Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Wake up sunshine!" I heared Harry yell. 

"No leave me alone. I'm tired," I said. 

"I know you're tired but, I made pancakes and your favorite, OJ!" he said giving me a quick kiss.

I smiled, and I kissed him again. 

"Alright, alright." I said.

He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the kitchen. There were two plates with two stacks of pancakes, and two glasses of OJ, as well as two Banana Nut Muffins on the side.

"Well aren't you just the greatest boyfriend in the whole world," I said, giving him a cheeky smile.

"What can I say, I love my Brittany," he winked at me.

We both sat down and enjoyed our breakfast together. While we were eating my mum walked in the room, waved at Harry and I, then walked straight to her bedroom. My sister and brother followed. My sister ran up and gave us both a kiss on the cheek, and brother gave us both a hug. 

After they all left and we'd finished our food, we walked back up to my room, hand-in-hand. We both sat on the bed and I decided to go on Twitter.

I opened my laptop and clicked on the Internet Explorer icon. I pulled up my Twitter and showed Harry all the sweet DM messages I had recieved.

"Look at this one! It says, "Barry Stinder is the best," he laughed. "The way they combined our names is so weird!"

I laughed. "Barry Stinder," I said the name out loud, laughing hysterically. "Looks like our names are impossible to ship."

I replied to a few messages, then Harry and I decided to drive out to the mall.


"You look gorgeous in that," Harry answered after I asked him if he liked what I had tried on. "But everything that you've tried on looks amazing on you. So, I'm torn here." 

"Well, decide which one you like best, because I only have enough money to buy one outfit."

"Get the first outfit you tried on. If I had to pick one, that was my favorite."


"Can we go into this store? I want to get something real quick," Harry asked pointing at a store.

"Sure," I said.

We walked into the store and I noticed that everything in the store was pretty much jewelry. There were tons and tons of absolutely beautiful necklaces inside the glass display cases. I was admiring the necklaces as Harry walked off and was talking to some guy. I paid no attention to him, since I was distracted by all the gorgeous jewelry. Soon enough, he walked back over to me, looking suspicious. 

"Alright, got what I need. Let's go babe," he said.


After I got home that night, I couldn't help but wonder what it was Harry bought at that store. Most likely something for his mum, since he had told me her birthday was in a few weeks. I decided  to give Harry a call.


Harry: *answers phone* Hello beautiful.

Me:  HI wonderful boyfriend. Is it okay if we talked for a minute? You busy?

Harry: No, no. Me and the boys are just cleaning the house. Louis started another food fight. What's up babe?

Me: So you know today when we were in that lovely store with all the expensive jewelry?

Harry: Yes, what about it?

Me: Well I saw that you had a bag from there in your hand when we got to the car. It looked like you were hiding it in your pocket after we left the store. What did you buy there?

Harry: Oh, just a little something for my mum's birthday that's all. Hey the boys and I are leaving to come pick you up now. See you in a few!

Me: Why didn't you tell me we were going out? I need time to get ready!

Harry: I thought I'd surprise you, since I know you loves surprises. Be ready when we get there!

Me: But---



I saw Harry's car pull up. I quickly threw on some flats and grabbed my purse. Where on earth were they taking me on such short notice, I thought. I rushed to the door, but before I could turn the handle, someone lightly knocked. I opened the door to see Harry, Zayn, and Louis standing there smiling at me. I smiled back at them, then quickly shut the door, pulled out my key and began to lock it when...

"Hey, let me do that for you," Louis suggested. "Harry and Zayn, take Britt to the car. By the way, you look adorable," he said to me, pinching my cheek. 

"Yes you do," Zayn said. "Let's go!"

Harry grabbed my hand and slid his fingers through mine, I couldn't help but smile at the feeling of our fingers intertwined. Everything just seemed to be perfect with him around. I looked up at him, and he looked at me. He smiled with his dimples and his green eyes lit up. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, but I just smiled at him. I could remember just a month before when I never believed anything like this would happen. I didn't even think I'd meet the boys. Now that I did, I couldn't imagine life without them.

When we got to the car, Harry opened the door for me and I climbed inside. I found myself sitting next to Niall who was eating cookies, Liam beside him on his phone. Harry sat in the driver's seat, and Louis next to him. He handed me my key, and smiled. I saw Zayn get into a car in front of us with a girl. I was guessing it was Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend. 

"Want a cookie?" Niall asked.

I laughed. "Sure why not." He handed me one of his Chocolate Chip cookies and I ate it. 

"So, anyone wanna tell me where we're headed?" I asked. 

"IT'S A SURPRISE!" They all four yelled at me, at the same time. 

"OKAY!" I yelled back. I looked at Harry as he started the car, and he winked at me. 

Oh no, I thought. What are these boys up to...


Faith Has Gotten Me This FarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora