From bad to worse

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It was already midnight, two things were happening at the same time in very distant and different places. Let's start with the most interesting, the Tartarus prison, yes, that one, where the most dangerous criminals were locked up for the good of society and, in some cases, the world.

In a cell, but not just any one, but the one that had the most security and the one that was furthest from any entrance, being that soon its occupant would be transferred to a new underground cell, AFO was in the middle of his escape.

One would be right to wonder how the hell he could escape with laser towers pointed at him 24 hours a day, wearing anti quirk handcuffs, chained and with a straitjacket restraining him. Simple, he had read The Art of War, and learned so much about his enemy and himself that he planned his escape many years ago.

The villain had planted an agent in the prison system, something very subtle since his agent did not even know that he was under AFO orders. It was very simple, he made sure that his agent climbed the ranks until he got to guard the maximum security cell, his cell. Then it was as simple as whispering the keyword for the agent to defuse the defenses, kill his colleagues and superiors, and open the door for his master.

It all came out so perfectly that AFO almost waited for a red carpet as he left the room and stretched out his aching body from the awkward position he was being held in. After that he ordered his agent to release the prisoners, except for some, whom he wanted to recruit personally for his cause. Once this person went to obey his orders, AFO sighed. These idiots should have killed him, pointing at his head, not locked him up, but hey, it was their fault, not his, he just wanted to have fun.

Meanwhile, in U.A., Izuku Midoriya could not sleep, he was thinking about his options, ending the game and knowing who he was sure Gal was or whether to continue and confirm his assumption. But he was also afraid of being wrong and making Kodai uncomfortable. At the same time, Yui Kodai also thought about similar things and couldn't sleep, he had a lot of nerves about Midoriya's reaction, whether it was GreenHero or not.

The next morning, both heroes-in-training woke up very early for different reasons. Yui shaken by Itsuka to see a news on television and Midoriya by a high-pitched scream from one of her companions. He quickly went to the origin of the scream and came across a rather peculiar scene.

His classmates were watching some very important news and apparently the news was so shocking that Toru, the invisible girl, was no longer so invisible, she had figured out how to turn off her quirk at will, but she did it in the room, where almost all the members of class A were, except for Izuku and Katsuki.

The green-haired boy saw Toru's green hair coming out from under a sheet that Momo quickly created to cover the girl's dignity, plus, he saw the blood-covered bodies of Mineta and Denki, who had fainted at the sight of their classmate's true form. All this while everyone else acted as if nothing had happened and developed their daily routine, dodging their companions on the ground.

The news was that AFO and many other villains had escaped, in fact the villain had enough time to go to other prisons and free his subordinates. Unfortunately, in addition to the damage they caused in their escape, the virus continued to claim victims not only in Japan but around the world and heroes and villains were the most affected by the disease.

With the new situation, hero schools had to act fast, granting permissions to train a few classmates at a time and demanding more and more in virtual classes. They had to pull out as many capable heroes as possible in the shortest amount of time. It should be said that the students did not take this change very well.

"We are not machines!" Mineta complained the next day, crying out loud. "We can't just study!"

"I'm sorry kids, this law comes from the government itself, it's a pretty critical situation," Aizawa replied, he was as always with his protective suit and bored face, he wasn't very happy with the new change either, they took away the hours of sleep that he had barely managed to recover.

"What and how are we going to train?" Izuku asked, Bakugo growled in agreement with the other boy.

"Your training regimes will be similar to the classes before all this crap started," Aizawa explained, "although," he paused dramatically, "you will not only train with your classmates, but you will also train with the other classes."

"It makes sense," Iida added, "with the current situation we have to be prepared to act with any hero," he adjusted his glasses.

"Exactly Iida," the teacher looked at all the students with his classic troll smile, "I hope you are up to this new challenge or I will expel you."

That made many swallow audibly, except for Shoto, who was lost in his head thinking about how to prove that Izuku was the son of All Might, Bakugo, who only smiled in the face of the challenge, and Izuku, who was eager for the challenge and for the possibility of finally meeting Yui.

A few hours later, the aforementioned girl and Izuku had finished their usual game of co-op Halo and were now chatting.

"And that's what our teacher told us." Midoriya had told her what happened that day.

"I still believe that your teacher is a psychopath for telling you things like that and smiling at you worse than a villain," Yui sneered, "besides, I'll take it as the third clue."

"So you want to guess who I am already?" Izuku was a little nervous at the possibility of making a mistake, but also happy to finally know Gal's identity

"Yes, if you are who I think you are, it would be interesting to talk to you." Yui was blushing like a tomato, of course the boy couldn't see her.

"Same here."

"On the count of three?"

"Wait, who would win?"

"If we both get it right, we'll consider it a draw."

"That's fair."

"And if we are wrong there will be a punishment."

"That's not fair."

"Haha, that's funny. Well, on three."



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