☆Chapter Thirty☆

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Chapter Thirty
I'll Try My Best

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2028
Narrators POV

"Just because you're getting married doesn't give you the authority to drink all the coffee!" Jaeden said as he tried to push Stella away from the pot of coffee.

"I have ten dollars on Stella winning!!" Sadie laughed as she slipped behind them to get more coffee.

"Sadie's allowed to have more coffee, but I'm not?!" Stella laughed, still trying to get Jaeden off of her.

"You have ADHD! Sadie doesn't!" Jaeden laughed, starting to give out on the fight.

"I took my medicine!" Stella smiled before Jaeden completely lost it. He burst into laughter making him weaker than Stella. Stella pushed past him and grabbed the coffee pot from Sadie to pour her another cup.

"Iced coffee? Are you serious?" Millie said rolling her eyes and laughing.

"Iced coffee's just superior unlike your boring, hot coffee." Stella smiled at Millie.

"It's two in the afternoon and you guys are still drinking coffee??" Kayla asked, concerned for everyone.

"Noah's still asleep! Don't just us, judge him!" Sadie joked.

"I am not." Noah said as he walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, but you have major bed head." Stella laughed before attempting to fix Noah's hair.

"What time did you go to bed? It's two thirty!" Millie laughed.

"Someone kept me up until almost 4 because she wanted to watch Teen Wolf." Noah said, keeping his eyes in Stella.

"It didn't sound like Teen Wolf." Sadie mumbled.

"Sadie!!" Noah and Stella said in unison. Stella playfully slapped Sadie, but everyone knew she meant it a little bit.

"What?!" Sadie said making everyone laugh.

"Ok, Jack and I are going to the store. Does anyone need or want anything?" Finn asked, grabbing the keys from the middle of the kitchen island.

"Is there a possibility you could get condoms for a certain couple in this room?" Sadie smirked, eyeing Noah and Stella from the corner of her eye.

"SADIE!!" Stella yelled, her and Noah's faces both blood red.

"OH MY GOD I DIDNT NEED TO KNOW THAT." Finn yelled, laying his face in the palms of his hands. Everyone else burst out laughing as Stella, Finn, and Noah stood there with red faces and embarrassed expressions.

"Besides that no one needs anything else!" Sadie smiled innocently, like she hadn't said anything at all. Finn joined the laughter around him.

"Noah what's your size?" Jack asked, trying to keep the straightest face.

"Oh my God." Stella said, embarrassed by everyone around her.

"I hate all of you." Noah said with the same expression as Stella.

"On a serious note, get us popcorn because Jack ate it all." Jeremy smiled, joining in the conversation.

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