1st clue

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I've been quite busy and with a small writer's block :'v

Next morning came and Izuku was waking up, he stayed up late last night playing videogames, so he wasn't surprised the sun hit his eyes.

"Just some more minutes mom," the boy mumbled still half asleep.

"Oi, shut up, I'm trying to sleep," another voice said, right next to him. Izuku thought he was dreaming or something so he didn't say anything and instead turned around and stretched a bit, feeling something soft and warm covered by some fabric.

Izuku instantly perked up and saw he was touching Katsuki's chest. Said boy was livid and looked at the green haired boy.

"DEKU! What the fuck are you doing and in my room?!" The explosive teen threw Izuku from the room with a decent explosion which also woke everyone in their dorm.

Izuku was confused and saw he was actually in front of his room, not Katsuki's, so he entered the room and after some smack sounds Bakugo was the one thrown through the door.

"This is my room you idiot!" Everyone heard before a door was harshly closed.

"Everyone, meeting at the kitchen, now!" Katsuki barked with small explosions coming from his hands. "Let's have a talk, shall we?" No one could see him but they could feel the passive aggressiveness, so no one questioned him and did what he said.

Once they were all in the kitchen, Katsuki 'spoke'.


"So that's what happened," Mina barely held the laughs but they died as soon as Katsuki sent her a deathly glare. "No, it wasn't me," she replied a bit scared. "You're too heavy for me to carry."

"Good point, Racoon eyes, so it had to be either a boy or a certain girl with a quirk perfect for lifting heavy stuff." Uraraka now felt Katsuki's glare and it wasn't funny, at all.

"W-Wait, why m-me?" She stuttered.

"I don't know, you tell me," his calm voice was worse than him shouting.


"Enough Bakugo, it was me." Todoroki said coldly, unaffected by Katsuki's glare.

"Why? And you better be quick, half and half bastard." Everyone could see he was barely suppressing his rage, if the small explosions in his hands were any indication.

"Yes Todoroki, why?" Izuku suddenly said, no one noticed when he arrived to the kitchen. He was a bit annoyed but mostly curious.

"According to 'Psychology for dummies' you both show signs of keeping a secret, I thought you are gay and trying to hide it or you had some fight when you were kids. So I thought throwing both of you in the same room would either help you talking about being gay or talk your problems."

The whole class was stunned, as for Bakugo and Midoriya...

"YOU FUCKING THOUGHT I'M GAY!!!" Bakugo was barely restrained by Kirishima.

"Easy there, Bakugo," the red haired boy, who was also red because of the effort, grunted.

"Well, you're not that wrong Todoroki," Izuku finally talked, "we're not gay, I'll leave it at that."

"Ok, I hope I helped," Shoto answered coldly but also sincerely.

"Not exactly, but thanks for the thought," Izuku replied with a small smile.

"LET ME GO!! I'LL FUCKING LAUNCH THAT BASTARD TO THE MOON!!" Katsuki was still fighting against Kirishima's restrain.

"Shut up Kacchan, stop bitching or I'll make you." Izuku told his friend while everyone was wide eyed and thought the same thing. Midoriya would never ever speak like that. Who is this person?!

But before anyone could ask any questions, he excused himself and took a bowl of cereal to his room. The most surprising thing was that Bakugou actually calmed down and also went to his room.

Maybe that was a bit too much, Izuku thought but then, nah, I'm just tired of Kacchan's attitude, this pandemic really helped me to reflect on my life and achieve some inner peace, now that I think about it.

Now, as for the reason he returned so quickly to his room, it was because Gal would tell him the first clue in the morning. When he entered his room, he closed the door and turned on his computer.

Meanwhile in some dark corner, in a bar, there were some unique individuals who were in a bit of a situation.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR NOW!" A blonde girl with twin buns on her hair who wore a pink face mask, an oversized sweater with a large blood stain on it and a short skirt shouted while knocking hard on the door. Each bang on the door splattered some blood on the wood.

"What's the matter, Himiko Toga? You know there's a protocol to let any of us enter." A voice from the other side of the door answered. "I need to get the bleach and alcohol bottles and also close the corridor before I open the door."

"YOU CAN DO THAT LATER! TWICE HAD A CRISIS AND WAS SHOT! NOW OPEN BEFORE I FUCKING BREAK THIS DOOR!!" She was constantly looking behind her to check on her partner.

"Ok," the voice said and the door opened in no time.

"Finally!" The girl entered the place and dragged a guy in a black and grey full body costume. He had a blood stain on his shoulder and a bloody fabric on his forehead.

"Wow, he looks like shit." A man with burn scars all over his body and black hair gave a short laugh.

"Not fucking now, Dabi," Toga warned with a knife on her hands. "Kurogiri, help him."

The voice from before belonged to Kurogiri, a man with a body completely made of a dark misty substance.

"Hmm... seems like the bullet didn't touch anything important and he's just unconscious from the shock, he'll be fine in no time. But first..." He pointed to a shallow container with a clear liquid on it, it was bleach.

"I know, I know," the girl stepped on the container so the bleach disinfected her shoes, then she applied some alcohol on her hands and rubbed them together.

"Now, Dabi, help me put him on the table and stay because you'll cauterize the wound."

"I always wanted to burn him, it's not the same but quite close," the dark haired man shrugged his shoulders and did what was told.

"I see you're back, tell me, did you get the medicine?" From a screen, a man with pale skin and light blue hair asked Himiko. He was wearing a facial mask and facial protector.

"The heroes are protecting every hospital, not to mention the military are patrolling the streets, so nope, we couldn't get your medicine and Twice got shot."

"Dammit, Giran already lost the game, and I'm under the sickness effects. It's official, we're in deep shit." He sighed. Not to mention my master is in grave danger of also getting sick.

"Now, now Tomura, even though not even I could have predicted a pandemic at this age, we can still... pass this level, as you would put it." A man wearing a metallic mask all over his face said from another screen.

"Mr. All For One, do you have a plan?" Toga asked hopeful, she didn't like to get out to try and get some medicine and risk getting infected.

"Child, I always have a plan." They could feel he was smiling even if they couldn't see his face.

Back to U.A., Izuku was now on a very important mission, trying to identify Gal with the first clue she gave her. She has black hair. With this information, plus the fact that she heard the sound at the same time, he started by reducing the size of his search. So he reduced the distance to just 5 dorms, his own dorm and the other 4 who were really close to it.

As for Yui, she also began to look for Hero35. He told her he's shorter than most guys, she also reduced the distance of her search, except that instead of 5 dorms, she reduced it to 3 counting her own dorm.

So, here it is hehe, I hope you like it. Fun fact, the first half was already written since about February. Also, who do you think will find the other first?

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