Chapter 14

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I hear a knock on the door and I answer it. Jordan hugs me and I hug her back with the one arm. It's been about 3 weeks, the good thing with that is it actually gave me enough time to recover.

Lisa seems to recognize my height first. "You're a lot taller." "Only 6 inches. I'm 5'9. I grew some." I neglect to mention the fact I got a limb lengthening surgery a year or so back.

I go with her to the courthouse and they sign off her custody to me. "Jordan Alexis Wilcox is now legally under Rachel's custody and her name is now Jordan Alexis Perry." I see Lisa bend down to Jordan. "I'm no longer your mom, honey. Rachel is your mom now. You can call her mom, mommy, or mama when you are ready but I'm pretty sure she would be fine with you not calling her mom until you are comfortable with that."

I watch Lisa walk off and Jordan looks confused. "So you're my mom now?" I nod. She hugs me. "I love you, Mama." I guess she kind of saw me as a parent already. "C'mon, let's go back home so you can meet the rest of our big family."

Everyone is inside. "Okay, so basically, that is Grandpa Tony and Grandma Erin, my parents. They are the only ones her that we are related to but we are all kind of like a family.

Otherwise, we have left to right in the kids: Jaylynn, Isobel, Dennis, Vivian, Lennon, Kennedy, Marvel, Zayda, Rowan Way, Antero, Mark, Declan, Saint, Ruby, Miles, Remy, Copeland, Cherry, Lily, Bandit, Bronx, Rowan Quinn, and Liam.

Of the adults, also, Rowan Q and Liam are technically adults: Mikey, Kristin, Frank, Jamia, Gerard, Lindsey W, Ray, Christa, Joe, Marie, Patrick, Elisa, Pete, Meghan, Andy H, Meredith, Jaime, Jessica, Vic, Danielle, Mike, Alysha, Nick, Jenna, Justin, Lindsey H, Kellin, Katelynne, Jack F, Lauren, Matty, Andy B, Juliet, Jake, Inna, Jinxx, Alice, CC, Lonny, Rhita, Alex, Lisa, Jack B, Rian, Savannah, and Zack."

She giggles. "I'm not going to be able to remember that." I smile. "It's okay, you can ask Matty, Mike, Alysha, or multiple of the girls and they will agree it's hard to remember." I see multiple nods.

"Jordan, how old are you?" "9. 10 in June." "You have really light hair and eyes." "This sun is going to burn me." "I'll give you sunscreen." She grabs my right hands and traces the tattoo on my palm. "What's this?" "It's a tattoo. Most of the other adults here have at least one. Your biological mom had one as well. Mine did too."

"Did Uncle Paul have a tattoo?" I flinch a little at his name but shake my head. "He didn't like tattoos or piercings." She nods and begins socializing with others. I feel Vic sit next to me. "Are you okay?" I nod.

"Just don't like talking about him." "I know. She'll want to know eventually, we'll be with you when you choose to tell her if you want us to." I give him a small smile. "Thank you."

Eventually, it is just Dad, Mom, Jordan, and I left in the house. "Okay Jordan, I'm going to set some rules in place. Your school comes before electronics. You will be expected to complete your homework and I will check it right after you get home from school. You will be expected to do 20-30 minutes of studying or, if you have nothing to study, reading a day.

You will have two hours of screen time. On Wednesday nights, it is family game night. We'll set aside time and play board games. Normally, Copeland, and Kellin or Katelynne joins us, but sometimes we do big games outside between our families. I want you to find at least one sport to participate in, whether it be running, swimming, baseball, soccer, or even just working out with some of our family and I.

Every Saturday you will clean your room until it's clean before you can play video games." She nods. "We'll have dinners at the table besides Friday nights and most Saturday's. Saturday's we normally have a big barbecue so long as the weather complies. Oh, I almost forgot, you have to get the video games you play approved. Some, I know you were allowed to play with your biological mom and dad, but I don't think they are age appropriate, such as Call Of Duty."

I see disappointment cross over her face, but to my surprise, she nods. "Mama, I want to exercise with you as my sport, at least for now." I nod. "Most of us go to a gym that we're really good friends with the manager so as long as you're not messing around you'll be let in."

She smiles. "Okay. Can I begin learning drums now?" "Yeah. The 6 drummers all said they would teach you. You get to choose who you want to go to first. Mike, Rian, Matty, CC, Andy H, or Rowan Q." "CC!" I smile.

"Alright then, let's go over to CC's!" I walk in CC's house. We all have keys to each other's houses, so we know any of the knocking is the kids. Our neighborhood is completely gated and locked. The good thing about there being a ton of kids, most of us have different sized versions of the instruments in our houses.

"CC, we're home! Are you decent?" "Yep! I'm back in my music room!" I lead Jordan back. I watch him teach her some basic drum beats and eventually he begins to teach her a song I kind of recognize.

He had given me ear plugs so I don't damage my hearing. I watch CC pull up the song. He smiles to me and I pull out my camera. He counts down for me to record. I record as she plays through the song. She finishes and I clap.

I add the backing track over it and I have a completed video of watching my daughter play Let It Be. I post it on Instagram. "Great music lasts for generations. The next young Perry decided she wanted to learn how to play drums. Sure enough, here she is playing Let It Be by The Beatles."

I post it. "Rachel, I'm surprised you recognized that song. It's so much older than you." "If it helps, I think I grew up in the wrong generation." He laughs. "It's okay, Andy did as well."

Jordan comes over to me. "CC, can you play one of your songs?" He smiles and nods. He begins playing Born Again. She smiles when he finishes. "That's so cool!" I laugh. "It's CC's favorite song his band has made."

"I want to listen to more music." "I'll show you some bands when we get home." I hear a knock on the door and CC answers it. "Jordan, we're playing Hide and Seek tag! Want to play?" She nods and looks at me.

"Go on." She goes running out of the house. "She has so much energy." I nod in agreement. "Thankfully, she is already listening to me a lot better than she listened to her biological parents."

I go outside and sit next to Frank who appears to be refereeing their game. "Your daughter is clever. She's already recognized most of them won't climb the trees. Miles, Jack, Bronx, and occasionally Copeland will climb the trees but the rest like staying close to the ground."

I see her up in the tree. I look at the time. "Can you watch her? I need to go to my appointment." I lay my hand on my belly. He is the only one that knows I am pregnant. "Mikey, come here." He runs over. "Can you ref their game and watch the kids?" "Sure." He sits down and Frank walks off with me.

"I'm coming with you." I nod and we head off.

Texas is Forever (Tony Perry's Daughter)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon