Chapter 9

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I wake up in the morning and I'm in bed. I hear someone come in. "Hey honey, it's time to wake up." I let my eyes open slowly and I yawn. I rub my eyes and sit up. "Here's some breakfast." I take it and eat it.

He sits down at the foot of my bed. "Honey, I'm not mad, I'm just worried. I don't want something to happen to you. Have you been taking your meds?" I shake my head. "My biological mom threw them all away. She "didn't want me all drugged up for things that don't exist"."

"We'll get your meds when we get back to Texas. I'll get your prescriptions moved down here." I nod. "Are Vic and Kellin mad?" "Not at all, honey. They are just as worried as I am. C'mon." He offers his hand to me and I grab it cautiously.

He helps me up and we go downstairs. I have a headache and I still feel kind of drowsy. I feel like I'm hungover, I've experienced it before. "I feel hungover." "How do you know what that feels like?"

"I've been hungover before multiple times. I don't think through actions. I don't think through the fact alcohol addiction runs in my mom's family, I choose to drink anyways. I choose to give into the urges and drink more and more times."

"Are you addicted to alcohol?" "I don't know." I see Kellin stumble into the house. Tony immediately goes over to him. "Kellin, are you drunk?" He giggles. "Are you?" I hear Tony sigh. "Rachel, go get Katelynne and Nick. Nick is one house further down on that side."

I nod and leave. I knock on the door of Nick's house and he answers it quickly. "Hey honey, what's up?" "Tony wanted me to get you. Kellin showed up to our house really drunk." "Okay. Jenna, I'm heading over to Tony's! I'll be over there for a while!" "Alright!"

He walks with me and we get Katelynne. They go into the house. "I need to go somewhere else. Being near him like that is going to make me upset." They nod. I venture off and find myself at a liquor store.

I see a woman about to go in. "Is there any chance you can buy me a thing of Vodka? I'm having a party tonight." "As long as you promise to be safe." I nod and hand her the money. She hands it to me when she leaves and I smile. "Thank you."

I find an abandoned park and open the Vodka. I take a few swigs, welcoming the burning taste. I don't know how much I have drank when my phone rings. I answer it. "Hello?" "Where are you?" "I don't know." "Your words are slurring. Are you drunk?"

"I don't know." "Send me your location and stay on the phone." I send it to him and take another swig of the Vodka. I feel Vic next to me. "Honey, I need you to throw up. I'm gonna make you throw up, okay?"

After I throw up a bit, he carries me to the car. We get back to the house and he carries me in. "Tony." "Oh, fuck." I feel myself get laid down near someone else. "Has she ever drank before?" "Yeah. When Kellin burst in we were talking about it. She said alcoholism runs in her mom's family and when I asked her if she is addicted she said she didn't know."

"Where did she even get the alcohol from?" "The store, one way or another." "How much did she drink of what?" "Nearly half the pint sized bottle of Vodka." "Fuck, we need to take her to the hospital. Kellin should also go because we don't know how much he drank."

I feel myself get picked up. I'm not aware of my surroundings until I recognize I'm in a hospital room. I have a new nasogastric tube in my nose and there is a doctor right in front of me. "Hey honey, are you more aware now?" I give a small nod.

"Why did you drink so much?" I shrug. "This is going to likely feel uncomfortable." I'm still slipping in and out of consciousness. She finishes and leaves the room. I see Kellin. He is definitely awake. "K-Kellin?" He looks over. "Hey. Why are you here?"

"Suspected alcohol poisoning, same as you." "Fuck. Katelynne and Vic'll be so disappointed in me." Two doctors come in with a pack each. "You guys will both need Central Venous Catheters. You'll be lightly sedated to relax you, but you will still be awake. It's to filter the blood in your system."

I watch the doctor come to my side and I close my eyes for a minute so I don't see the needle putting the medication into my IV. I feel my body relax some. She come to my right side and after she cleans it, I feel the stinging of the Lidocaine in my neck.

"Alright, it's done." She walks away and soon after, Kellin's doctor does as well. "Kellin, I feel bad for doing this to our family." "I do too." I see Tony, Vic, Nick, and Katelynne all come in. Vic and Tony immediately come to my side while Nick and Katelynne go to Kellin's.

Tony and Vic both hug me. "I'm sorry." "Can I ask you some serious questions?" I nod. "How often were you drinking?" "Daily." "How often were you getting drunk?" "Probably 5 or more times a week." "Do you get urges to drink?"

I fidget with my ring but nod. I see Nick come over. "We could help you if you let us." I notice Kellin is unusually quiet. "Kellin, are you okay?" "Physically, yes. Mentally, I don't think so." I see Katelynne lean down to him and then after he nods she leaves.

Nick goes back over to him and I cuddle into the blankets. Katelynne comes back in. "They want to hold both of you for a week. Obviously, Kellin could sign himself out and Tony can sign Rachel out earlier." I hear Nick.

"I think it would be fine if they were gonna get signed out. They want to hold for withdrawal symptoms most likely, which we don't have to worry about with Kellin. The chances she'll have severe enough withdrawal symptoms that she would have to come back partnered with how much more comfortable she would be at home, signing her out would probably be your best choice as well."

Tony nods. My eyes close and soon enough I fall asleep.

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