Chapter 5

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We arrive at the hospital and Tony checks me in. There aren't many people here so we are brought back quickly. A doctor comes in and looks at my knee. "It is definitely still dislocated. I need to relocate it. After that, surgery is probably the best option, especially if it's happened before." He looks at me.

"This is the third time completely." He nods. "Okay, this is going to hurt and I'm sorry." "I know and it's your job." I feel his hands on my leg and I close my eyes. He puts pressure on it which cause me to whimper. It goes back in place but I feel tears still present in my eyes and it still hurts.

"I'm going to take her back for a MRI. Are you going to come as well?" Tony nods. I watch the doctor put the knee brace back on me and he brings me back to the room for a MRI. Afterwards, I get brought back to my room.

"She has some pretty severe ligament damage in her knee. We are looking at a severely torn PCL and completely torn ACL and MPFL. She could get surgery tomorrow morning if you are open to it? She won't be able to bear weight on her left leg for the 6 weeks after surgery and up until it." Tony nods.

"I can bring her back in tomorrow, right?" "Yeah." He nods. "I'll sign for her to have the surgery tomorrow." The doctor nods. I get handed my crutches and I follow Tony back to the house.

Kellin and Vic give us a curious look. "I'll make y'all Eggs Benedict tomorrow for breakfast. I still want to be able to have Cinnamon Rolls." Tony nods while they look confused. "I'm going to bed. Make sure Charlie is confined to the living room before going to bed." They nod.

I go to my bedroom and lay down. Why does everything that makes me happy keeps getting taken away from me? Some tears fall down my face as I lay there. I take the blade out of my phone case and drag it against my arms.

When I finish, I get the first aid kit from my bathroom. I clean and wrap my arms up before going to sleep. I hear quiet voices when I wake up. "I wish she had came to find us rather than hurting herself." "Well, you remember how defensive I was about wanting to seem strong and like I was perfectly fine. I would be surprised if she didn't feel the same way."

"Do you think they are deep?" "Yeah. She has a pretty decent amount of gauze on them and some still have blood on the surface." "Is she going to freak out if she knows we know?" I shake my head before anyone verbally responds.

I look up at them. "I'm sorry. It's the only coping method I have." "C'mon, it's time you you and I to leave." He picks me up and carries me to the car. I'm still only about half awake.

We arrive at the hospital and I walk myself in. I get taken back and I watch the nurse look at my arms. I watch him gently unwrap them. "She'll need some stitches. I'll do those quickly before beginning pre-op."

I close my eyes and lay my head against Tony's arm. I feel the stinging of the lidocaine multiple times as he does stitches. I feel the sting of the IV being placed in my hand. I feel some panic about the idea of leaving Tony.

"Honey, do you want your dad to come back until you fall asleep?" I nod quickly. I get brought back to the operating room and they put the heart rate monitor stickers on me. I feel the oxygen mask get placed over my nose before something cold travels through my IV and then I fall asleep.

I wake up in the hospital room. Tony is next to me. "Hey honey, are you in any pain?" I shake my head. I feel incredibly on edge right now. "You look really anxious." I nod. "Do you know why?" I shake my head.

"How many stitches do I have?" "About 70 in total between your arms and your knee." I nod. "Do you want Vic and Kellin to come in?" I nod. I watch him send a text and a few moments later they are here. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"She said she feels really anxious." Vic gives me a light smile. He looks at my arms and knee. "You have a lot of stitches." I nod. A nurse comes in. "Hey honey, I'm gonna leave some crackers here for you to eat. We're looking at about an hour before you'll be released." I nod.

She leaves and I grab one of the crackers. I eat it even though I don't feel really tired right now. I know I have to eat before I can leave. After eating about 5, I cuddle back into the blankets. "Did someone feed the animals this morning?" Vic nods.

"I followed the paper you had in the barn and I let them out into their extended areas." I nod. The nurse comes back in eventually. "Alright honey, I'm going to begin discharging you. One of you will need to bring the car around front for her."

Vic looks at Tony. "I will." Tony looks at me. "Are you okay with him driving your truck?" I nod. Tony hands him the keys. Vic leaves. She takes off the monitors and takes out the IV. "She'll need to ice it multiple times per day, recommended is a minimum of 4-6 times a day for 15-20 minutes. She'll have all of these medications that she'll have to take as they direct.

Her knee brace will stay locked until they tell her otherwise in physical therapy and she is non weight bearing on crutches for 6 weeks." Tony nods. "I would also like to put her on antidepressants but that is completely up to you." He looks at me.

"Alright." She hands him another bottle of medication. Tony and I go to the car and Vic switches out of the front seat with Tony. We get back to my house and I yawn. I make the Creamy White Chicken Enchiladas, making ones with tofu for Tony.

I make some Mexican Style Rice and set it all out on the table. "Dinner's ready." They all come out. "This looks amazing." They eat it and I eat mine as well, but I'm exhausted. My phone rings. "I'll be back." I go out front and answer a call from my mom. "So it will be actually closer to four months before we come back down there. Daniel's gonna finish out high school football before we move down to you."

"Okay." She hangs up. I go back inside and eat quietly. "Honey, what's wrong?" "They only care about my brother." Tony's face fills with sadness. "We all care about you." He hugs me. "Can I go to my room?" "Can I have your blades?" I take the one out of my phone case.

"I don't have anymore." He nods. I go to my room and go underneath my blankets. I end up crying myself to sleep.

Texas is Forever (Tony Perry's Daughter)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя