Chapter - 1

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Carmen is a 16 yr old girl with long brown hair, grey blue eyes with a bit of gold near the centre.she is about 5"9'

Carmen POV
I was in English with my best friend Ivy we were busy talking when the teacher Miss White was giving instructions for today's lesson. About half way through the lesson someone came in and asked for me. Ivy and I made eye contacted I gave her a confused look and she did the same. I got up from my seat and of course one of the boys had to say something to get on my nerve.

"Carmens in trouble because she is a annoying bitch that wines to much"

"Can it will ya its non of your business, so stay out of it" I said to him in a agitated tone. That comment mad me iritated now.

I got out side the classroom and there stood two police officers, one female and one male. The female had her blonde hair in two braids that go into a bun at the back of her head, she has green eyes her behaviour seemed odd to me. The male had brown hair short and scruffy, he had brown eyes his behaviour seemed nervous for some reason.

"Miss Carmen, I'm officer Marquez and this is my partner officer Shaw. Its a pleasure to meet you." Officer Marquez said as she introduced herself and parnter to me .

"It's ughh... nice to meet you. Have I done something wrong?" I asked as my body was shacking.

"No Miss Carmen you are not in trouble.... we came to tell you something about your parents...they are ...well how do I say this to someone you say it to her Marquez" Officer Shaw  said. He seemed nervous and scared as I was observing  him. He looked over to Officer Marquez with pleading eyes. He obviously doesn't like talking to people l thought.

"Jeez...way to put the pressure on me Shaw why do I have to tell her?"

"Because you are a female it will be easier for you to tell her"

As they continued arguing my pascients was getting thin. I continued watching them until I snapped at them

"Would one of you tell what is going on with my parents please"

"Ugh.... well Miss Carmen we are sorry to say this but you parents... are..ugh dead" Marquez said the end as a whisper. My eyes shot wide as I just heard what she said I felt numb I didn't no what to say so Shaw continued talking.

"We are sorry for your lose... today will be you last day at school for a while because you will have to go to an orphanage so we will be waiting down the road once school is finished, we will take you to your house for you to pack and then we will head to an orphanage"

All I could do was nod and whisper an ok and went back inside the classroom I didn't look at anyone. I felt numb I didn't blink I didn't cry. The pain hasn't fully hit me yet. I take my seat as the officers walk by and I hear a few gasps from around the room. The boy from before had a smirk on his face while I forced myself to smile to seem like nothing bad happened.

"Oh Carmen you are in trouble because the police want to take you to prison for doing something horrible"

I scoffed and just looked at him like I didn't care. I admit it hurt a little bit at what he said. But I acted like it didn't hurt me.

Miss White started talking again i looked over at Ivy and she new something was wrong but I wasn't going to say anything all I know is im gonna be the talk of our year. There is one thing I hate, is when someone asks me if I'm ok. I don't know why it just annoys me so much I nearly want to punch them. Nearly. English carried on people whispering to each other and looking at me while I'm doing my work. Ivy was looking at me trying to figure out what the police wanted.

English was over and me and the girls were outside having what I mean by girls is my friends and of course some of the boyfriends aswell. Anyway there's Me,Ivy and her boyfriend Josh, Emerald, Ashlyn her boyfriend Derek, Vivian and Martha. We were eating Ivy kept giving me questioning looks, but I was happy for a while until I noticed her looking at me I sighed, i knew she wanted awsners but I can't tell her not yet at least.

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