A Calm in the Insanity

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(Y/N) POV - 1510 words

We've arrived at the Butlers' Quarters. The door is opened by a tall man with pale skin and glasses.

"Master Killua. We've been waiting for you," the man, who I presume is the head butler, greats, "Who is this?"

"Heiress," I reply in his stead, "Title form, rather than name. Glassi. Pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Gotoh. Where is Gon right now? You know, don't you?" Killua asks before he—Gotoh—can ask me any more. Just as well, I don't really want to talk to anyone right now. The common exception, as always, being Killua. 

"Canary is bringing Master Gon along with his two friends, even as we speak," Gotoh replies. Killua's eyes brighten, he can't wait to see Gon. I can't, either, but I don't show it as much. Last time I saw him, I claimed him as under my protection, I really do love him like a brother. It's hard not to make a connection with him, especially with how outgoing and sweet he is.

"They'll be arriving shortly, so please wait inside," Gotoh continues. We both enter, Gotoh closing the door behind me silently. 

"Gotoh, the second he's here, tell us," Killua commands, turning to him. 

"Of course. I shall notify you immediately."

From the look Gotoh gives to Killua's back, I know he's got different plans. Killua walks off with another butler, but I'm more hesitant to follow. I don't trust them as he does, after all, I'm not part of the Zoldyck family. Not yet, at least, if Kikyo has anything to say about it. I was under the impression she didn't want Killua to leave, so it's strange for her to agree to it so quickly. No matter, it's over and in the past now.

Reluctantly, I trail behind, mostly because I really want to sit down. I kind of understated how bad I felt when I told Killua I was fine earlier. All of my limbs hurt, nothing which won't go away with a good night's rest, but all the walking certainly didn't do anything for my jarred brain and broken body. The Zoldycks have found some pretty interesting new torture techniques. 

I rub the side of my neck, careful of the bandages, and roll my shoulder. Their manacles aren't the most comfortable, either. I let out a huff of breath in amusement, sarcasm doesn't do anything if it's inside your own head.

We're led to a bedroom, it's plain with just a bed and a couple dressers. There's a bookshelf against one wall, but there isn't much else. Once the butler is far out of earshot, I close the door and speak to Killua.

"Should I start introducing myself as your betrothed, then?" I ask, smile playing on my lips.

"Oh, man, don't get me started," he rolls his eyes, laughter underlying his words. His face falls into a look of deep concentration. He must be thinking about the proposal. He's so strong willed I hope he doesn't refuse just because he doesn't want to do anything his parents want him to do. Unfortunately, I think he's stuck between his father—who he really admires—and his mother, who he's less than amicable with.

"Killua," I say, voice soft, "A piece of advice: what you want doesn't necessarily have to be what your parents don't want. I remember it took me a long time to figure out, so I thought I'd tell you straight out."

He flinches like I'd read his mind, "I– Yeah, guess so."

"Do you want to go outside and wait for the others?" We've both given a lot to think about, but I think it's a little too much to tackle right now, by ourselves. For all I love being alone, I think it would do us both some good to be around the others.

Just as I ask, the sound of clapping sounds from the foyer. We both look at each other wearing matching smiles. We run to the door, nearly tripping over each other. When we reach the door, we stop and look over each other, fixing our clothes to make it look like we weren't just racing through the hallways to get to them. I brush some dust off Killua's shirt and make sure it's laying flat, he pulls the collar of my shirt up a little higher to hide the bandages; we don't need them asking questions.

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