Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I sat down carefully next to Brittany on the hospital bed. Her bruises were a tiny bit faded, a little less purple. She looked so strong, being in the state she was in. Her long brown hair rustled, a mess, yet she still looked perfect as ever.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her

"I'm alright" she said, looking down. "My rib hurts pretty bad, but it hurts less than it did the second they kicked me"

I thought back on the girls and what they did to her. I rememebered how she looked lying on the ground, curled up. My beautiful girlfriend, who meant everything and more to me, looked completely lifeless.

"I saw the girls who did that to you. Do you remember specifically what happened?" I asked her

"All I remember is them creeping up behind me and stating how they knew who I was, and that I was your girlfriend and how they weren't going to let me take you away from all the fans, and thats when they started beating me" she looked up at me, then down at her lap. "It all comes back as a blur really."

"Brittany listen to me," I began. "I'm going to make sure no one ever touches you again. I'm going to protect you, I should have been more protective today. I never want to lose you, I made myself a promise that I never would the first night at Louis and I's apartment when you fell asleep and I carried you into the bedroom. You're to special to me to lose. If I ever lost you, I'd lose myself. I won't let anybody hurt you baby." Tears started stinging my eyes

She looked up at me. She was crying too. 

She took both my hands and a tear fell down her cheek. 

"Harry, look" her lip started to tremble "I don't want you to go to so much trouble of looking after me, when you have a career as a huge responsibility, and, I just don't want to be a distraction. That's sweet, really.. I appreciate that. And I love you. So much. But think about it.. Do you really think our relationship is good for your career?" she was crying harder

"I'm not going to lose you. My career should have no affect on us, it doesn't matter. I want what's best for us, who cares about my career. I would quit and leave it if I had to, to be with you. I love you. You aren't a distraction, you're my biggest priority and don't even think that we are ever going to leave eachother over something like this."

She looked down at her lap again, her hands leaving mine and intertwining with eachother, placed in her lap. She wiped away her tears.

I couldn't take this. 

I grabbed her face in my hands and brought it up to mine. 

"I promise I'll always be with you. I'll never leave you" I whispered

"Okay Harry. I understand, I shouldn't have said that. I love you. I don't know what's even coming out of my mouth, they did say my head had some injuries, so don't listen to me" a smile escaped her lips

"It'll get better, Brittany. It will." I kissed her lips.

"I'll be back tomorrow, and you'll be home in a little over a week. Get some sleep" I said. I kissed her forehead and got up, walked out the door, then stopped.

I turned around and peeked around the corner of the doorway. 

She sat there for a few seconds and stared at her lap. She let out a small whimper and laid back against her pillow. 

She doesn't deserve to be hurt. She's doesn't deserve anything but happiness, and that's all I will give to her. 

I watched her for another minute as she turned over in her bed and slowly closed her eyes, and slept. 

I got back to Louis, walking over and giving him a reassuring smile and nod. 

He smiled. He looked exhausted. 

"Let's go home and get some sleep mate. It's been a long day" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder as we walked into the cool, moonlight night. 

Tomorrow's a new day and everything would be okay. 



I woke up to my hospital room from a nightmare. 

I felt like I was having cold sweats. I was shivering, yet sweating like crazy. 

What time is it? 3:11.

God my ribs hurt, and my head, and my everything. 

The words Harry said slipped back into my mind, as if he was still sitting right beside me.

I never want to lose you

If I ever lost you, I'd lose myself. 

I would quit and leave it if I had to, to be with you

I'll be back tomorrow, and you'll be home in a little over a week

I closed my eyes, to yet, still darkness

What if everything isn't okay, I thought.

Then I fell into a deep, depressing slumber 

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