New Pair Of Lovers

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After the scary ass match at Elimination Chamber and RAW. It was now Friday and time for Smackdown. Randy was down at the gym while i was in the Diva's locker room. They wanted to make me a new ring gear outfit to wear when I was with Randy at ringside. So we went shopping. 

We made a black T-shirt that said RKO on it and had a white viper in the back ground. It said orton on the back and we cut it into a short top that stopped above the belly button and was now a tank top. We picked out a pair of leather booty shorts and black and blue heels with Viper skin. They were perfect, and i loved them. We went home and i changed into my gear and straighted my hair just as Randy came back. I stepped out of the bathroom and he dropped his bag staring at me. I laughed and smiled," Like it?" I turned and shook my ass a bit laughing and he came and slapped it gently before pulling me to him. "Yes, i love it! Now let's go." He said and we went to gorilla.

Randy walked out and i walked out beside him. He held up his finger saying one second. His face was adorable but serious. I stood outside the ring and leaned on a barricade getting touched by fans as i watched him. I turned to the fans,"Isn't he adorable when he's serious?" I said and pointed to the ring. They all smiled and nodded. I played with the ring as i watched him. Booker T's music came on, so i knew a fight would be scheduled. Randy was satisfied and relieved when Booker put him in a match with Swagger. Randy got out of the ring and slapped hands with a couple fans before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the back. 

We stood back stage for about 15 minutes watching Kaitlyn and Wade really hit it off. She was smiling away, and i knew i'd be talking to her later. Randy's music hit and we walked out hand in hand. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it as we walked making me blush. 

As the match started i watched intensely. At some point during the match I watched as Randy rolled up Jack like Jack did at Elimination Chamber. He only got a two count though. I swoled and gave a death glare to Jack when he messed with Randys ankle. Jack then tried putting him in an ankle lock but he countered. I moved away from the commentators booth as jack was thrown out. I then went back as they were now running around the ring before Randy clotheslined him. Randy was thrown into the steel steps shoulder first and i knew that was bad. "Come on Randy!" I yelled from the other side and commentators looked at me funny. They asked why i was even with him in a storyline. I looked towards them and flashed them the finger, with the same hand as my ring making sure they saw it. They gasped and i then flashed a smile before turning back. 

As Jack was locking Randy in positions Randy breathed in and out trying to take the pain. I then moved once again as Jack was now thrown out of the ring and then smashed into a barricade. I smiled and he took a break for just a second trying to calm the pain. Jack tried taking control but Randy kicked out. 

This was a close match, i couldnt call who was going to win, until Jack jumped on second ropes. He went to bounce off and Randy quickly bounced up and kicked him. Randy then got him and gave him a DDT before going to his viper phase. Randy was then rolled for a three count once again and i climbed up the stairs in my heels getting in the ring and bending down politely to help Randy up. I scowled and glared at him at the end. Randy helped me out of the ring and we went backstage. 

I then told Randy i would meet him in catering before i went and found Kaitlyn. I looked at her smiling and she gave me a confused look,"Uhm Kelly? You okay?" I nodded. "Oh yes, are you okay Kaitlyn Barrett?" I said and she was going to reply when she caught my hint. "Oh- You.. uh... noticed?" I nodded and she blushed. "Come on Kait! Ask him if you could go to his ring side tonight! I'm sure he'd love it!" She blushed more,"I doubt it, i mean... he's Wade Barrett. I'm just... Kaitlyn." I hit her arm and went up to Wade. 

"Hey Wade, Kaitlyn wants to know if she could be at your side tonight for your match." He smiled and  looked over at a blushing Kaitlyn and nodded. "Of course, could you ask Kaitlyn if she'd go on a date with me tonight?" He said and pulled out the rose from his pocket telling me to give it to her. I smiled and ran back over to her giving her the rose and she blushed even more. She hugged me and then went over to Wade to do a promo with Sheamus. 

I watched the promo from catering with Randy sitting in a booth and sharing a coke with him. Wade had his arm wrapped around Kaitlyns waist and Maryse came in. She smiled and kissed my cheek quickly before running off to gorilla because Mike was going out next. 

I went to go take a drink and Randy purposely took the Coke and took the last drink. "Hey!" I yelled and he laughed getting up. "I'll get another one." I pouted and he kissed my lips gently. "Now, now. No pouting." He said pointing his finger at me. I bit it gently and he jerked his hand away. "You knew i was going after that." I said playfully glaring at him. He laughed and got another coke before coming back and handing it to me. I took a sip and everytime he'd try to get a drink i'd take a drink of it first. 

"Hey! That's not fair! I did it to you once!" He said and snatched the coke from me. I laughed and kissed his cheek. I then jerked my head back to the TV as Mike and Maryse were now out in the ring. Cody then came out and i relaxed into Randy's chest. Kaitlyn and Wade came around the corner and i gave her a thumbs up making her laugh before both of them came and sat in front of us. "Hey babe, see this. Yeah, that was all me." I said and he laughed. Wade also laughed and shook hands with Randy before kissing Kaitlyns cheek. "I told you, i knew you guys would get together." I said looking at Kaitlyn and she rubbed her head in Wade's chest. "Shut up Kells." Wade was called to gorilla and Kaitlyn quickly got up and ran there while Wade walked behind laughing. They then walked out together and he gave her his title to hold. She held it up on her shoulder and smiled towards the crowd. 

After the show, i must of fell asleep on Randy in catering because i woke up in the middle of the night in my bed. Randy held onto my waist securely and whispered in my ear to go back to sleep. With that, i fell asleep in my mans tight, strong, arms.

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now