Recovery (Chapter 6)

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(Brooke POV)

I can't say waking up alone the next morning was shocking. If anything it was confusing. I had expected there to be nightmares after leaving the hospital, however I didn't expect them to be so real. The way Nikki rushed in to comfort me still surprises me. I wonder how long he stayed with me after I fell asleep?

Slowly getting up from the bed, I dismiss those thoughts and go off in search of the bathroom. All I want right now is a long, hot, shower. Unfortunately I don't have any clothes to change into. It crosses my mind as I make my way past Nikki's room to get something of his to wear, but better judgement keeps me from opening that door.

Forgetting the shower for now, I decide on breakfast instead. Walking into the kitchen, I almost have a panic attack when I see a folded note with my name on it laying on the countertop. After a few deep breaths to get my nerves under control, I walk over and pick it up.

"Hey Brooke, me and the guys had some things to take care of this morning. Your breakfast is in the oven when your ready for it. I'll try not to be too long. Nikki
I left a shirt and sweat pants on top of the dryer if you want something to change into."

Sighing with relief I set the letter down, and open the oven door. Sitting down at the dining room table to eat waffles, sausage, and hash browns, I try to remind myself I'm at Nikki's. I'm safe. Not every letter is from a madman.

After breakfast I got the clothes off the dryer and went for a quick shower. Then went and sat on the couch, and waited for Nikki to come home. I hate just sitting around, but the doctor said I'm not allowed to do anything strenuous for at least six weeks.

I must have dozed off at some point because the sound of voices, and the lock turning jolted me awake. Pressing my hand against my side to prevent the inevitable pain caused by  moving, I get up from the couch.

The closer I get to the front door, the faster my heart races. Common sense tells me there's nothing to be afraid of, but the constant fear of my attacker finding me is always in the back of my mind.

The front door swings open revealing a stack of boxes with Nikki's voice behind them, "Would you stop pushing me!" he shouts. "Sorry dude! I can't see where I'm going" Tommy answers with a laugh. "What's going on?" I ask, stepping out of the way.

After setting the boxes down on the carpet, Nikki stands up meeting my gaze with hypnotizing emerald eyes. "Me and the guys went and packed up your apartment. Mick is settling your lease with the landlord, and Vince is bringing your car over". 

I stand there staring at him unable to speak. My brain can't seem to register what he just said. What does he mean they packed up my apartment? And my lease? I still have two years left! What's going on?

Waving his hand in front of my face, "Earth to Brooklyn! Hey Nikki, I think our good news shocked her to silence!" Tommy says grinning. I don't even bother responding to them, I just turn and walk towards the guest room where I've been staying. 

Nearly fifteen minutes later there's a soft knock at the door followed by the knob turning. "Brooke? Hey, are you ok?" Nikki asks from the doorway. Keeping my back to him, I grumble my answer to him into my pillow. 

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" He chuckles. I ignore him with the hope that he'll go away, but when the door clicks shut and I feel him lay down behind me, that hope flies out the window. "Brooke" he whispers sliding his hand up my arm, "What's wrong?"

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before answering. "Why did you guys pack my things, and move me out of my apartment without discussing it with me first? Living here wasn't supposed to be permanent". Nikki's hand stills on my arm. 

Reaching around he places his hand on my stomach, pulling lightly, bringing me onto my back. "I'm sorry if we hurt you, but Brooke you need to understand why we did it" Nikki starts to explain. 

Gently kneading my stomach with his hand, he stares down at me speaking softly, "You were being stalked. You were almost killed because of it. I couldn't stand by, and let you go back to that apartment knowing that creep could show back up at any time". 

Tears sting my eyes as what he said sinks in. "I know I should have talked to you first, instead of getting the guys and making the decision for you". He sighs, brushing away tears from under my eyes. 

"It's ok," I answer with a small smile, "I know what you guys did came from a good place, it's just that I hate feeling out of control in my life. I'm not used to being dependent on anyone but myself". 

Smiling down at me he starts to say something but the sound of Tommy shouting about Vince and pizza causes him to abandon his next statement. "We better get out there before it all disappears", he states laughing.

As we start to get up, he leans down and quickly brushes his lips against mine, shocking me to silence for the second time today. Pulling open the door, he turns back to me asking, "Are you coming?" Nodding my head yes, I push myself up from the bed and follow him out the door. 

Walking into the living room with my lips still tingling from the short contact with Nikki's, my heart flutters when he turns to me smiling, with his green eyes glittering devilishly. What have I gotten myself into by agreeing to live with him?


Sorry it took so long to update. I had to put all my focus into passing Basic Nursing. I passed and have just started Pharmacology, but I will still try to update frequently. Thanks so much for supporting this story, it means the world too me! I'll also try to get back on Instagram soon!      😘💋

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