Chapter 11

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I stop in Nevada with Tony and Erin. "I want us all to get a tattoo together." Tony smiles and Erin does as well. "Okay! What are you thinking?" I pull out a sketchbook and sketch out a drawing of three dogs, a dad, a mom, and a younger dog. I write in script under it. Forever & Always.

I hand the book to Tony. "Wow, this is amazing. I'm gonna probably regret the pain it will cause, but I have just the place." He holds up his empty palm. "That sounds painful. I feel like it will be more special to me to get it the same place you do."

Erin bites her lip. "I'll get it on my wrist. You guys will need to let the tattoos rest with minimal  bending." We go in to the shop. The guy recognizes me immediately. "Hey kid! I see you are back with your dad?" I nod and smile. "He has full custody of me now. All three of us are getting a shared tattoo."

I hand the sketchbook to him. "Wow, this is amazing. Where are you guys getting it?" "The dogs on my right hand with the words on my wrist." "Same as Dad." "All on my right wrist." He nods. We get led back and I watch him make the stencils.

Two more employees come over. "Okay, we'll do all three of you guys at the same time. I'll be doing Rachel. Do you guys want music? Rachel has her phone connected." "Sure, Rachel, your playlist is fine." I click on the music and lay down my palm so he could access it.

I watch him clean it and then put on the stencil. The music isn't loud so we could still talk. He begins it and I immediately wince. "Ow." I see Tony scrunch up his face as well. Erin looks uncomfortable, but I know it is her first tattoo.

"Tony, your first tattoo was the San Diego one, right?" He nods. My phone rings. I see it's a call from Kellin. I answer it. "Hey Kellin." I scrunch up my face and he laughs. "What are you guys doing? Tattoos?" I nod. I show him my palm. "Holy shit, that looks painful."

I hear Tony. "It is." I wince again. It is stinging a lot. I give Kellin a light smile. "I'll talk to you later." I hang up on him. I feel really dizzy. I feel myself slip out of consciousness. I regain consciousness and I open up my eyes. "Hey kid, are you okay?"

I nod. "I'm gonna close my eyes again. You can begin again." I feel it and I wince. Eventually, it is finished. I'm pretty dizzy. "Hey, are you okay?" I feel Tony's hand on my arm. "I'm dizzy. I'll be fine in a few minutes."

I feel a pill in my hand. I put it in my mouth and drink a little water. I eventually begin feeling better. I open my eyes and stand up, letting Tony support me mostly. "Could you take a picture of us?"

He takes a picture of the three of us. He wraps up our tattoos afterwards. Erin pays while Tony still supports me. I'm pretty tired which I'm assuming is a side effect of whatever medication he gave me.

We go into the car and he sits in the backseat with me. I go onto our huge group chat and send the pictures. "Those tattoos are amazing and also look very painful." Tony and I both reply at the same time. "They are." I add on to mine. "I passed out at one point in time."

I cuddle into Tony and close my eyes. It isn't long before I fall asleep. I wake up and I look at the time. It is 5 am. I yawn and see Tony is still asleep. I get out of the car and whisper to Erin. "I'll take over driving the rest of the way. You go to sleep."

She nods and goes back into the car, laying her head on Tony's shoulder. I take a picture and send it to the chat. "Can anyone honestly deny that they are cute?" "No. What are you doing up?" "Finishing the drive. What about you?" "It's only 3 AM here. I was streaming. CC was there as well; although, I think he is more drunk than I was."

I put in one of my earbuds and begin driving. Four hours later, we are pulling into the driveway at my house. I turn off the car. "We're here." We took Erin's car as an extra just for more comfort. I see Tony stir and Erin wakes up as well. The other cars pull in shortly after. They all stayed in hotels.

"Good morning!" I lead them inside. Kellin watches as I do the aftercare routine. "You seem very well versed." I give him a light smile. I go over to the horse that was very much definitely my girl.

"Hey Storm, you ready to ride?" Her ears turn and I smile. I groom her and tack her up. I walk her a little and tighten the girdle before mounting her. I look at Tony. "I'll be back soon. I want to go out trotting a little." He nods. I take off on a trot.

I get back to them and smile. "You're riding English." I see Alex and Lisa are riding the same while the rest of them are riding Western. "I've only ridden Western once. The horn bothers me." Alex laughs.

I lead them as we go off trotting. "I haven't tried most of these trails before. Might be logs we have to jump." I go quicker into a canter. I haven't cantered much before. I get up to a gallop for the first time and a log comes. I get into the two point and jump the log. I get into an open field and move a little sideways.

I lose my balance and tumble off the horse. Thankfully, she stops. Alex is down next to me before I can move. "Hey, are you okay? Did you hit your head? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine. I don't think I hit my head and the only thing that hurts is my elbow which is obviously dislocated, but I can fix it with help when we get back to the house." I stand up and mount again before he can stop me.

I see Kellin give me a concerned look. He is the only other one here. "Actually, just realized I can't two point if I can't use my one arm." I dismount. "Can you please help me?" Kellin dismounts and Alex ends up holding all three reigns.

"What do I do?" "Put your right hand under my elbow and hold my left hand." He does what I say as I say it. "Turn my hand so my palm is facing up. Straighten it. Pull a little and bring my palm up to my shoulder." I feel it pop and I wince. "I felt it pop. Is it back in place?" I nod.

I see Tony come around and immediate concern crosses his face. I move my elbow some. "We're good." I take my reigns back from Alex and mount Storm. "What happened?" "Dislocated my elbow. I'm fine, it's relocated now."

I begin cantering again, sticking to the canter for a while before returning to the gallop. There is a higher branch across the trail. "High branch jump!" I get into a two point and make it over it successfully, almost falling.

I wait at the edge of the clearing. Alex gets over first. "Did you jump that?" "Didn't really have enough time to stop." Kellin, Tony, and Vic appear. "The rest of them are looking for an alternate route. Too dangerous for Copeland especially to jump over."

We get back to the house and Tony puts a sling on me. "I can tell it is still hurting you. You need to rest it." Kellin's eyes light up. "Could you make the Fusilli for dinner tomorrow?" I look in the cabinet and find the noodles. "Yep. How about I'll make cinnamon rolls for breakfast tomorrow as well?"

He smiles. I make the same dinner and dessert I made the first night they were here. Eventually, we all go to bed and I fall asleep.

Texas is Forever (Tony Perry's Daughter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang