Too Close (Chapter 3)

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(Brooklyn POV)

I stood in Nikki's kitchen silently waiting for his female company to leave. Naturally being the curious, (ok, nosy) person that I am, I peeked around the door frame just enough to see a leggy blonde in a baby blue jumpsuit descend the stairs. "Hey Priscilla, next time just leave it at the door, alright?" Nikki said as he followed her outside. 

I couldn't help but wonder what she brought that he wanted left at the door. I mean she obviously didn't look like any delivery person that I had ever seen. Hearing the front door click shut followed by boot-steps headed in my direction, I quickly went back to the counter and started taking groceries out of the bags. 

A loud sigh from the doorway caused me to turn, and almost choke on my own breath. Nikki, now wearing a black t-shirt, and red jogging pants, was leaning against the door frame with a knowing smirk on his lips. "It's ok. You can ask" he said a bit cynically. "Who says I care too know? It's not my business who you sleep with in the middle of the afternoon" I snapped. 

He actually had the nerve to laugh! Walking into the kitchen, he ran his hand across my lower back on his way to the refrigerator, causing me to blush. "Ok, first off she works for the record company, and brought by some contracts for me to sign. I was catching up on some sleep when she showed up, so I told her to leave them at the door next time". 

After grabbing a beer from the fridge, he sat on a bar stool at the kitchen island and continued, "And secondly, I did not nor have I ever slept with her. Not that I wouldn't, but she's married and claims 'she's not that kind of girl'" he finished with devious glint in his eyes, taking a sip of beer. "You say that like it's a bad thing" I mumble to myself, turning my back to him. 

I hadn't meant for him too hear me, but given his response I guess he had. "It's not a bad thing. I just wish I could have gotten to her before she met her husband" he said with a chuckle. All I could do was roll my eyes. Glancing over at the clock on the stove, I realized I only had ten minutes before my day at Nikki's was over. 

Turning to face him I asked, "I have ten minutes left. Is there anything you need done before I leave?" He looked lost in thought for a moment before answering. Lost in thoughts of bedding Priscilla no doubt. I thought bitterly to myself. Where is all this jealousy coming from? I only met the man twenty four hours ago. 

"Brooklyn..." Nikki said bringing me out of my own thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked, a slight blush tinting my cheeks. "I said, you can go ahead and leave if you want too. Ten minutes isn't really that big of a deal considering you've been here all day" he said. "Oh sure, thanks" I said with a small smile before walking away. 

I didn't realize how exhausted or hungry I was until I got in my car to leave. I decided to stop off at McDonald's on the way home, and pick up something for dinner.

Once back at my apartment complex, I almost lost my dinner and almost got knocked down getting off the elevator on my floor. I was too shocked by the sheer rudeness of who I assume is one of my neighbors, to pay much attention to who it was.

Composing myself, and mumbling a few choice words in the direction of the now closed elevator door, I make my way to my apartment. 

Approaching the door I see an envelope taped underneath the peephole. Sighing I pull it off and unlock the door. What have I done this time?  I wonder to myself. My landlord is constantly leaving little notes on my door, complaining about one thing or another.

Setting my dinner on the dining table, I tear the envelope open and almost have a heart attack on the spot. 

"Hello my dearest. I hope you enjoyed your day with Mr. Sixx. I also hope you understand that this will be the last time you will see him. If you choose to continue seeing him and spending long hours in his home, I will have no choice but to punish you for it. Please do not disobey me. Yours always......"

The letter slips from my numb fingers, falling to the floor. If I hadn't had a kitchen chair to fall into, I would have joined the letter on the beige carpet. He followed me to Nikki's. Where else have I been followed? 

Taking a deep breath, I try to regain control of my racing thoughts. Jumping up on shaky legs I rush towards the front door making sure every lock is turned and set. Then just for good measure I grab the chair I had just been sitting in, and jam it under the door knob. 

Backing away, unable to peel my eyes away from the door, I walk towards the couch and collapse. This is getting to be too much. I could deal with the letters, but I can't deal with being followed. 

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