Chapter - 8

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Will pov

"AAAAAAAHHHHH" I bolted out of my room and into Carmens to see her sitting up shaking, sweating and hyperventilating. I rushed to her side hugging her.

"Hey,hey,hey sssssshhhhh your ok I'm hear, I'm hear, you're OK, you're ok." I told her as I was rubbing her back. All I could hear was her crying and feel her trembling in my hold. I hear her crying what ever nightmare that was terrified her.

I was rubbing her back, her sobs then became hiccups but her grip was still strong on me.

" Can you stay... please, I don't wanna be alone." She asked me very quietly

"Of course I can" I slowly lowered us down and under the covers. Not long after Carmen fell asleep in my arms. ' She's gone through so much.' Not long I went to sleep aswell.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, it wasn't mine. 'Shit ' I open my eyes and see Carmen in my arms still I shake her awake, but she groans and roll over.

"Carmen wake up"

"Whyyyyyy... five more minutes." She whined

"No I need to get ready for work I overslept."

"Ok ok I'm up im up... go have a shower you stink." Carmen said with a grin on her face.

"Ah-ha very funny, now move move." She had to move she was laying on my arm. Once she moved I bolted to my room I had a quick shower got changed I rushed down stairs with my stuff.

I looked at my watch and it said 7.55 I had to quickly eat and leave. I got down stairs and Carmen had a cup of coffee to go and a bacon and egg muffin to go aswell.

"Thanks sweetheart. I got to go have a great day at school and a safe drive to school." I grab the coffee and muffin, I gave Carmen I kiss on the forehead. She  launched herself at me and I had to try not to drop anything.

"Thankyou." She whispered.

"Of course, bye my Little Red Lion."

"Bye wolfie." Carmen said while looking at me with a warm smile on her face. I bolted down to the garage and left.


Dad woke me up and bolted out of my room to get ready for work. I got out of bed and headed down stairs making him a coffee and desided to make him a bacon and egg muffin to go. I made mine first and made Dads while eating mine. 'I all ways feel sorry for dad that's the second time he's slept In my room because I dont want to be alone.' I finished Dads breakfast and put it in a paper bag and got Dads coffee ready. I could hear him coming down the srairs, so i made my way there with his breakfast and coffee.

I gave him a hug and said goodbye. I headed to my room had a shower. I wrapped my self in a fluffy towel and blow dried my hair. Once I got out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel I looked at the time it was 8:25. 'Crap I'm gonna be late and rushed getting ready I just grabbed a pair of sport shorts and a white singlet and my boots, I shoved my laptop in my bag grab my phone and keys, and rushed down stairs. I got in the garage put my jacket and helmet on. The time was 8:30, I rushed to school still going the speed limit. I got to school at 8:50, 10 minutes till end of form room. One of the ladies at the office stopped me.

"Carmen I'm sorry for your lose, we need your gaurdian to fill these forms out." I'm so confused what?

"I'm sorry how do you know?" I question her with a some what angry face.

"It was on the news last night, and since you have a new gaurdian we need them to fill out these forms." As she was speaking I was taking my jacket of because it was getting hot. She handed over the forms and I put them in my bag. One of the male teachers walked past and because of my rushed choice of clothes my tattoo is visible.

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