Running (Chapter 8)

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Normally I sleep right through it when Nikki quietly slips out of bed in the morning. However this time since my anxiety kept me up all night, I know it instantly. "What time is it?" I whisper in the darkness. "Five a.m." he answers back through the rustling of clothing.

A second later the light comes on almost blinding me. "Come on starry eyes, we don't have much time" he says chuckling softly. Once the spots clear from my vision, I look over to see Nikki, already wearing blue jeans, pulling on a red t-shirt. His hair is in its usual disarray, and I find myself wanting nothing more than to run my fingers through it.

The way his eyes darken as he tugs the hem of his shirt down, it's almost like he can read my tempting thoughts. Blushing deeply, I break eye contact and start to get out bed. I can feel his eyes roaming over my body on my way across the room, so I try to walk normally.

Emphasis on the word "try". Yeah I was doing that awkward, 'I know I'm being watched, so my butt absolutely CAN NOT move' walk. You know the one.

After my less than graceful trek to the bathroom and back, I make my way to the closet. After removing my green pajama shorts and white tank top I quickly throw on a white bra and matching underwear, covering it with a baby blue sweater and jeans.

I don't know why I was so worried that he would walk in on me. He always knocks. Ok, so he knocks as he's opening the door, but still. Pushing Nikki from my mind, I sit on the edge of the bed and slip on a pair of black ballet flats.

"Brooklyn! Come on, we've gotta get going!" Nikki calls from downstairs. "Coming!" I call back as I grab my purse off the dresser. We packed last night, so my suitcase waits by the front door next to his.

The next few hours went by in a rush. Once we had the car packed, we headed for the airport and walked towards gate 95, tickets ready. While he handed our tickets over to the attendant I looked around discreetly for any faces I might recognize.

Not seeing any, I linked my arm through Nikki's and walked with him through the tunnel to the runway where our car was waiting next to the airliner. Getting into the car I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"What if this doesn't work?" I ask nervously as he climbs in and starts the car. "Don't worry. I covered all the bases" he replies with a small smile. Seeing the look of skepticism on my face he reaches over squeezing my knee gently, "Really sweetheart, I made sure we weren't followed".

"But Nikki how can you be so sure of that? We don't even know what my stalker looks like!" I ask. With an exasperated sigh he puts the car in drive and we're off. "Ok, so I can't say for certain that we weren't followed. But I can tell you that I took every precaution" he says after a long moment of silence.

At that I turn and look out the window, at some point falling asleep watching the scenery go by. It's nine a.m. when a hand on my shoulder and Nikki's soft, somewhat rough voice wakes me.

(Nikki's POV)

After the longest two hour drive of my life, I finally pull up to the old logging road that leads to the cabin I told Brooke about. It's been paved since the last time I was up here. It must have been a year, year and a half ago I guess. I don't come up here a lot. Only when I really need to get away.

Parking in front of the cabin, I shut off the ignition and turn to find Brooke still sleeping peacefully. She's turned on her side with her legs drawn up towards her chest making her blue sweater come up, exposing the soft skin that it's meant to hide. Slowly my eyes shift up to watch the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breaths, momentarily settling on the little blue star necklace she's wearing.

It's not long before I'm lost in a day dream. I can see myself, clear as day, waking Brooke with a kiss, then pulling her across onto my lap. It's so real that I can almost hear her moan as my hands slide up her sweater ready to remove it.

I snap back to reality just in time to catch myself reaching out to brush her strawberry blonde hair back from her shoulder. It's a light touch, but it's enough to make her shift in her sleep. "Brooklyn" I say with slight roughness in my voice, "we're here".

She moans softly as her eyes open, and all I think about is the fantasy I just had. I'm starting to think being alone with Brooke might be a bad idea. Or the best one I've had all year.

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