Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning feeling completely groggy, and as if I hadn't had enough sleep the night before, which was true. I sat up and suddenly realized I had slept in a king-sized, extremely comfortable bed, which I guessed I had been moved to. I still had my clothes on from the day before, but I didn't care. I slowly got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. When I got there I noticed a note on the fridge addressed to me that said:

To:  Beautiful x

From: your favorite five boys ;)

We discovered we had no food left for breakfast, knowing Niall he probably snuck into the pantry and the fridge and ate as much as he could find. So we leave you with our absence and our sincere "goodmorings." we'll be back soon with breakfast for you babe! 

all our love, 

 1D xxxxx 

p.s. hi love it's Harry,  just wanted to say goodmorning and to give you my permission to grab some sweatpants and a t-shirt from my closet, knowing you're still in your clothes from last night. i better come home to see that you did, i insist. if you don't you're in trouble ;) xxx

I laughed out loud after reading their note. How could you not help but love them? I folded the note and tossed it on the counter. I ran back into the bedroom to find some of Harry's clothes to wear. I found sweat pants that were good enough of a fit, then found a Jack Wills t-shirt and threw it on. I could smell Harry's scent on his clothes. I was instantly warm with his clothes on my body, and I couldn't help but smile as I walked to the living room and curled up on the couch.

I waited about five minutes until they came in the door, Zayn and Harry both laughing their heads off, Louis trying to talk over them, probably because he was trying to explain a joke he had just told, then Niall and Liam followed, talking to eachother laughing, all of them with, what looked like hundreds, of grocery bags hanging from their arms. I laughed at the sight, and sat back waiting for them to notice that I had read their note.

"Looks like she read it. Where is that girl, BRITTANY?!" Louis yelled.


I heard them all drop their bags and run into the living room, all five of them jumping on top of me, preventing me from even moving. I tried to push them off, but I couldn't, so I gave up and begged them to stop and to let me up, and finally they did.

They each gave me a long hug, kissing me on the head. I felt like I was there daughter, and all five of them were my fathers. 

"We missed you, Britt! AND WE BROUGHT YOU BREAKFAST!" Zayn screamed as Louis, Liam, Niall and he ran to the kitchen with their arms over their heads, leaving Harry and I behind.

"I'm starving, let's go eat," I said. "Oh and thank you for transferring me to the bed last night. Thanks to you, I don't have a crook in my neck this morning."

He laughed. "Anytime babe," he said.

We ran into the kitchen, and found Niall already pigging out with his waffles. 

"Man, I love food!" he said.

We all laughed at him. "Hand me the syrup, Hazza!" he said to Harry. Harry tossed him the syrup, then turned to me. 

"What would you like to eat, love? Whatever it is, Chef Harry can cook it!" he exclaimed.

I laughed until my side hurt. "Alright I'll have.. Hmmm.. twenty-three waffles and ten pancakes. A glass of orange juice, aaaaand a Banana Nut Muffin please." I smiled my cutest smile at him. He looked at me like I was absolutely bonkers. "Kidding, I'll have two pancakes, our favorite muffin, and a glass of OJ, please." I begged.

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