When a Stalker Comes Calling (Chapter 4)

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For the rest of the week, I tried to continue on as if that letter never happened. It wasn't easy though, since I had a letter taped to my door every evening when I got home. They only stopped on the weekend when I had nowhere to be. Of course the daily letters under my door never stopped.

When the letters started turning sinister, I went to the police about it and basically got told that nothing could be done unless I was murdered.They didn't actually say that, but that was the impression I walked away with. After that I didn't bother telling anybody else about it, because I thought they would just brush it off like the cops did.

I haven't slept much this week, and it's starting to show. Standing in front of my bathroom mirror, I pack on concealer like my life depends on it. I don't normally wear a lot of makeup, so it tends to look overdone when I apply it.

Tuesday when I went to Vince's I had only had about three hours of sleep, but I was functional so it was ok. Wednesday with Tommy was a little rougher. I couldn't stop yawning, and he kept teasing me about having a hard night. If only he knew. Then Thursday Mick kept watching me with a worried look on his face. At one point he even offered to give me the day off, thinking I didn't feel well.

I tried too rest over the following three days off, but it was pointless. I just can't get over the fact that a stranger knows where I was all day. If this person knew I spent the day at Nikki's, what else does he know?

After getting my makeup done, I went back to my room to get dressed. I hurriedly pulled on black jeans and a purple sweater, finishing the look with plane white tennis shoes before practically running for the kitchen. It's not that I'm running late or anything, it's just that my bed was calling my name like a siren to a sailor.

Walking into the kitchen I take a quick glance at the clock in the living room, trying to ignore the envelope that sits in its usual spot in my entryway. It's only eight a.m., so it's really too early to go to Nikki's. Normally I would take this opportunity to enjoy breakfast before work, but today all I want to do is get out of this apartment. 

After grabbing my purse, I kick the unwanted letter out of my way and open the door to leave. In my haste to get out I almost knock over a vase of red roses that sits in front of my door in the hallway. I look around for who could have left them before bending down, and pulling the little card from the top. 

"For  you Brooky. Yours always." I instantly drop the card like it just burned my fingers. With my heart racing I reach down, and pick up the vase taking it over to the trash chute, throwing it away. I can't get on the elevator and out of this building fast enough. 

I pass a small coffee shop on my way to Nikki's, and decide to stop and get some much needed caffeine. Without a second thought I buy one for him too. It's still forty five minutes before my "shift" technically starts, and I'm a bit nervous about showing up before I'm expected but I decide to risk it. 

Standing on the doorstep, I almost knock before I remember he gave me a key. Even having a key and being told it's ok to use it, I can't help feeling like an intruder. I try to be quiet but realize it's no use when he comes walking down the stairs wearing black leather pants, boots and a RATT band shirt. "Hey Brooke" he says with a polite smile. 

Fighting a losing battle with blushing I say the first thing that pops into my head, "I brought coffee!" Yeah, like that's not obvious. I think, kicking myself mentally. With a chuckle he says, "Great! Have you had breakfast yet?" When I shake my head no, he replys, "I was just about to make an omelet, care to join me?"

Agreeing, I follow Nikki into the kitchen and sit down at the counter watching him work. I've never been much of an omelet person, but I've been neglecting my stomach lately, so I don't complain. "So what brings you to work so early?" he asks taking a sip of the coffee I brought him. 

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