Chapter 3

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"Honey, time to wake up. We need to get things from the store." I nod. I recognize the music playing as Blink-182 even though I don't recognize the song.

"I'm presuming you don't have anything you need for the farm?" I shake my head. "I have a lot of my mom's money though." He smiles. We go into the store and collect everything either of us can think of for the animals.

We get to my farm and I drive up the long dirt road. "I'll need to get an oil change soon. Those miles really rack up." I read the sticker and as I say that the check engine light pops on. "Stupid fucking car." He looks curious.

"This car is awful. The reason I took it though was because we have a total of three cars. They didn't want me driving the more expensive SUV and there was no way I was going to successfully haul the huge trailer up here without tipping it or getting into a crash."

"How old is it?" "2011, I believe. Maybe 2009." He nods. "Is it your car?" "I mean, I guess it is now since I have my license. Mind you, I only got my license less than a week ago. They managed to get me a Texas license which is nice. They bought a pick-up truck that I'm picking up tonight as well as a horse trailer."

We work on unloading the car and setting up the barn. It's only about 8 am currently, which is good because it gives us extra time to set up. I drove until 12:30 last night when Tony made me pull over because I was practically falling asleep at the wheel.

We finish and it is noon. I see a few trucks pull up. "Hi, you must be Rachel Grilley?" I nod. "You could show us around the barn and we'll unload the animals." I show him around it and watch as they unload the animals. "Okay, miss. It's all settled. Have a nice day!" "You too!" Tony smiles when they leave.

"You looked uncomfortable being addressed like that." "I grew up in the city even if it wasn't a big city. I'm used to people pushing me around, running into me, having to take so many protective measures to be safe. Down here, everyone treats everyone with such respect. I love the country, but it's so different."

He smiles. "Any chance you know how to ride?" "Probably not well, not knowing how easily spooked or how trained these horses are." I nod. I make sure everything is locked up properly in the barn before going to the house. The dog follows us in. "Hey Charlie." Her tail wags. We go inside and I sneeze a few times.

I go back to the car and take an antihistamine. "Are you okay?" I nod. "Just allergies." He nods. I go inside. "Go ahead and go to your house, get some sleep. I'll meet you guys for dinner." "Later?" "Probably 7-7:30." He nods. "You sure you got everything handled?" I nod.

He leaves and I set my phone up to the stereo system. There is some higher tech things in the house but it appears it wasn't really cleaned before hand. I have about 6 hours to clean before dinner.

I go through all 8 bathrooms first. I throw everything in the wash and then scrub the bathrooms clean. My animals from home are supposed to arrive in two days and then I'll have to go back to cleaning regularly.

When all that is finished, I move to the kitchen and dining room. I go about heavy cleaning it as well. I finish and my alarm goes off. I feed all of the animals and give them fresh water before heading out.

I get to the address he sent me and he smiles. "Hey." I give him a light smile. I'm exhausted. I eat with them. "Rachel, we're going to pick up your truck and then I'm going to stay with you tonight, okay?" I nod.

"The bedrooms aren't cleaned yet. I'm gonna just sleep on the floor of the kitchen. I have an air mattress." He nods. "We could help you clean tomorrow?" "As much as I love the offer, I'm very systematic and having other people ruins my systems."

I drive to the car store. "Hi, you must be Miss Grilley?" I nod and give him a light smile. He leads me over to a gorgeous truck and horse trailer. "May I see your driver's license for verification?" I show it to him. "Okay. Here are the keys. Have a good night! Let me know if you have good hunting on your property and you allow it, I'm always looking for new places." "Okay, you too!"

The guy walks away. "How do you feel about hunting?" "I don't like trophy hunting. I think it's fine as long as it is regulated otherwise. I personally can't shoot an animal though. I can't shoot well anyways since I'm left eye and right hand dominant so there is nearly no aim."

"Shotguns, rifles, muzzleloader, handguns?" "I've shot a shotgun before. I have a shotgun, rifle, and handgun with me for safety." He nods. I get in the truck. "I'll drive your SUV back to your house." I nod.

I drive the truck off the property and get home. It handles really nice. Personally, I would have preferred an electric car but this is better for the country. I go inside the house with Tony. I blow up an air mattress and we both lay down on it. "Sleep well."

The animals are all locked up. Charlie is locked up in the living room. I begin thinking about everything crazy that has happened. I text Reggie. "Hey dude, I finally arrived in Texas." "Why are you in Texas?" "Oh shit, I didn't tell you. I moved. I'm living alone for about 2 months before my family comes. Found out my dad is actually not my biological dad. Found my biological dad, and now I am in Texas. My mom doesn't know I found my biological dad."

"Wow, that's crazy. You want to know what else is crazy? Sophia and I shared our first "I love you" yesterday!" I respond quickly. "Cute... I should probably go to sleep. Talk to you later." I set down my phone. I wish I could meet someone for me. The only person I'm attracted to is Johnnie Guilbert. I fall asleep in the midst of a mental argument.

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