Chapter 1

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This is my first story. I absolutely love to write, and I've actually been hearing about fanfictions on twitter, tumblr, ect. However, I've begun reading them often in my spare time, and figured I'd give it a shot. If you like what you read, massive thank yous! x

Chapter 1

I woke up to the first, bright scallop of sun-rise shown through my window, and the smell of freshly-cooked pancakes that Sunday morning. I was exhausted from the previous night, all because I had decided to sacrifice my precious sleep for the book I'd recently gotten into. I had no clue why I was so determined and interested when it came to any kind of books. I guess you could say it was my getaway from the rest of the world. And of course, knowing myself, any kind of chance I get to be wrapped up in that world of pure fantasy, that I was honestly proud of, I gladly took it.

As my eyelids fluttered open, I couldn't help but allow my lips to form a smile. It was one of those days when I really, fully appreciated the opportunity of being alive, healthy, and even so, looking forward to my bright future that awaited me. I then felt my eyes twinkle, that I only seemed to recognize when my smile, did indeed show pure happiness. I was very proud of myself, thinking back on the past few, difficult months of my life. Those months were a massive struggle for myself, but ended up molding the girl inside me to be unconditionally stronger as time slowly helped my feelings fade. I learned many lessons, that's for sure. Never fall for a guy, unless they go out of their way to appreciate, and care for you. Every girl in this world absolutely deserved that.

I rolled over in my comfy, warm bed. I let out a deep sigh, that ended with a shy grin. I stretched a bit, then sat up, slumped over, catching my soft face in my palms. I sat there, taking in the exhaustion, and all that I was feeling. I let out another deep sigh, and forced myself upright, slowly placing one foot at a time on the floor. I stood up straight and glided across my bedroom, looking in the mirror. I studied the girl looking back at me, and I noticed her eyes looked beautiful, yet horribly tired. I let out yet another deep sigh, and pulled up my long, thick brown hair into it's normal morning bun. I walked to the bathroom, closed the door and decided to take a morning shower, which I hardly ever did. As I stepped in, I instantly felt more awake. I stood under the warm water that seemed to touch every ending nerve in my body, bringing my strength slowly back. I cleansed my face as I softly hummed to my favorite songs. Then that same thought crossed my mind that I seem to be thinking about more than anything else, Harry Styles. See, One Direction were my favorite five boys in the entire universe. I loved them, their music, and they were one of the biggest things in my life that caught my interest. And even I knew this sounded silly, but I really did love Harry Styles. Of course, I knew, people think, "Oh she's just a typical fan girl that is in love with Harry. Just a normal fan, with a simple, silly celebrity crush." The funny thing is, in my heart, I knew it wasn't. I really loved Harry, for more than his fame or fortune, even for his dashingly good looks. But for who he was. I didn't know him personally at all, but I felt something toward him. And he brightened my day. I knew he was almost four years older than me, but in all honesty, age was just a number, and that I knew we both agreed on. It was as if, whenever I listened to their music, and Harry was singing, his voice warmed my heart. Whenever I listened to their music and their voices, I felt happy from top to bottom. But about Harry.. there was just something about him, that I fell in love with from the start. I just didn't know what it necessarily was.

The more thought I put into this, the more pathetic I felt. I was just a normal teenage girl. There was nothing special about me. I had had many boyfriends in my life, but they never really made me feel special long enough before they got tired of me. I didn't see any chance of meeting Harry anytime in my future, though I kept little, but some hope. I just didn't even carry on with the fact that he could fall in love with me, ever. I was too young, and there were millions of other girls falling at his feet, that were much prettier than me. I moved on from my thoughts of Harry, and focused on what I was going to decide to do that day.

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