Chapter - 6

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While we were driving I was making sure that I had the schedule planned ok so we can follow it , but it is mainly bonding with Carmen today.

"Are you really going to leave me blind today, I mean it is my birthday shouldn't I know at least a little information." Carmen asked me with pleading eyes. I laughed and shaked my head.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you two things we are shopping today, and I need to get you a credit card so I can transfer some of you pocket money over and birthday money."

"Ooo that's fun, I'm in a shopping mood."

"I'm not bothered you can get some new school stuff because we are already past half of the year."

"Cool I'll start small so we don't Carry much and I don't think the boot is that big anyway."

"True." We soon arrived at the shops. We headed to boost and got drinks. Carmen got large bannana buzz and i got a large mango magic.

"We'll start with school supplies first to get that out of the way." Carmen said, sounding like she has is planned on where we are going.

"Sounds like you already figured out where you wanna shop."

"Sure do."

We entered Officeworks and Carmen got some books, pens, highlighters and sticky notes. Once we were done there we headed into JB HI FI Carmen got a new computer and phone along with cases for them.

"Right let's head to the car and put these away then we are heading to a clothes store." Carmen explained very excitedly.

"Thats ok, but could we head to the bank we need to get you a credit card."

"Oh right, yes of course."

Once Carmen and I put the supplies in the car and hid them we headed to the bank.


We finished in the bank it was around 11 30. I heard Carmens stomach rumble.

"Are you hungry Carmen, why don't we get an early lunch. How about a Subway."

"Sounds good I didn't think this would make me that hungry but sure, then we can head to....ugh I'm not queit sure yet.  Maybe it will come to me after lunch."

"Hahah ok, what do you want I'm getting a meatball and salad."

"I'll have the same I'm not a picky eater."

I nodded and ordered I see Carmen go and take a seat. She looks at me worried  , she shakes her head at me and makes a hand gesture to stay over hear. I then look around and see a group of teens come over towards her. I get distracted by the lady at the counter to ask what else I would like in the subways.


I go and take a seat while Will goes and orders. I look around and I see Ivy, Josh, Emerald, Ashlyn, Derek, Vivian and Martha heading towards me with bags.
I quickly look to Will with a panicked and worried look, I tell him to stay there until the group is gone he seems to understand and I'm thankful. I turn back to the group they all smile at me, Ashlyn, Ivy and Vivian waved to me I waved back. They came and sat down with me.

"Hey Carm, Happy birthday." Ivy

"We just finished shopping, we were gonna head to yours amd celebrate." Vivian

"Oh no, i dont feel like a party this year. But ill take the presents now. Thankyou though" I explained with a smile to show I was ok. They all seemed to buy it .

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