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"Where is it exactly your taking us Hagrid?" Carson asked, as he lead them to the forest under the invisibility cloak.

"Wouldn't be right if I told that now would it Carson, might find you sneaking off on your own." Hagrid whispered, barely understandable because of how low his voice was.

They kept walking into the forest, as a loud roar was heard. Carson and Harry looked at each other, in pure terror. The noise was coming from dragons.

"Hagrid, are those what we think they are?" Harry whisper shouted, terrified for his life.

"Yep!" Hagrid said excitedly, as if he never thought that they would have to be fighting these.

"I really want to slap Hagrid right now!" Carson whispered to Harry, about how excited he was over the dragons they would have to fight and could kill them with one bite.

"Dragons? That's the first task?!" Carson whisper yelled.

"Yeah! Thrillin isn't it? Don't envy the champion's who get the horntail and ridgeback! Venomous they are." Hagrid said giddily, both boys wanting to slap him.

"Look! That's Madame Maxine!" Carson said to Harry, pointing in her direction.

"And there's Karkaroff." Harry added, looking next to Madame Maxine.

"Yeah. Don't miss a trick that one." Hagrid commented.

Just then, a dragon shoots fire out, blasting the flames everywhere. Carson and Harry looked at each other in shock of what the dragons could do.

"Right, big ball of gas Ain't he? Thought Ron would faint just lookin at em." Hagrid commented, the boys not aware he had seen them.

"Ron. Ron was here?" Carson asked Hagrid, just to be sure they were thinking of the right Ron.

"Sure. His brother Charlie was part of the team that brought the dragons from Romania. Didn't Ron tell ya?"

"Nope. Not at all." Carson mumbled.

The two left, walking back to Hogwarts as they saw Cedric.

"Potter. Marshall." Cedric said, greeting them with small smiles.

"Could we have a word?" Carson asked, bringing Cedric to an empty corridor.

"Dragons. That's the first task." Harry said, not skipping a beat.

"Dragons?" Cedric repeated, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes. They one for each of us." Carson said, sending a light to Hermione from the necklace to tell her he was thinking about her. He just didn't mention why he was.

"You're serious. Do Fleur and Krum know?" Cedric asked, growing nervous.

"I'd assume so, Madame Maxine and Karkaroff were there with the dragons, they probably told their champions."

"Why are you guys telling me?" Cedric asked, curious as to why they were helping him.

"Well, it wouldn't be right if we didn't. What would that make us?" Harry told him, as he noticed a few of his Hufflepuff friends wearing Potter and Marshall stink badges.

"Listen about the badges, I've asked them not to wear them but well..." Cedric trailed off, as more people were wearing them.

"It's alright."

Carson and Harry walked over to Ron, who was looking in their direction and laughing.

"You're a right foul git you know that?" Harry asked, looking as if he was about to slap Ron.

"You think so, do you?"

"I know so."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Stay away from us." Harry said, pulling Carson along.


As Carson and Harry walked away, Malfoy came to torment them, but ended up as a ferret, thanks to Professor Moody.

"My father will hear about this!" Malfoy shouted, as Moody chased after him.

"That was awesome." Carson said, fist bumping Harry as Hermione came over to ask Carson what had happened with Hagrid.

"Yeah it was." Harry muttered, still surprised that had happened.

After Harry got pulled away by Moody to talk about the first task, Carson told Hermione about the dragons, and she freaked out naturally, and they went to the library. Harry had met up with them to start getting ready.

"Your wand, your wits, and your broom. That's what Moody's saying you'll need correct?" Hermione asked for the one hundredth time.

"Right...dunno why he didn't just come and tell me this."

"Yes, you'll actually have to engage your brain. How inconsiderate of him." Hermione said in a sarcastic tone.

"What about you Carson? What are you going to do?"

"Petrificus totalus. Might work on a dragon." Carson said, exhausted from this whole day. Hermione smiled at him and kissed him. He melted into the kiss and they stayed that way until Harry awkwardly coughed and got them back on track.

"Right. That would work. You two just need to prepare."

The Boy Who Fought: OC X HermioneWhere stories live. Discover now