki trying to get to me?

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