6 - Mal

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"Ben..What's wrong.." asked Jay as I went to him, "Melody..she..she's.." I held his hand, "She's what.." I said, "She's missing..", "She can't be missing,  I brought all my sewing needles and hemming stuff along with a personalized.."

We all looked at Evie and said, "gown, tiara and heels..." she looked flustered. "Ariel and Eric are sending a search party.."

"She couldn't have gone far, it's not like she has fins like her mother.." as I said that we all separated as Ben with Ariel and Eric as I stayed back with VK's.

"What now.." said Carlos, "We have to think..what would you do in her shoes and or if she has fins.."

Poor Unfortunate Soul

The only way to look for her
Is doing what we know best

Can we even do that?

We're  not stealing
What I meant was to search high and low for her
To help the unfortunate soul who is lost.
Where would she go as there is  no one else to turn to.
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch
But Ben saw the good in me and helped me out

Your getting off track
But we will find that girl
I can go look up high in the castle views

Maybe you can conjure a spell
since I know you have a little magic
It's a talent that I always have adored
And dear Mal, please don't laugh
You should use it on our behalf
Maybe it can give us a little clue if she is here on land or out on the sea
Since that poor unfortunate soul
Is lost, is needed to be found
We got find the girl

Magic leads us always into trouble
Since we do you adored Mal's magic abilities
Do I get to help?

This poor unfortunate soul
So sad, so true
She was here one minute then gone the next
Hearing her mother crying, "Melody, she's missing!"
And We help them!
We will look high and low like the sea levels
Yes we do

Have we got a plan?

Yes but one quick thing

What is it Carlos

Isn't that the isle

And isn't that Harry, Gil and Uma and...


"Melody?" I said. "Uma, Harry and Gil, who would have guessed that you were here." Said Evie. "It's not what it looks like.." said Uma, "Right.." Carlos said. "The crab legged son is evil..", "We all bet Yuma gave him the full dose.." said Gil, "Wait Yuma still alive..I thought she drowned.."


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