Chapter - 2

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Carmens POV

As I was exiting school I saw officer Marquez standing outside she wasn't next to a car because I lived like 5 minutes away. Once I reached Marquez we silently started walking home. Well it isn't my home any more since I won't be living there now.

I could see some students giving me weird looks but I didn't realy mind they were just curious as to why I was walking with a police officer. We got to the end of the street and I can see a few police cars and police tape. My breathe got caught in my throat as I saw the scene in front of me, making it more real of my parents deaths. I stopped at the end of my driveway as officer Marquez spoke.

"Carmen... we are going to be walking in the house, it isn't cleaned up but there is only a bit of the incident here and there. Are you going to be okay going in and packing your belongings?"

All I could do was nod because I couldn't make words come out of my mouth. We were heading towards the door, it was open and we have a mirror at the end of the hall so I could see myself wearing my boots, black ripped jeans, a white crop top with my hoodie wrapped around my waist. I had my brown hair in a messy bun, my lightly tanned skin free of make-up and my blue grey eyes more vibrant with colour.

I was walking down the hall to the living room, when I entered I saw 2 puddles of blood one from my mum and one from my dad. Obviously. There was blood over the couch, on the walls and on every bit of furniture in the living room. I peeled my eyes away from the scene and placed a hand over my mouth. Marquez placed a hand on my shoulder and I continued to walk through the house towards my room.

Once I reached my room I emidiatley started packing my belongings clothes, laptop, chargers, make-up, tooth brush, some of my toys ( yes I'm a 16 yr old girl  and I have toys leave me alone ) shoes ect. Once I was done packing i looked towards Marquez.


I nodded and Marquez lead the way outside and towards a police car that Shaw was standing next too. I put my stuff into the boot of the car and sat in the back seat. Once Marquez and Shaw were in the front we started driving towards and orphanage... I mean where else would they take me?

We were driving for a good 15- 20 minutes until we came upon a Long driveway leading us to a huge house 2-3 stories  I think. I saw some little kids playing out front with some toys, they heard the car and shouted a   women came out she looks like she's in her early 30s. She's about my height with short blonde hair, she's wearing a grey sweater with blue jeans and a pair of white trainers. Behind her a man who also appears to be in his early 30s, he's a boy taller then the women. He has some muscles because it looks like his shirt it about to rip off. He's wearing  grey sweat pants and a black shirt with a pair of grey trainers.

We came to a stop outside of the house, Shaw told me to stay in the car until he came and opened my door for me I didn't mind because I was starting to panic a bit and I was calm in no down. I saw Marquez and Shaw talking to the couple who I assume are the owners of the orphanage. Then alof a sudden the all turned and looked towards me, Shaw cane and opened the door for me and I walked up to the couple.

"Carmen, this is Mr and Mrs Berk. They are the owners of the orphanage and are your gaurdians" Shaw told me

"Hi , its nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Berk." I politely said

"Well hello Carmen, and please call me Charlie and this is Brad." The women i now know as Charlie and the man be a Brad both gave me a warm smile, I smiled back sadly.

"Right then... Carmen we will be going and we will visit once a week to see how you are handling things." Shaw said as Marquez went to collect my stuff from the boot of the car.

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