Chapter 13

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In the morning

Juniper's POV:

I haven't seen Cedric at all during breakfast. He's probably doing prefect stuff and whatnot.

After the dream last night I only got about another hour of sleep. When I checked to see what time it was after I woke up the first time, it's was 4:53am. I was careful not to wake up anyone when I slipped on Harry's invisibility cloak (which I plan on giving back to him as soon as I see him) and sat in the kitchen for a while, entertaining myself by talking to the few house elves that were in there with me. They were all quite nice, especially Dobby. There was one named Winky that kept crying though...something about being given clothes by Barty Crouch. I felt kinda bad for her especially since she had taken her emotions out on butterbeers.

My eyes were red from lack of sleep and my voice cracked with every word I said. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I was ready for the day before any of the other girls in my dorm even woke up.


I look up suddenly from my seat at the Hufflepuff table. Trinette was waking over with a smile on her (beautiful) face.

"Hey," I say as she sits down.

"Is everything alright? You sound sick," she inquires, furrowing her brows.

I flush and clear my throat. "Yeah I'm fine, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

She looks at me suspiciously. I mean, it's technically the truth. I'm simply keeping the fact that I had a reoccurring nightmare as well. Trinette doesn't need to know about that, though. "So," I say. "What's up?"

She smiles at the ground then looks back up at me. "You looked lonely, so I thought I would come over and keep you some company."

I smile at her- a genuine smile. Not like the ones I would give Zacharias Smith when he asks to copy my Astronomy homework. More like the one I gave Cedric on the train ride here when he asked about "They Both Die at the End"- which I am now realizing I still have to confront him about. He lied to me! Said that the'd never heard of it- which was very convincing since he's a Pureblood, so I'm not exactly sure how he got his hands on a copy in the wizarding world, but that's besides the point.

"I actually appreciate that very much," I reply. "Have you already eaten?"

"Oh yes, I finished a few minutes before I walked over here actually," she said. "The food here is amazing!"

I nod, agreeing. The food here is the best I've ever had.

"Your English is great," I say, turning away from my plate. "Do they have classes on other languages at Beauxbaton?"

"Oh, no. My mother is British and my Father is French. She taught me English at a very young age."

"Oh, how-" I yawned. "-Nice."

"Are you sure you're alright? You seem exhausted, I can ask one of the professors to give you a free period-"

"No! No, it's fine, but thank you," I interrupt, shaking my head and rubbing my eyes. "Very much appreciated though..."

"Trinette!" Called one of the Beaxbaton girls.

"Well," said Trinette. "If you're sure. I have to get going,but... it was nice talking to you Joonipear."

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