Chapter 16

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It's April 9th. I'm exhausted, the babies have been kicking all night. It just hit midnight not too long ago. I feel a sharp pain and I wince. Jamia notices quickly. "Are you okay?" "I-I don't know." I feel liquid. "Jamia, I think my water just broke." "Frank!" He comes in.

"I think Rachel is going into labor." He nods. "Okay, breathe. C'mon, we're going to bring you to the hospital. I'll get your mom." Jamia helps support me as we go to the car.

Mama brings me in. "My daughter's going into labor. She's having contractions about every 3 minutes for about 45 seconds and her water broke." The doctor nods and I get brought back with Mama.

"Alright, since she is having a C-section, we could begin now, she is close enough." I watch a doctor put in my IV and monitors on my left arm. Mama takes a quick picture of me. "I'll be back in about 5 minutes." I see my phone and look at it.

"Tony, our daughter is going back for delivery." He replies. "I love you. Call me when she is out and you guys can." I get brought back and they give me an epidural. I watch as my babies are delivered. They all cry which I am thankful for.

I get brought back to the recovery room. I'm absolutely exhausted. I hear Mama. "Go to sleep, you need it." "I wanna talk to Papa first." She nods and FaceTimes him on the laptop.

The doctor comes in and hands me the little girl and Mama one of the boys. Papa answers. "They are so small." "All babies are small. I don't think they are abnormally sized." The doctor shakes her head.

"The little girl, baby A, was 4 pounds 6 ounces, the first boy, baby B, was 5 pounds 1 ounce, and the second boy, baby C, was 4 pounds 12 ounces. Do you have their names?" I nod. She hands me the birth certificates.

Elena Arcelia Perry. Michael Benjamin Perry. Anthony Jackson Perry. I hand them back to her and yawn. "You'll be tired and I recommend you sleep. We'll take care of your babies until you are recovered." I nod and she takes the baby from my arms. My eyes close and I fall asleep.

I wake up again and Gerard is in the room. He smiles. "I can't believe I share my birthday now with four tiny humans." "Four?" "Jamia had her baby shortly after you." "Oh." I rub my eyes.

"You appear like you are so innocent." "I'm not, I think my mind is though. I've began repressing memories since Papa got me again. I don't remember most of what happened anymore besides the fact I was abused and raped."

I watch him look at my arms which are still covered in fresh cuts. "Can you please try to stop? Go to therapy, go on meds if needed." "I had. I wasn't able to go back on my meds with me being pregnant though." He nods.

I see a doctor come in. "Hey honey, your babies are all doing well. In fact, they'll all be able to go home with you in two days." I give a small smile. "Do you want to try to let Michael breastfeed?" I nod. She returns a few minutes later with him.

"Y'know, I don't think he is any smaller than I was at birth. I was 5 weeks early, actually, my due date was April 9th." Michael latches on immediately and begins breastfeeding. I watch him with a small smile on my face.

I hear voices coming towards the room. I see Jordan, Papa, and Mama come in. "Aw, my first little girl is all grown up." I giggle. "Papa, meet Michael Benjamin Perry. The girl that no one is holding is Elena Arcelia Perry, and the other boy is Anthony Jackson Perry." I watch him pick up Elena.

"They're all beautiful and look just like you." "I'm glad. I would rather them look like me than their biological father." Mama picks up Anthony. "Papa, aren't you still on tour?" "We have a week long break." I nod.

"We only have a month after that and then we'll be back home." I nod again. Being away from Dad is making me super anxious, but I don't want to tell him that. I'm 20, I should be able to function without my dad.

"Rachel, we're planning a huge blowout festival for two summers from now. All of the bands that live down our street. I know My Chem and Fall Out Boy wanted you to join them on tour next year as well. If you are going and need help, I'm willing to come with you."

I give him a smile. "Thanks, Papa." I yawn again and Papa puts Michael away. "Go to sleep, honey."

3 Years Later

They are having a huge party. The Bengals won the Super Bowl. I am extremely tired. I have been. None of them know I am suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukemia. None of them know I don't have a life expectancy of over a year.

I cuddle into my blanket. I don't let them see how sick I am getting, but I think Gerard and Mikey are beginning to figure it out. I've pushed myself away from all of them as much as I can.

Mikey sits down next to me. "You're sick aren't you. Probably something terminal if you won't tell anyone." I look at him with tears in my eyes and I nod. "Acute Myeloid Leukemia. They're giving me 9 months. They said it looks like the chemo isn't working."

He looks sad. "I'm sorry, kid." I shrug. "I have a DNR order just in case something happens." I see Elena walk out into the main road in front of the house and my eyes widen. A car is coming fast. I sprint over and push her to the side of the road and a sharp pain flies through my body.

I feel myself go flying and my head hits the ground. I can't move or anything. I see Papa by my side. "Rachel, please don't be dead." I watch him feel my pulse. "No. This can't be happening."

"Tony, she just told me she has a DNR. She has Acute Myeloid Leukemia and wasn't expected to make it more than 9 months anyways." His eyes fill with tears. I watch an ambulance come as well as a police car. Both of my grandpas are beside me. "C'mon, kid. It's time to let go." I give a weak nod and follow them.

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