Worst but best birthday ever.

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          I was laughing at randy who was combing his beard. I was working on my hair when he set the comb down and looked at me. "What's so funny?" I put down my brush and turned his head towards mine kissing him gently while laughing. "You. You are just so adorable." I shook my head smiling and he smiled. He then put on his gear and clothes over it. "Got to go do a promo real quick," he said," make sure to watch." I nodded and kissed his cheek as he left. 

        Watching his promo wear he comes up to Daniel Bryan and Kane fighting he was cute. I couldn't stop laughing," I'm not much of a hugger." He said and I gasped keeping my face as though it killed me to hear him say that. He came back to get me and he looked worried,"Babe!" I looked at him," Not much of a hugger huh?" He smiled and picked me up carrying me to gorilla. Kissing his lips we walked out hand in hand. The crowd cheered and I heard some gasps on the sides of me as they talked about the ring on my finger.

        "I think they noticed babe." I whispered in his ear and he smiled nodding. He got into the ring and bent over the ropes giving me a quick kiss and his shirt before getting ready to fight. Looking at the opposing team with hatred ( not real ) I watched the match. It started with Randy and Cody, Randy tags in Kane. Kane pins Cody for 2 count. Kane tags Bryan. Cody tags in Sandow. Bryan tags Kane. Sandow tags Cody. Wade make his own tag. Sandow comes in. Kane pinned for 1. Barrett come back in. Barrett pins Kane for 2 count. Cody gets tagged in, Kane tags randy. Cody tags Sandow. I watched my baby with happiness. I looked around for the shield. I was scared. Randy got a cross roads and Kane ends it. Randy hit the RKO and I jumped. Slipping into the ring I kissed him before letting him go and letting him get on the ropes.

       I stood in the corner as Bryan opened his arms for a hug from Randy. Then Kane opened his arms. They both hugged him and Randy's expression was HILARIOUS. I was laughing and Randy got back on the ropes and shrugged. His face was priceless. He got down and I walked back stage with him before dying of laughter. He looked at me rolling his eyes and smiling. "YOUR FACE WAS PRICELESS I LOVED IT!" I laughed and he started walking away and I stopped pouting my bottom lip. He turned around and pouted too. I looked at him." I'm sowwy...?" He stopped pouting and came over kissing my lips. "Your so cute." He said kissing my nose and resting his forehead on mine. "WOAH THERE LOVERS GET A ROOM!" We looked over to see Mike and Maryse. I started laughing and pulled away from Randy walking over to them.

       We all hung out for a while, even went to lunch. "Thank god the shield didn't come babe." I said to Randy when we left Mike and Maryse. "I know, you poor thing would be so worried," I shook my head," no, if they did i'd be ready to kick ass." I said. He laughed and kissed the side of my head as we went in. "Do you know what tomorrow is?" He asked me and I started to play dumb,"no? Why?" Randy started laughing,"Babe tomorrow is the 15th." I gasped,"Oh I know babe, I was playing dumb." He chuckled and kissed my lips. Picking me up he took me to the couch where we both laid down.

          He played with my hair, not knowing what to do. "Let's go party.." I said picking my head up. Randy thought,"Are you sure?" I nodded and we both got up to get ready. We decided to invite Mike and Maryse and decided we would go when Mike got back from his match and got ready.

       We got to the club and Mike and Randy went their separate ways while Maryse and I went on our own. Maryse and I sat at a table while the guys drank a couple beers. We started talking about random stuff and I seem Maryse looking over at the guys. Her expression changed and I looked over to find Randy and another girl kissing. He wasn't drunk enough to do it by accident. Getting up I walked over and looked at Randy. Mike looked horrified as Maryse came over. Looking at Randy who broke the kiss to look at me. I shook my head,"Babe, no it's-" I cut him off, tears starting to form. "I can't believe you... I really can't... I trusted you Randy! With my life!" I started to yell at him causing a scene. I wouldn't let Randy get a word out. Looking down at the ring grabbed his hand and then slipped it out leaving the ring in his hand. His eyes looked towards mine and a tear fell from his eye. I looked over at the bitch who tried stealing him and popped her in the face.

