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       I woke up to Randy sleeping with both of his hands wrapped and on my stomach. I stirred which caused him to wake up,"Sorry baby, let me go and you can go back to sleep." I said and he shook his head,"No." I smirked, "Fine, don't be asking for kisses today." He let me go and jumped out of bed, "No! I need kisses!" He said coming in front of me and dropping to his knees. I bent over and kissed his lips. I smiled, and got up walking out of the room when i felt a smack on my ass, "Ahh! Damn." I said turning back to him with a opened smile mouth. He smirked and i rolled my eyes. I then forgot i didn't have pants on and slept in Randy's shirt and my undergarments. I started blushing and Randy wrapped his arms around me,"You look so sexy in my shirt like that." He said moving my hair and the shirt to kiss my shoulder. "Well, thank you baby. But now i need to shower." I said and he gave me puppy dog eyes,"Not yet." He sighed,"I'm not rushing, it's fine." I felt bad for him. I know he's not rushing, i don't want him too either. I feel bad though, i went up to the couch where he was sitting and sat on his lap. One leg on each side, "I'm sorry baby..." I said looking at him and he kissed my nose,"It's okay, i'm not rushing you." 

     I was in the shower and felt extremely bad, oh well... i thought. I finished up and got dressed before going into the living room. He smiled at me before going to take his shower. When he got out i was laying on the couch almost falling asleep again. He came over and picked me up before sitting down and putting my head on his lap. He started playing with my hair and i snuggled into his stomach. "Go to sleep, i'll wake you up in a bit so we can go shopping." I nodded and fell asleep on him.

    He woke me up and i put on my shoes. He grabbed his keys and i followed him out the door. I then heard everyone yell," RANDY AND KELLY ARE DATTTIIIINGGG." Well at least someone did. Randy spoke up," And Someone Is A Little Late!" Everyone started laughing as we interlocked hands and went to his car. We got in as we drove to Target first. "What are we doing at Target?" I asked and he laughed, "Your birthday is in, nine days. I thought maybe we shop early for somehing to wear so i can take you to your suprise. " I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Your so crazy. I've had so many suprises already and now just because of my birthday there is more?!" I said grabbing his hand as we walked into Target. He flashed that smile that gets me everytime and laughed, "Yep. All for you baby." I started to laugh and he kissed my cheek. We started looking at dresses and i found a nice pretty burgandy dress to wear. 

     We got it and then left to go grocery shopping. Once at the grocery store i grabbed a basket as we started throwing things in there for the party. 

 (Okay i think i got this now....)

      When we got home from the store Randy went into the bedroom and got his ring gear on. "Are you going to come to ringside tonight? Or stay here?" He asked, i pursed my lips, "I'll come, If....  You give me a shirt like yours and i can make a shirt of ym own to wear to ringside everytime i come." I smiled at him and he smirked. He went into his room and came out with one of his light grey RKO shirts. He handed it to me and then gave me scissors. I cut the sleeves and made it a v-neck. It looked more like a jersey now which was what i was going for. Randy was in the other room so i took off my shirt and put his on. He walked in as i was pulling it down and looked at me. I smiled at him, "Done staring? Or did you see my bra before hand?" I laughed, my bra happened to be a Randy Orton one. It was pretty funny, "I... Uh yeah..." I laughed and grabbed his hand. I was wearing The jersey like shirt and jean shorts with knee high boots. 

      His music hit and we walked out hand in hand. Everyone cheered and he got in the ring and did his thing. Then Rosa and Alberto Del Rio came out. During the match i seen Rosa try to cheat and i ran and jumped on her and started beating her. Randy hit Del Rio with an RKO and won. I got off of Rosa and got in the ring raising Randy's hand. "Thanks babe." He said smiling and kissed my cheek. I smiled and said your welcome before we walked back up stage. We went to the back and i rubbed my eyes yawning. He wrapped an arm around me, "Tired?" I nodded and started closing my eyes. "We are almost back to the room and you can go to sleep okay?" I nodded as he kept an arm around me to hold me up. He opened the door and led me to the room where i laid down. He changed his clothes and laid behind me hugging my waist. 

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now