Anger and Lightning

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(Y/N) POV - 2220 words

I'm leaning against the wall, back in my room. Killua's laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"We won't be seeing him ever again," I chuckle. It's been a few minutes of silence. I feel, strangely, more at ease now that I've come to terms with my feelings. You'd think I'd be more nervous, what with my love in my room and all. 

I don't want to act strange to him, I'm still not ready to confess my feelings to him. It was only ten minutes ago that I admit it to myself. I sigh, it's nice to finally, finally, realize my feelings. It's a huge weight off my shoulders.

Killua sits up, "Something wrong?"


"You sighed. Is something wrong?"

"Worried about me?" I tease. Don't be obvious, stay inconspicuous. It seems my assassin training can be applied to my love life too, I think bitterly.

Killua scoffs, "You wish. I just think I should know if something happened, so I can be prepared."

Of course, he's thinking analytically, as always.

"They just, underestimated you... your difference in strength was so apparent, you could see it even without Nen," I reply, "He should've been smarter."

It's not a lie, it's true, it's just not why I sighed.

"Oh, you flatter me," he smirks, "What do you think he's going to do?"

"Escape the country, become a hermit, go insane from fear? Doesn't matter as long as he stays all the way away from us."

He chuckles, "Fair."

"Why do you think they want to be floor masters so bad?" I muse.

"Floor masters are granted all sorts of prestige. They could live off that for the rest of their lives," Killua answers.

I get up off the wall, concealing myself with Zetsu since disappearing completely would be suspicious, "Shall we go pay a visit to his friends?"

He smiles, a sly look falling through his eyes, "I thought you'd never ask."

We sneak into their room just as Gido asks, "Will that kid try threatening us?"

Killua leans against the doorway, waiting for an opportune moment.

"The boy doesn't know my power," Riehlvelt points out, "As long as we're careful, we can handle him."

"You're wrong," Killua jumps on the opportunity. I sneak around and lean on their windowsill, three feet away.

"It's irrelevant to me what your power is," he moves until he's next to me, sitting on the ledge, "I can threaten you whenever I want."

They leap backwards, surprised.

"Whenever and where I choose... When you're sound asleep... When you're taking a dump. Got it?"

I think he meant the last one to be threatening, and it is a pretty disturbing thought, though it's more of a funny mental image than scary. If I was offed whilst taking a shit, not only would I be embarrassed and disappointed in myself, but just downright offended.

Killua jumps off the ledge, walking between the two wanna-be floor masters. He gets halfway to the door before speaking again, "Now, listen up. You have to follow the rules.. Without rules, we are the ones who would benefit."

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