        Maryse, leaving mike, ran up to my side. "I'm getting my own hotel tonight. Ill figure everything out tomorrow." Maryse grabbed a taxi as we took it back to the studios. Going into Randy's locker room I grabbed a suitcase and packed things I would need until I took everything out of his room. Maryse offered me a place at her room. I went there and opened her door. Not even bothering to tell them I was there I covered up and continued crying myself to sleep.

         Waking up I smelled food. My eyes were probably all red and puffy. I got up and went into the kitchen seeing Maryse cooking and Mike sitting at the table. "Morning babe, happy birthday.." Maryse said trying to cheer me up. "Oh yeah... My birthday... Whatever.. Thanks.." I went over kissing her cheek and then to Mike kissing his cheek. I sat at the table and looked at Maryse who looked at Mike with sad eyes. "Randy's been down... He says he didn't do it.. He says she came up to him. He says he'd never hurt you, he loves you with his life.." Maryse said. "Mike was there." I said pointing at mike and putting my head down. "I honestly don't know what happened I was too busy looking at Maryse." Mike replied honestly.

       Maryse put a plate of breakfast in front of me and I slowly ate. "I'll be back." Mike said, Maryse nodded and I got up putting my plate in the sink.

      "I'm going to go to my hill and look out into the beach, I don't care if its raining. I need some time." I said forming tears again.

       Going to my hill I started watching Smackdown on my phone. Randy showed up after watching a shield video. He really did look upset.. I shook my head and turned It off. Watching the shore someone came up beside me an wrapped an arm around me resting their head on my shoulder. I looked over to see Randy. I rested my head in his head. I realized he was crying and I wrapped one arm around his back and one around his chest. Holding him as I kept my head on top of his.

        "I'm sorry..." He said crying in my shoulder shaking his head. I continued to hug him forming new tears. "I know it wasn't your fault.. Maryse and Mike told me this morning. I reached into his pocket and pulled out my engagement ring. I knew it was in there. I slipped it on my finger when Randy wasn't paying attention. Pushing him a little off of me I placed both hands on his face and kissed him. He reached up and put his hands on top of mine.

       He pulled my hand with the ring down and looked at it. Bringing it too his lips he kissed my hand and the ring. He pulled me close to him,"Happy Birthday Kells..." He said, I snuggled into his chest,"Thank you Randy." I said. We got up and made it back to the room. I went to Maryses and grabbed my bag. They asked no questions when I grabbed my bag and left. Getting back to Randy's room he was laying on the couch. "Randy, i'm sorry i was being a bitch, i.... i just got really upset.." He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I understand... i'd be upset if a guy randomly kissed you and i seen it as the other way around. Don't apologize, I Love You, and you only." I smiled as one tear rolled down my cheek and i kissed him.

        "Now, go put on your outfit so we can go to dinner for your birthday." I smiled and kissed his cheek before going and putting on my new shirt and favorite jeans. I put on my viper necklace he got me and my black heels. I came out and grabbed his hand before he grabbed his keys and we left. We decided to go to Demois. A new expensive resteraunt that i couldn't believe he was taking me too. When we got in and sat down i shook my head in disbelief. "No way you brought me here just for my birthday." He shook his head," Nope, i also brought you here because I Love You, and to celebrate our engagement. I smiled at him and we taqlked about the weirdest things. We talked about work, and what we planned to do with our life, we also discussed how things were going to work out with the wedding. 

     "Next time we go out, either i stay exactly by your side. Or i sit on your lap and you never get up until we leave." I said when we got in the car. He seemed to smile,"I like that decision." He said as we held hands. He drove back to the studios and w went back to the room. He took me to the room as we just laid down and made out for a couple hours. It was 11:59,"Happy Birthday again Babe... I Love You forever and Always." Randy said smiling. I kissed his lips,"Thanks Baby, and I Love You Too forever and always.." We kissed and when i looked at the time it was midnight exactly. We both crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly. 

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang