Caution (Chapter 7)

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It's been two days since Nikki kissed me, and while I've been torturing myself with questions of what it meant, he's been walking around like everything's normal. Maybe it didn't mean anything. Maybe he just meant it as comfort. Either way, I wish he would do it again.

Last night when I told him that I planned to go back to work today, we had a huge argument. He doesn't think it's safe for me to be out and about. But I'm going stir crazy in this house! He finally relented after I called my uncle and asked if he could come take me to work every morning.

Wearing black jeans, a purple t-shirt, and black converse with my hair pulled up in a ponytail, I pace around the living room waiting for Uncle Allen to get here. It's so annoying not being able to leave when I feel like it.

Finally a horn honks from the driveway causing me to turn, and run smack into Nikki's chest. "Sorry" I mutter. Things are still a little tense between us this morning. "It's alright. Have you got everything you need?" he replies. Nodding my head, yes, I start to move past him but he puts his hands up, stopping me, "Brooklyn....".

Glancing up through my lashes I give him a curious look waiting for him to speak, but he just sighs and lowers his hands from my arms, "Never mind. It was nothing". Mumbling, "ok", I continue towards the door, but something stops me from opening it.

Since I was a kid there was one thing my Uncle always complained about. I guess you could call it a major pet peeve. My Uncle Allen has always hated when people honk the horn instead of coming to the door. He considers it lazy, and impolite. So why would a man like that suddenly start doing the one thing that annoys him the most?

I slowly let my hand drop from the door knob as Nikki approaches me. "Nikki...." I whisper, backing away, once again running into him. Worry laces his tone when he asks, "What's wrong?". I can't speak. I just look up at him with terror filled eyes.

Grasping my arms, "Brooke?"
"I can't go out there. I don't think it's my uncle" I say, trying to pull out of Nikki's grip. Wordlessly he releases me, and walks out the front door. Seconds later the sound of tires screeching followed by Nikki yelling fills the air.

Running inside and slamming the door behind himself, "Go to your room, and don't come out until I tell you!" he shouts at me while grabbing the phone.

It feels like centuries pass before there's a soft knock on my bedroom door, and Nikki enters. "I called the police. They're sending an officer over". I nod my understanding as he comes and sits next to me on the bed. I fully expect him ask a lot of questions, but instead he slides his arms around me and holds me silently until the cops show up.

The ten minutes that we sat there waiting, only felt like a few seconds. I really wish I didn't have to talk to the police. I know they'll want to know why I think I'm in danger, and then the whole process of recounting what happened will start again.

"Ms. Reynolds, I think it would be in your best interest to go into protective custody". I sat on the couch staring at the detective in disbelief. "Like witness protection?" I ask quietly.

"More or less" Detective Moore replied. "Where would she be placed?" Nikki asked, taking my hand. "I can't say. All I can tell you, is that Ms. Reynolds would be given a new identity, and taken to an undisclosed location. Of course that's only if you agree". He finished, watching me closely.

"So what do you want do?" Nikki asked me once the detective had left. "I'm not sure" I sighed. I said I wasn't sure. But deep down I wanted to scream, "I want to stay with you! I feel safe when I'm with you!" Of course I can't just say that, he would think I'm some kind of nut!

"I've got an idea if your open to it". Nikki says breaking the silence. "Lets hear it", I say smiling. "There's a little place in the mountains I go to sometimes when I need to get away. I think you'll be safe there".

He goes on to explain how he plans to double back. First he would call the guys and my uncle, telling them that he's taking me to Cabo. His reasoning would be, getting me away from Los Angeles. Then he would call the airline and book a flight. We would make it appear like we're getting on the plane, but get in a car instead and drive up to the cabin.

Laying in bed later that night, I can't stop obsessing over Nikki's plan. What if it doesn't work? What if we get caught? Just as I'm about to work myself up into a full blown panic attack, Nikki quietly climbs into bed with me.

Its been like this since the first night I stayed with him. I still have nightmares, but he's always right there to calm me down. Some nights I wish he would do more than hold me, but I try not to push any boundaries.

"Nikki? Are you sure this is going to work?" I ask softly from the darkness. Pulling me tight he shushes me before placing a delicate kiss on my neck, "Everything's going to be ok. Don't worry".

Closing my eyes I hope he's right, but I'm terrified that he's wrong.

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