☆Chapter One☆

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Chapter One
The Wolfhard's

Friday, March 6th, 2015
Narrator's POV

It was a cold, Friday afternoon and Stella Wolfhard was waiting for her siblings to come home from school. Since the girl had been homeschooled since 2nd grade because of her ADHD, she didn't get to see her siblings all the time. She had 3 siblings. Well 2 to be exact. Nick Wolfhard and Finn Wolfhard were her two older brothers.

Stella's younger cousin, Brylee, was adopted when she was 2 years old. Brylee's parents were on their way to come get Brylee from her grandparents house and they died in a car crash. Brylee was to young to remember her parents, but she does know who they were.

"Stella! The bus is here!" Mary yelled up the stairs. Stella smiled as she shot up and ran to the door. She walked outside onto the porch where she greeted her siblings everyday. Well, besides Nick. Nick drove himself to work everyday after school, but Finn and Brylee rode the bus.

"Hey Stell." Finn smiled as he hugged Stella as the top of the steps.

"Sissy!" Brylee squealed and attached herself to Stella's waist.

"Last day of school. How was it?" Stella asked as Finn and Brylee sat their backpacks in the living room. Finn and Stella were leaving for Atlanta tomorrow so Finn could start working on his new role as Mike Wheeler in Stranger Things. Stella was really proud of him and happy that she could watch him do what he loves.

"It was ok. I'm just really excited to go to Atlanta tomorrow." Finn smiled.

"Why can't I come?" Brylee asked.

"Because they'll only let me bring dad and Stella. If I could I would bring you too." Finn answered and hugged Brylee.

"Think of it this way Bry. You can go shopping with mom and play with Barbies and LPS with her. You'll have fun. Of course you'll miss us but you'll have fun just having alone time with mom and Nick. They'll take care of you." Stella said and joined the hug between Finn and Brylee.

Stella had always been the sweet and caring kid of the family. Of course she had her moments, but most of the time it was from ADHD. Ever since Stella was able to walk and talk, if someone got hurt or sad she would always hug them and love on them to make them feel better. When Stella was sad or mad, it would just take a silly face to cheer her up. If she didn't cheer up, all you had to do was listen to what she had to say and give your input. She's a girl with simple needs and wants.

Finn was always the big brother everyone wants. He play fought with his siblings when it was time to mess around, but if they were hurt or bullied by anyone else, he would protect them. He was also kind hearted and funny which made it easy to cheer people up. He's always shy around people until he gets to know them but most of the people in his family were. Sarcasm also ran in the family. Nick, Finn, and Stella being sarcastic was an understatement.

Nick was very hardworking but shy. Finn and Nick were the same person but also had their differences. Finn was playful, as where Nick was just kind, shy, and sarcastic most of the time. Nick and Brylee were the best at making friends out of the four of them. Stella and Finn didn't really need anyone else because they had each other. Plus they were good at getting bullied. No one really knows why people bully Finn yet, but people bully Stella because she's so hyper and has a hard time with a lot of things.

Brylee is your average 9 year old girl. She plays with Barbies and Littlest Pet Shops, makes rainbow loom bracelets, tries to act like Stella because she wants to be like her, thinks she's mature enough to do stuff on her own. The basics. She loves hanging out with Finn and Stella but sometimes they need to hang out alone without Brylee. She has tons of friends at school. I guess you could consider her as the popular kid.

The four kids would soon be split up to be on their own. Well, Finn and Stella would still be together, but they would have to be away most hours of the day and night. They would all have to figure themselves out all alone.

They're the Wolfhard's. I'm sure they can make it.

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