Chapter - 4

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Will POV

After I introduced my self to her I went back to paying attention to the road. While I asked some more questions.

"Do you go to school?, and would you still like to go to school?"

"Yes, and if you don't mind i would like to go to the same school I don't want my friends to know about this not yet anyway."

"May I ask what happened for you to be ina orphanage? You don't have to awnser if you don't want to"

"Oh well I suppose i should tell you....police came to school yesterday and told me they found my parents dead. I guess they don't have any leads yet they didn't really tell me anything."

"I'm sorry to hear that... hey didn't you say you ride a motorcycle, do you have one?"

"Yeah I ride but no I dont have one I passed my test last month but I don't have enough to buy one."

"Do you wanna go out and do shopping or something to bond a bit, I will give you pocket money every week so you  can spend you own money when you want. I can get you a bike so you can get to school because the house is very secluded from others."

"No no no I-i-i don't want you to spend money on me, I'll take the bus to school anyway."

"Thats not up for discussion missy."

"Fine, you win."

I was turning a corner a street away from home I could see in the corner of my eye Carmen was pouting that I won the argument. I was smirking at that fact. Carmen turned and saw me smiling.

"What are you smiling at?"

"I won the argument"

"Omg... you are such a child" She rolled her eyes, I laughed at the compliment.

"Why thankyou, I take pride in being a child sometimes." There was something about this girl she seems to bring out the best in me. She my daughter. Wow she's my daughter I'm a dad. My eyes started to water and Carmen seemed to if noticed her cheerful face went to one of concern.

"Are you ok?, did I say something wrong, I'm sorry about the child comment I made... oh God I'm sos so sorry."

"No it wasn't something you said I guess me having a daughter just got to me emotionally thats all, there happy tears don't worry."

"Oh right... speaking of emotionally, my parents deaths hasn't hit me yet so I don't know when that will happen just a heads up."

Carmen POV

We turned a corner and were going  down a long driveway that leads to a mansion. We pulled up near the steps i looked up towards the massive doors with vine designs on them, they were about the size of miners truck. (you know like the ones that are about 6×your height) Will opened my door because i was too busy staring at the house. Will snapped me out of my trance.

"Are you coming, it is your house now. Unless you want to stay in the car."

"Huh... oh right in coming" I got out of the car and grab one of my bags because Will has my other bag. I followed Will inside, once inside there was a big staircase infront of me next to the stairs on my left I could see the  kitchen. Closest to my left I saw a staircase going down. To my right by the door there was a spiral stair case leading to the big stair case was a empty room that I could see. I followed Will up the stairs, there was 3 hallways one in front, and one either side of me.

There was about 6 doors, Will opened the last one on the left and it appeared to be a bedroom.There was a king sized bed in the middle with navy blue sheets, the bed head was made of wood that went a bit wider then the bed to have bedside tables. The wall behind it was a a medium grey colour to the left of me I could see 2 doors, one the bathroom and one the wardrobe. To my right in the corner is a wood corner desk with a white rolling chair. The corner to my right of the bed is a swinging chair. On either side if the bed next to the bed side tables are to big doors that must lead out to the balcony. To my left in the corner near the door is a big bean bag.

"This is your room mine is opposite if you need anything, I'm gonna order some pizza for lunch what would you like?, and you can explore the house once your done unpacking."

"Oh, ok .... uuuuhh... I'll have a meatlovers please. Thankyou for this it means alot ." I had a big grin on my face I was so happy. Will was about to turn and walk out but I gave him a hug, I could feel him stiffen and then give in to the hug and hugged me back.

"Your welcome, now go unpack and I'll call you when the pizza gets here." I nodded and Will walked out. I placed my bags on my bed and giggled and spun around in my room with my arms out. I looked up and I could see a TV extended down from the room in between my door and bed.

"No way" I was amazed how I didn't see that before. I went to the first door on my right because I was facing my door. I opened the double doors and I found a walk in wardrobe. My mouth was wide open I ran to the next door was my bathroom it was massive to my right was a big bath tub in front of that was a shower with a glass screen my sink was huge plenty of storage underneath. The toilet was next to the sink. After I took into my whole room I started unpacking.



"COMING" I rushed down stairs towards the kitchen,  I was hungry because I didn't have breakfast.

"Here's your meatlovers pizza Carmen, enjoy" Will passed me my pizza.

"Thankyou.... God I'm starving I didn't have breakfast"

"Hahaha, whos fault is that"

"Yeah yeah I know I know it's my fault, no need to rub it in. Did you have breakfast?, you need it just as much as I do."

"Hey what?, don't changed it towards me now." I laughed at that and started eating my pizza in the kitchen. I was looking around the kitchen there was a big table that fits about 25 people. I look out side and there's a pool. Sweat I can tan.

" okay, I gotta lay out the house rules"

"Ugh omg I'm not that type of child well idk I never asked my parents for anything so well have to see."

"First rule... there are non"

"Ugh... wait... what? No rules, sweet" I threw my hands into the air as Will was laughing at me.

"Of course you can get tattoos, piercings  anything. I can get my tattoos artist to come and do yours if you like."

"Awesome, thankyou thankyou thankyou" I placed my pizza down and launched myself at Will and gave him a hug he returned it.

"Can i get a tattoo next week because we are busy tomorrow, or after school one day I don't mind."

"Of course, what type of tattoo would you want?, hell have everything with him im just curious."

I pick up my pizza again. I took a bite and awnsered." A rr-yyyy-nn" I had my mouth full of pizza, Will was laughing at me once again and I joined him.

"A what?, i couldn't understand you"

"A lion,  hahah sorry"

"No thats fine, a lion why?"

"Lions are my favourite animal"

"Nice mine are wolves"

"Because your last name is Wolf?"

"No, I like them because they are strong  they will stop at nothing to survive."

"Wow... I didn't think of it that way." We continued to eat our pizza in silence for a few more minutes.

"Wait what pizza did you get?"

"Supreme, wanna try some"

"Yuck no thanks, mum used to have supreme i tried it and I didn't like it"

"Haha thats fine... oh yeah there are 2 garages 1 is yours because there is so much space why not share?"

"Oh thank you, i still have to figure out this houses secrets." Will chuckled

"I don't think there are secrets but you can try, I haven't really had a look around." I nodded and continued eating my pizza. We ate in silence for the remainder of lunch.

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