2 - Mal

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"You sure she's coming with them today.." I asked, "Positive..Evie made her a gown and even a tiara in her honor..", "Seems like you're bribing her to like you.."

Ben laughed, "She's only 16..and 16 year olds are different then each other.", "What's that supposed to mean.."

I looked at him, "Some 16 year olds are rebellious and some follow rules..remember when me and the other VK's came. We were rebellious both ways, towards you and towards our parents.."

He smiled, "I remembered that.." he kissed my hand as we headed out and went towards the shore and saw the boat coming by as it set its anchor down.

The bridge came down as Ariel and Eric got off and we both bowed. "Welcome..", "It's a pleasure to meet you both.."

They smiled, "Sorry for a late notice but Melody has declined coming here, she is looking for a coronation dress as we speak..", "Oh no worries..A friend of mine actually made her a one of a kind gown and a tiara.

We could look at it and see if you want to bring it home as a gift for Melody." They smiled, "That would be lovely Mal.." said Ariel, "I'm here! I'm so sorry I had to finish up the seams around the waist but I'm here."

I turn and see Evie, "Ariel, Eric, this is Evie, the daughter of the evil queen and our head seamstress. Evie this is Ariel and Eric from the South Of Auradon.."

She bowed, "Quick question..where's Melody.." Ariel explained to Evie what happened and Evie didn't look happy. "Oh..I totally understand..",

"Maybe another we can meet at your castle since she'll be there.." they nodded, "You know, speaking of visiting her coronation is coming up very fast like 4 days top. Why not come home with us and live in the guest rooms."

"That would be so cool Ariel..are my friends welcome to come along.." she nodded, "If you promise not to steal anything then you're all welcome,"

"Stealing was back when I was 15 and now I'm 27..but I'll be sure to pass on the message.." she smiled, "Great. Let's go look at the dress and sail away home."


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