Chapter - 3

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Carmen POV
I woke up to people jumping on me. I opened my eyes to see the little kids jumping and running around me laughing and screaming as I lay on the floor.

"Okay okay I'm up im up quit screaming and running around."I stated sitting up on the floor, but I got tackled before I could sit up properly.

"Ugh.... Lia what gives im up." Lia is a little girl with long brown hair like mine with brown eyes, she is a sweat little girl.

"Brad told us to wake you and Cara up before the visitor comes." She said giving me an innocent look. I completely forgot about Cara. I look to my left and Cara is there sound asleep. Im wondering how she is still asleep with all this noise around. I put my hand on her nose and pinched it, it always seems to wake Ivy up. It seemed to work as Cara bolted up.she turned to me and gave me a glare.

"Why did u wake me up i still wanted to sleep."

"Hahah sorry but we got to clean this up before the visitor comes"

"Ugh i don't  wanna clean up"

"Well a majority of it is your mess so good luck."

As I said this Cara just groaned and started cleaning up I headed up to my room to change. Once I got there I changed  into a pair of black sport shorts and a blue sweater, I put my hair into dutch braids, and I put on a pair of grey trainers. I headed down stairs once I brushed my teeth, there was a knock at the door. I was the closest so I went and opened it, there infront of me was a man nicely dressed with Black business pants, a navy Blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up , a brown belt and brown shoes. He had short brown hair combed back nicely, with blue grey eyes like mine but more blue. He had a silver watch on, and he was about Brads height.

Our eyes met and I felt a connection, I felt safe all of a sudden. I don't fel love towards him I fell like im protected by him. We were staring at each other until someone cleared there throat. I turned around and saw Brad behind me. He also had light tanned skin.

"Carmen, I was looking for you why don't you join the rest in the living room while I talk to our guest here."

"....oh yes of course... sorry."I went and walked to the living to join the others and sat next to Cara.

"What happens now Cara?"

"We wait here until Charlie or Brad come and get us we go in age order, so we will be one of the last to go in. We go in a room with the guest and they ask us questions, we awnser as best as we can and we see what happens after that."Cara explained to me and not long after Charlie comes out and starts with the little kids. We were all sitting waiting and one by one all the others go in the room. I was quietly talking to Cara when Brad came in.

"Carmen you turn." I got up from my seat and followed Brad into a room that had two couches facing each other with a coffee table inbetween. I sat down opposite the man, he had a welcoming smile. But when we made eye contact its like we know each other.

"Hi, Carmen?"

"Yeeeess???... hi" I'm so confused how does he know my name. Wait wait wait see what I mean

"You are the one that got the door correct?" He gave me a confused look

"Oh right duh... yes that was me, now what can I do for you,I'm new to this."

"Don't worry I'm new to this aswell... now I'm gonna ask you some questions some are personal soem are just whatever if you want to put them as that." I nodded and we began.

"How long have you been here for?"

"I got here yesterday"

"Ok, hobbies?"

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