Chapter 8:Cursed

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                DOUBLE UPDATE my first time doing a double update hope you like it.Took me years to write this literary 2 weeks  

Alex fell to the ground with a thud,"Alex"Ariana ran to Alex's body "Alex!,Alex,wake up;please" tears filled her eyes and rolled down her rosey cheeks. Amy and Draco were trying to distract the lady from Ariana  and Alex,"Amy!"draco yelled as Amy was thrown to a wall.

Draco helpped amy up "what are we going to do?" Amy whispered "I don't about we get the others and escape" draco whispered back, "get away from us!!" Amy and Draco turned to where the scream came from "Ari!" amy ran over to ariana  ignoring the pain from her back "stop!" a bright engery force flashed "you humans really are paethic" the lady started laughing like a manic 'this my chance I can't ruin it"draco thought.

He stood up and sneaked behind the lady then kicked her,she dropped onto the floor,draco got on top of her and started chocking her "RUN!" draco yelled. Amy ran to ariana and helpped her carry alex to a white wall different from the other black ones.

The wall was far away from the lady and draco,so it was safe. Ariana and Amy was about to sit down when they were pulled into the wall and were back to the hallway.

'Draco please hurry' Amy thought--They checked on alex and found out he was unconsious not dead. It's been 30 minutes and draco hadn't come out yet,Amy started getting worried "am going back for draco" amy said as she stood up "what! you it's dangerous" Ariana said stansing up as well "it's also dangerous if hes in there by himself" Amy said Ariana kept quiet,she knew what Amy said was right but she didn't want anymore of her friends to getting hurt.

Amy turned around after not getting a answer,she put her hand on the wall behind her and a door handle appeared.She waited for a few seconds and got pulled in.When she got in sje was met with another body *uff* "ow...DRACO?!?!?" Amy looked at   down at draco then looked up,the lady   was walking over to them "oh no" amy put her hand on the wall and the other on draco-then they were pulled out of the room.

"Amy!Draco!" Ariana exiamed "oh thank god your oka-watch out!!"two large arms came out the wall.Amy pulled draco and started running "your not going anywhere" the lady said as she pulled amy and draco back .

"You can't escape this is my home" she laughted lake a manic "time to finish you" she said in a deep voice. She raised her hands into the air,before she could say anything someone kicked her again "run guys" the person was...ALEX???.

Amy and draco started running followed by alex after.The witch-am going to call her the witch cause lady is too kind sounding,Anways back to the book- was fuming,she said a spelling under her breath and shadow figure appeared.

They ran as fast as their feet could carry them,running anywhere just to get away from the evil witch and her shadow figures. "Alex!!" Amy screamed-damn alex really be getting himself in trouble- as one of the shadows took him.They started running after the shadow---draco jumped and luckly he caught alex's foot.He tried to push the shadow away. It was a total fail with him almost falling down.

The shadow took them back to what seemed like a throne room with the witch sitting on the throne *thud*Alex and Draco landed on the ground with a loud thud "look at you,time for your punishment" she walked over to draco," don't touch him!" Alex yelled "ugh,so annoying" the witch said as she did a spell on Alex causing him to fall asleep. "Now back to you" the witch said she rised her hands into the air and a symbol appeared on top of draco's head then she started chanting "Σας καταρατώ στα 25α γενέθλιά σας τα αγαπημένα σας πρόσωπα θα σκοτωθούν και θα μετατραπεί σε άγαλμα και θα τοποθετηθεί σε αυτό το δωμάτιο μέχρι τα 45α γενέθλιά σας(I curse you on your 25th birthday your loved ones will be killed,and you will turn into a statue placed in this room.)" the symbol disappeared after she finished the curse,draco fell unconscious after. "DRACO!ALEX!"amy and ariana yelled 'these annoying brats just don't give up' the witch thought "stop" the witch whispered Amy and Ariana froze in their place.

The witch teleported them next to the boys "sleep" she whispered,just like that amy and ariana fell asleep."Τα όνειρα του φωτός, οι αναμνήσεις του σκότους μετατρέπουν αυτές τις αναμνήσεις σε ένα σκοτεινό όνειρο(Dreams of light,memories of dark turn these memories into a dark dream)" she finished the spell,then teleported them back to their homes "now,let's sit back and enjoy the show"

Okay this is your gift I hope you liked it😁. I don't know greek I used google translater.Tell me if I got somethings wrong,also I forgot to tell you that the sneak peaks are from random chapters in the book😣.Have a blood sucking night vamps😘.

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