Chapter 1

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I watch the world pass by me as I leave everything. My friends, my school, most of my family, it's all going away. My dad got a job in Texas as a truck driver. It's paying $15,000 a week, so of course he accepted it.

It's the end of June. I'm driving alone, pulling my small trailer. I got my driver's license a day ago and now here I am, driving alone. None of them are coming yet. I'll be alone for nearly two months before they get there.

I plan to be there in five days. Two days driving down to San Diego, staying there for a day, driving into Vegas and getting a tattoo before continuing on for the two day drive to my new house.

It's an incredibly long drive planned for a 16-year-old, especially alone. Mom and Dad just sent me off. My music is blasting through the car radio. The music is the only thing that keeps me in the present rather than getting lost in my mind.

I stop in Medford for gas. I plan on continuing on for about 2 more hours tonight. It is about 6 pm currently so I decide to stop for some food as well. I ate breakfast this morning but didn't even notice as lunch passed by. I go into the restaurant.

I see a familiar face waiting to get put in a booth. "Hey kid, are you eating alone?" I nod. "Come join us." I join them to the table. "What's your name?" "Rachel." It's quiet because I'm kind of overwhelmed and really shy.

"My name is-" "I know your band. I like your music. You don't need to introduce me." He nods. "You're a lot more chill than most fans would be." "I can imagine how it is. I do imagine how it is. I want to be in a band one day. Besides, I'm kinda emotionally overwhelmed."

He looks confused. "My dad got a job offer in Texas. Moving from just slightly south of Seattle to Southern Texas is overwhelming. Leaving all my friends, most of my family. Plus, I have never been alone for long before and now I'll be alone in a new house for two months pretty much before my parents get there."

His eyes widen. "That's insane. That could be classified as neglect." I shrug. "How old are you?" "16." "You should report it. You are 16, you shouldn't have to live in a different state alone for months without your choice." I shrug.

"I would be losing everything, then. My brother would probably get separated from me. I could end up in a worse situation than I already was." I eat quietly. "Do you already have a hotel for tonight?" I shake my head. "Didn't want to since I legally can't drive between certain times."

"Come stay with us for the night." "I'm sorry, I don't want to. I appreciate the offer, but I'm always anxious if I'm with someone new and don't have my own space." He nods. "Can I at least give you my number and you text me each night when you get on the road and stop so I know you are safe?"

I nod. "Current plans leave me about 4 days before I get to my new home. I'm staying in San Diego for a day." "Odd route." "I've always wanted to go to San Diego and this is my chance. Also, I am going into Nevada so I could get a tattoo and piercing."

"Is that gonna piss off your parents?" I nod. "Very much so. It took long enough for me to convince them to let me get this." I point to my nose ring. "Their fault for leaving their 16-year-old alone though."

I set down two twenties for my meal. I know it is less, but I honestly don't remember how much it was. "I best be off, maybe I'll see you guys again someday." I leave the table and I go outside. I begin driving and I eventually arrive at Redding. I find an Airbnb and rent the house.

I take my guitar inside and begin playing it. I put it down and let my emotions take over. I text Kellin. "Done for the night. Staying in Redding at an Airbnb." A call comes through and I answer it, forgetting I took off my jacket.

"Kid, why?" I look at my arms. Some of the cuts are red and puffy. There are a lot that are fresh and a lot that are deep. "Can I ask you to please come and get me? I don't want you alone." I give a weak nod. I put the guitar back in the car and begin driving, staying on the phone with him.

"Can you please talk? I can't drive safely in silence." I listen as he is talking. "Where in Texas did you move to?" "Just outside of Odessa." I arrive back in Medford and I'm exhausted, 12 hours of driving.

I arrive at Kellin's and he comes out to the car. "Either you are staying here tonight, or you are letting me drive. You can't safely drive anymore." I get out of the driver's seat and sit in the passenger seat.

He begins driving. We arrive back in Redding and it is midnight. "Can I clean your arms?" I nod and retrieve the first-aid kit from the car. He takes some of the wipes out of it and cleans my arms. He wraps them in gauze.

I am practically asleep while sitting. "Go to sleep." I nod and go into the room I claimed as my own. I lay in the bed and fall asleep quickly. The next day, Kellin makes us breakfast and then he begins driving to San Diego. I think he can tell that I'm not in the best place mentally currently.

"Can I ask why you hurt yourself?" "Punishment, anxiety, blocking out emotional pain." "Emotional pain from what?" "Death, finding out my friend was hurting himself, being called the ugliest girl in the school, not wanting to hold on any longer-" I realize what I just said and cover my mouth.

"Are you suicidal?" I feel him pull off to the side of the road and he picks up my wrist. He turns it over. "What stopped you?" "Hold Onto May - Pierce The Veil." "Honestly?" "I was sitting in bed. A week after they said we were moving to Texas. I was completely destroyed. My music was playing and I had the blade pushed against my wrist. I was about to cut when Hold On Till May came on. It pulled me out of my mind enough for me to realize what I was doing."

When we stop for lunch, I just pull my knees up to my chest. "I'm not hungry." He nods. In all honesty, I have ate more in the past two days then I had in the month before. His eyes widen. "Wait, really?" "What?" "The small amount you ate for dinner last night and for breakfast this morning was more than you had ate in the past month?"

"More fast food." It is true while still holding away the fact that I have another thing wrong with me. He seems to accept it or give up. We pull up to a house in San Diego. "We are staying here tonight."

He gets out and goes to the front door. He knocks on it and I see another familiar face answer. They hug. They both wave to me. I grab my guitar and suitcase. "Hey honey, make yourself at home."

I see Danielle and she gives me a soft smile. "I'll show you the guest room." She leads me upstairs to a bedroom. She gives me a soft smile. "One of us will come get you when dinner is ready." I nod and she leaves. I take off my leather jacket and take the blade out of my phone case.

I bring it up to my arm and make a few more deep cuts. It gets pulled out of my hand. I'm not very aware of what is going on around me because next I know, Kellin is asking me what my birth date is.

"3-5-2005." The lady puts it in. I'm feeling tired. I get brought over to a scale and I go on it as instructed. I feel someone pick me up and I let the tired feeling take over as I fall asleep.

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