Chapter - 5

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After lunch I wondered the mansion I didn't find anything special.the last place I went was down towards the garage. I went down the stairs and I saw lots of beautiful cars and motorbikes. I was In heaven, I stood there shocked for at least 1 - 2 minutes and then I ran around looking at all the cars.

"CARMEN DINNER" Will yelled. That's when I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 6:30.

"COMING!" I ran up the stairs to find Will with McDonald's. "Yummmmm"

"Hahah... are you hungry still after the pizza we had for lunch." Will said giving me a playfull glare.

"Well, I'm hungry after running around the beautiful cars and bikes you have"

"Oh.. that's where you were, I was wondering why I couldn't hear you up here." I rolled my eyes.

"Anywaaayyy, what did u get"

"I got you a large chicken royale meal, with a large vanilla shake and a m&m mc flurry."

"THANKYOU" I quickly grabbed my meal and started eating. Will just shook his head and laughed at me while getting his meal ready.


After dinner I went to my room I ran a bath. While that was happening I was looking through the cabinets to see what there was and I found a face mask  that I could use. The bath was nice and warm I got undressed and entered the bath, it was nice and warm. Infront of me was a wooden slab that glides along the top of the bath, on top of it was some shampoo and conditioner I wash my hair quickly, I then shaved my legs and finally put the face mask on and relaxed.

After another 10 or so minutes in the bath I took the face mask off and exited the bath. I rapped myself in a fluffy towel, I brushed my hair and teeth. Then I headed out to my room and got dressed in a big baggy shirt that went up to my mid thighs. I got into bed and was on my phone until I remembered about the girls how was I meant to explain this to them, when I get to school. Ughh.

Tomorrow Is also my birthday I'm going to be 17 my first birthday without my parents. I fell asleep with the thought of not having my parents any more.


After dinner Carmen went to her room. I was left with thoughts on what to do tomorrow, tomorrow was also her birthday the first of many with no parents. Jeez. I was planning on getting her a bike anyway because I won't be able to always pick her up from school.

It has been about an 1 hour and a half since we had dinner, so it was around 8 - 8.30. I was in my office on the bottom floor because ei get thirsty and I'm not walking up and down the stairs so I stayed down stairs. It was still quite  early so I descended to check on Carmen. I was half way up the stairs when I heard a scream I immediately sprinted to Carmens room, I pushed open the door. I see her sitting up in a cold sweat, her eyes held fear. 'The realisation must of just hit her or a nightmare or both I don't know' I thought as I raced and sat by her side and hugged her saying sweat nothing in her ear. She hugged me so tight like her life bepended on it. After a few minutes her breathing slowed down and her gripped on me lossened as she pulled away from me.

"Sorry.... and.... thankyou" Carmen whispered with a raspy voice.

"Heyy... heyy... it's ok I'm hear to help, I'll go grab a glass of water for you while you clean up a bit, ok?" I asked with a gentle and sweat tone. Carmen nodded her head and I left to get a glass of water.

Once I returned Carmen came out of the bathroom with clean clothes on. I placed the glass on the bed side table, while Carmen got into bed. "Better?"
Carmen nodded I went to leave but I felt something grab my wrist. I looked down and I see Carmen has a hold of my wrist.

"... Can you stay.... please... I don't want to be alone." Carmen whispered.

"Ok... can I go get my pjs on?... it's not very comfortable to sleep in these pants?" Carmen nodded and I quickly left and got changed into my pj long pants that are a navy Blue, I quickly brushed my teeth and went back to Carmens room. Once I entered Carmen was still sitting in a up right position with fear in her eyes. I got in next to her, we cuddled for a few minutes until I noticed she was asleep. Not long I fell asleep.


"Carmen come here" my mum said, I came towards her and Dad. The next thing I know is that there is a sound of gunshots and blood splay everywhere I look up to see mum and dad both have a bullet through there heads.

I scream and sit upright, breathing heavy in a cold sweat. A few seconds later I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look up at the sound of the door opening I see Will standing there with a worried expression and then it turns to one of understanding. He comes and sits next to me, he hugs me I hug back not wanting to let go. Will says sweat nothing's in my ear. I  have calmed down a bit, I loosened my grip. I apologised and thanked him. Will said he would get me a glass of water while I get into a new shirt. Once Will left I shakily got out of bed and headed to the bathroom I had a quick shower changed into a new shirt and exited the bathroom. I see Will enter my room with a glass of water, I head to my bed and Will sets the glass on the bedside table.

Will was about to leave but I grab his wrist and ask him to stay because I don't want to be alone , atleast for tonight. He said he will stay just wanting to change I nodded and he left. Not long after he came back with long navy Blue pants and no shirt. He pulled me down next to him and I cuddled up not long I drifted of to a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up, I looked next to me and I didn't see Will I stretched. I looked at my phone to see the time and it was 7 45 in the morning. I then headed down stairs still in my pjs, I entered the kitchen to the smell of bacon and eggs. Will was plating the food, he was still in his pjs. He looked up as I entered he smiled.

"Goodmorning Carmen, I was just about to go and get you for breakfast."

"Goodmorning... thankyou for breakfast....and last night."

"Your come on breakfast is gonna get cold, we got a big day ahead of us, and happy birthday."

"Hahha, thankyou Will, are you going to tell me what we are gonna do today."

"No I am not gonna tell you, it's a surprise. You know one thing that is gonna happen, do you remember?"

"Uuuughh...nooooo I do not remember."

"Thats fine we will get that last anyway"

"Ok" we continued eating breakfast. Once finished me and Will cleaned up and then headed to get changed. I got changed into a pair of black sport shorts, a baige baggy shirt, did my hair into a low messy bun with a white hat and white shoes, I did a light make-up and headed down stairs after I brushed my teeth.

" I'm ready."

"Good alright I'll let you pick the car we drive today." Will explained, as he's going down towards the cars. I eagerly followed knowing what car I'm picking. I raced down the stairs and straight for the Ford mustang keys, the car it's self was black which I love on sport cars. I through will the keys and he laughed as I headed towards the car. Once Will finally got in the car we headed off to who knows where. It felt like he took ages to get to the car.

Ok guys sorry to cut it short compared to the other chapters because i would like the activities to be in 1 or 2 chapters.

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