My Love

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IT'S BEEN FOREVER AND IM SORRY, I sprained my ankle :/ ( LMFAO if you guys didn't know this her real name is Barbara Blank but in the story it's just Kelly Cena. But the guys know her as Kelly Kelly. )

Randy was behind me kissing my neck. I giggled and moved out of his grasp turning around. "You have a match tonight go get ready, I'm going to go walk around My Love." He smiled an kisses my lips as I ran my hands down his arms. I let him go and walked out the door as he went to go shower. I walked down the hall and smiled at Kaitlyn who was with Wade. I think ran into Cody and Brandi. They stopped me," Kelly!" I turned to them," Hey guys, what's up?" They smiled," So we want to help with your wedding." My wedding was next month. I know it's so close, I was scared. We hasn't started planning," I'll talk to Randy tonight about it, we should really start planning it." They nodded and Cody gave me a slight hug before I went to catering and relaxed. Maryse and Mike came over and I smiled. "Hey guys," I said and they nodded," What's up Kellz?" I shrugged," Nervous I guess." I laughed and try smirked," Oh yeah that's in a month." Mike winked at me and I groaned. They sat down," Something wrong Kelly?" Maryse asked and rubbed my back. I put my head in my hands and sighed," We haven't started planning, I'm just nervous. I'll be okay when I see him. I'll be more relaxed and I won't be stressed out. Just as if on cue, Randy slid in next to me. "Hey baby, you okay?" I nodded my head and rested it on Randy's shoulders. John Cena came on showing that RAW. Randy had his arm wrapped around me and he rubbed my shoulder. I peered up a bit," I think we should start talking about the wedding... C&B offered to help.." I said thinking he'd turn down the subject. Instead a smile rose to his face and kisses my nose," Great idea, we'll start tonight after RAW." A huge smile rose to my face and I snuggled into him. Randy for up to go get me a salad and coke as I had asked for. When I turned my head Aksana was talking to him and flirting. He rolled his eyes and waited for her to finish talking. He looked over at me and I got up making my way over there quickly. Randy took a step back giving me permission to attack her. I jumped on her and started beating her down," Back the hell up he's mine!" I growled before refs pulled me off of her and Randy grabbed me. He laughed and kissed my head whispering in my ear," That's my girl." He said and I smiled. John had won his match and came back just as Ryback and David went out to fight. John sat on the other side of me and Maria came sitting next to him. I looked up to Randy," I Love You." I said and Randy smiles looking down at me." Always so random. I love you too." He kissed me upside down and John spoke up," Ew, get a room you two. Actually don't. I'll kill you." I laughed," Come on Randy lets get a room." I laughed and so did Randy. There was a Triple-Threat-Match tonight for the Intercontinental Championship. I smiled, I'm pretty sure Mike wins it. R-Truth and Damien Sandow had their match next. I yawned and jumped up on the table top.

" I'm bored so... Someone give me a beat. " I smiled and so did Randy and John. I then got a drumbeat and I smiled just as Nick walked in.

" I'm here to show the world. I'm here to show the world, come on bring it on!!

Do what I say better watch what I do, better heed the warning I'm here to give you if you ever doubted me you don't have a clue I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the world!

Things are exactly what they seem

I will define the things you dream

Go check the scores again

I come out a perfect ten

They broke the mold when they made me Bring it on

Do what I say "Better watch what I do" Better heed the warning I'm here to give you If you ever doubted me, you don't have a clue

I'm here to show the world

I'm here to show the world

I hold your life here in my hands

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang