My Champ <3 and My Wedding.

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It was SummerSlam... I was so nervous. No Randy did not have a match, but the other people that did was just woah! The kick off started with Dean Ambrose and RVD, soon the rest of The Shield came out and I already had a feeling what was going to happen. Randy had his arm around me and the briefcase on our laps.

"Tonight, may be my night." I smiled,

"Make sure you watch first." He nodded and I cuddled into him. I loved Randy, he was perfect.

As we watched, RVD won, but because it was by disqualification, Dean kept his title. Which made me happy, Dean was a cool guy!

Then SummerSlam started, it was Kane and Bray Wyatt in a No DQ, in a ring of fire. Bray ended up winning after the other guys found a way to get in.

Then it was Alberto vs. Christian, He ended up keeping the title after Christian had to tap out to a submission hold.

Cody vs. Damien was next,

"No way! Cody shaved his Mustache!" I yelled and Randy laughed,

"Yes, yes he did."

Cody won and then it was the match of Natalya vs. Brie Bella. With Natalya winning. Then it was the big match... CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar.

It seemed like the match went on forever, I was on the edge of my seat, hoping Punk would win. When he lost I was pretty upset, but I knew I would be okay. Then came the match of Kaitlyn and Dolph against Aj and Big E. I was rooting for Kait and Dolph. Only because we all know I hate Aj.

Kaitlyn and Dolph won which is what made me happy. But.. It was now the big match.. I bit my lip while Randy was on the edge of his seat.

He eyed the match constantly, every time I would say something he would just ignore me. He really wanted this title. I wondered if he wanted it more than me. I changed into black leather shorts with a Randy Orton cut up top, fishnet rights and wrestling boots. I came out as I seen Bryan on the screen chanting. I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. He now eyed me.

"When did you change?"

"When you were paying attention to the TV and ignoring me." He looked down,

"I'm sorry, I think it's the night though." I nodded and Randy's music came on as we walked down together. I shook my head.

"Come on babe. Don't do it now, just wait." I went and pulled him up a little before we both stopped and turned around. I let go of Randy and took a few steps back smirking. Triple H then did a pedigree on Daniel and Randy cashed in. He then won his title and I smiled so wide. He motioned me to get in the ring and I quickly jumped in, he hugged me and kissed my lips holding the title up. He grabbed the mic, 

"Tomorrow is our wedding, and we will show wedding pictures next Monday." The crowd cheered so much as I took his title and held it on my shoulder. I kissed it and smiled as we made our way backstage. 

"I'm sorry John, at least Bryan didn't win it either." Randy said to John, 

"Well, I kinda didn't want it anymore... So congrats Randy!" He patted him on the back, 

"And please take care of my baby sister, she means the world to me, just as much as she does to you." John said  sternly. Randy nodded,

"I promise you I will." We went back to the room and then I looked at him, 

"Sorry babe, the wedding is tomorrow and so we have the bacherolette party and the bachelor party. I have the helpers setting up the wedding, and our Red Velvet and Vanilla cake. They are also setting up decorations in catering so no one can go tomorrow. The chapel is already ready. So yeah, I Love You, and I'll see you tomorrow." I said smiling. He kissed my lips gently and pulled away, 

"I'll miss you, and I Love You too." I smiled as there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll miss you too, bye babe." I opened the door to find John, Wade, Cody, Mike, Nick and Sheamus. I then went to Maryse's room and found, Maryse, Maria, Kaitlyn, Brandi, Rosa and Natalya. 

"Are you nervous?" Nattie asked as we drank some champaigne sitting in a circle. 

"Kinda, I'm actually really excited. I'm marrying the guy of my dreams, I couldn't ask for anything better, but kids." They all "oohed" and I laughed. We enjoyed our night by naiting nails and deciding how to do our hair. We then went to bed.

We woke up in the morning and I defiantly wanted the girls ready before me. I got them up and they all showered and blow dried their hair before coming back to Maryse's room. We then got them in their dresses, all my bridesmaids, but of course Maryse had to be my Maid Of Honor, so her dress was different. Hers was strapless, and half sparkley. I loved it! The other bridesmaids dresses was also strapless and sort of plain with a white ribbon around the waist. ( PRETEND ITS WHITE XDD) Once they had their dresses on we got to the chapel and went into a little room to finish getting ready. I went and put on my wedding dress, while the others got their hair and make up done. My dress was long, red and white. The top half was almost zebra print with a red rose. It was going to be mine forever and I loved it. I came out to find my mom and dad waiting for me, they both kissed my cheek and gave me a big hug. 

"You look gorgeous sweetheart." I smiled as a tear rolled down, 

"Thank you mom." She then went and took her seat, my dad would be taking me down the isle. The stylists then did my hair, they waved it and put the crown veil in place. They then worked on my make up doing it light. I tried my best not to cry. I was handed my bouquet of red and white roses before we got into position. My Maid Of Honor went first and then the rest of my bridesmaids. It was my turn and I linked my arm with my fathers. I closed my eyes as the music changed and the doors of the chapel opened. My dad walked me down the isle and the whole time I had my eyes locked on Randy who was smiling and staring at me. I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and he returned the favor. Randy grabbed my waist and kissed my head,

"You look so beautiful baby..." I smiled and blushed,

"And you look very handome sweetheart." I kissed his cheek and we started the ceremony. We held hands and I waited. We said our vows and then we were asked for the rings, Randy's nephew ended up doing it and bring them out. I smiled and we each took the rings Randy's mother had given us. We slipped the rings on and then he said, 

"You may now kiss your bride." He grabbed my hand and swung me around gently dipping me before kissing my lips. Everyone stood up and cheered and I was officially Kelly Orton. 

He carried me bridal style out to the car and we made our way to the after party. 

SO HEY GUYS! I'm going to do the after party in the next chapter, but this story is coming to a close. and i thought what the hell. Randy is champ, I'll update this story! So here you go, the wedding :) 

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now