☆Chapter Eight☆

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Chapter Eight
Back In Atlanta

Saturday, September 16th, 2017
Narrators POV

It was 2am EST and Stella and Finn's flight was landing in Atlanta. Noah and Millie were waiting at the airport for the Wolfhard's.

"Finn wake up. We're landing." Stella said plainly.

"Already?" Finn said groggily. Stella just nodded as she gathered her stuff together. Finn gathered his stuff as well.

"You have now arrived in Atlanta. Enjoy your stay!" A lady said over the intercom. Everyone started to get off the plane by rows. When it was Stella and Finn's turn, they grabbed their stuff and headed off the plan.

"Listen, fans might come up and ask for a picture but you have to stay calm ok? Just a picture, maybe a hug, then you're on your way ok?" Finn said. Stella nodded as they grabbed their bags and hopped on the escalator.

"Noah! Look!" Millie said as Stella and Finn made their way over to their friends. Stella had an emotionless look on her face, while Finn was smiling as wide as he could. It wasn't that Stella wasn't happy to see her bet friends, she just wasn't in the right state of mind to be the happy and energetic person she always was.

"Finn!" Millie squealed as she ran to Finn and engulfed him in a hug.

"Hey Stell." Noah said as Stella approached him. She dropped her bags and immediately hugged Noah. It felt good to Stella that she got to hug her best friend after having, what she thought to be in that moment, the hardest day of her life.

"I'm so glad you're here." Stella said. It was loud enough to reach Noahs ears but not sudden.

"It's gonna be ok. I'm here now. I love you, Stell." Noah said, trying his best to help the girl feel better.

"Thank you, No. I love you too." Stella said as she pulled away from the hug and grabbed her bags again.

"Stella!" Millie squealed and hugged Stella from behind.

"Mills!" Stella smiled softly, grabbing Millie's hands.

"Come on! Everyone's waiting for us at the house!" Millie said, before pulling away from the hug. She walked a few steps backwards to make sure they were following before turning around.

"Ok. Let's go." Finn smiled. Finn caught up to Millie and started walking to the exit with Eric and Karine.

"Finn's so much more smiley around Millie." Stella said as they followed the four.

"They're both really smiley around each other." Noah smiled.

"I like seeing Finn happy. Before he got the part of Mike Wheeler people bullied him all the time and he barely smiled. When he found out he got the part, everything changed. He's been a lot more happy ever since." Stella smiled, a genuine smile to be exact.

"Hey you smiled!" Noah said with a huge smile, making Stella giggle. They continued walking until they saw Finn and Millie get stopped by fans. The two continued walking to get caught up with their friends.

"Thank you so much!" One of the girls squealed.

"No problem." Finn smiled.

"Has Stella got caught up by fans yet?" Millie asked as Stella started to walk beside Millie.

"Yea. Once or twice. Not much yet." Stella shrugged.

"Once you come out with more music and become more popular you'll get stopped almost everywhere you go. It's insane but I love meeting new people." Noah said as they all walked out of the building.

"I'm gonna go get the car. I'll be right back." Karine said. Eric, Millie, Finn, Stella, and Noah nodded and stood on the sidewalk as they waited to Karine to bring the car to them.

"Hi, ummm are you Stella Wolfhard?" A girl said, walking up behind them. Stella turned around to see a girl about her age standing there.

"Hi, that's me." Stella smiled.

"Can I get a picture with you?" The girl asked nervously.

"Of course! What's your name?" Stella asked.

"I'm Olive." The girl said as she pulled out her phone and got on Snapchat.

"It's nice to meet you Olive!" Stella smiled. She got beside the girl and took the picture.

"Thank you!" Olive smiled and waved before walking away.

"Ouuuu, Stella's a superstar!" Millie smirked.

"It's insane that people walk up to ME and ask ME for pictures. I never thought that would happen." Stella smiled as the car pulled up. They put their bags in the car and got inside.

Here they are, back in Atlanta.

A/N: guys it feels so weird not working on my other book anymore but i'm getting used to just working on this one. thank you so much for reading!

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