Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"What in the world are we doing HERE?!" 

 I couldn't believe where the boys had taken me. It looked like a castle.

"This is our good friend's house, Olly. Well.. one of his houses. Most of the time, he's in England, but he also has a house here. As well as about two others, one in California, and one in Texas," Liam said.

"It's breath-taking," I said. I studied the giant house in front of us. From the outside it looked as if there were ten stories, but I was sure it would look even bigger on the inside.

I heard a woman's laugh behind me, and when I turned around I saw Zayn and Perrie, hand-in-hand walking towards us. Harry slowly walked up next to me and pulled me close. I turned to him and he gave me a quick kiss. 

"Let's go explore it, shall we?" he said.


I was right. It was much bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. 

As we walked in the door I watched as a young man dressed in shorts, flip flops, an American Eagle shirt, and a hat ran up to us, giving us all friendly hugs. Olly.

"You must be Brittany," he said to me. "Harry has told me much about you. And I must say, you're even more gorgeous than he described you. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

I looked at Harry and laughed. "Nice to meet you too! And awe, that's sweet. Thank you."

"He's only saying that because when he asked me if you were, and I quote, "hot," I told him there were no words to describe how stunning you are," Harry said. Oh, he's so innocent.

"Yeah yeah yeah," I said smiling in his face as I kissed him.


"No, Harry! Please, I look hideous," I begged.

"Nope. Nope, you look amazing and you're going to be the most beautiful girl in the building. I promise, you look fine," he said.

Harry had made me change into a dress that was, in all honesty, GORGEOUS, but I just didn't think it suited me. It was strapless, and it was super tight. Apparently the boys planned me a surprise party that was being held at Olly's that night. There was no occasion, their only excuse was "you like surprises." The funny thing was, I didn't.

"Nope, I am not wearing this and you can't make me," I told him. 

"Ugh, fine. I guess you don't care that the boys and I took time and effort to plan this party, just for you. Wanna know why?"

"Why?" I said, crossing my arms and giving him an impatient look.

"Because we love you, that's why. And can't you do it, for me?" he said giving me his puppy dog look.

Oh no, I thought. With that look, I'm screwed. 

I paused a moment. But before I could answer he jumped on me, pushing me to the floor and tickling me.

"Harry, please. Stop! I'll--- I'll wear it." I couldn't stop laughing.

"Yay!! Now let me curl your hair and we'll go downstairs," he said.

He pulled me off the ground and kissed the top of my head. I went to hug him, but he slipped from my reach, ran into the bathroom, then peeked around the wall with the curling iron in his hand.

"Come on, missy. We need to hurry."

I hurried into the bathroom and stood in front of him.

"Of all things, you know how to curl hair?" I said jokingly.

"Yes, my mum taught me. I practiced on my sister all the time. I think it's fun," he said, with his cheeky smile.

"Oh goodness, okay Harold. Now get to work on my hair. Like you said, the party's only in an hour and it's takes about 20 minutes to curl all of my hair."

"Alright, alright. I'll try my best."


After about 20 minutes of hard work, and concentration from Harry, my outfit, hair, and makeup were done. I had to say, Harry had done a good job. After finishing my makeup, I walked into the bedroom  to find Harry completely ready. 

"Oh my gosh. You look so beautiful..." he said.

I blushed. "Thank you, handsome. Don't you look, and smell wonderful," I said smiling at him, as I walked across the room to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

He held my face in his hands. When he released me from the kiss, he looked into my eyes and brushed a piece of hair out of my face and pulled me into him.

"I believe, that I have the most breath-taking girlfriend in the world," he whispered.

"As I have the cutest and sweetest boyfriend in the entire world," I whispered back.

"So I guess we're both a couple of lucky people," he winked. "I know I am."

"We definitely are," I smiled.  

"I think it's a one in a million chance to find a girl like you, Brittany. I love you with all my heart," he said.

"I swear, you're going to make me cry," I said with tears in my eyes. "Thank you, Harry. For everything, and for most of all being you. I love you more than anything in this world."

A tear rolled down my cheek. He kissed me, then wiped it away with his thumb. Then kissed me again. After a minute, we stopped kissing and walked downstairs hand-in-hand. 

This is going to be a fun night, I thought.


About a hundred people showed up. Not that many, according to Louis, but it was more than I had expected. 

There was music, and dancing, and food. Niall ate most of it of course.

Harry and I spent the whole night talking, laughing, dancing (which I was horrible at), and even swimming. Olly had a humongous pool, so we thought we'd take advantage of that while we had the chance. 

The party had been a surprise, and I do hate surprises. But this had to have been my favorite, well one of them. You'll hear of the other one later on in the story ;)

After the party was over, Harry drove me home. The rest of the boys decided to stay at Olly's for the night. First I had asked permission from my mum, but Harry and I decided to go to his and Louis' apartment.

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