☆Chapter Nineteen☆

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Chapter Nineteen
Fixing Things

Sunday, June 28th, 2020
Narrators POV

"Why would someone do that?! That's so rude. Like why would someone expose a relationship like that? Ugh!!" Stella rambled as Millie burst in the door.

"You saw it too didn't you?" Millie said. You could tell she was mad as hell because her face was so red that it could probably start a fire.

"Of course I saw it! The whole worlds gonna see it! Who in the right mind would fucking do that?!" Stella said, getting more and more heated by the second. Finn ran in the room before anyone else could say anything.

"What the hell are you yelling about?! It's almost midnight and we have to film tomorrow at 6am!" Finn said.

"THIS. This is what I'm yelling about!" Stella said showing him the post. Finn's jaw dropped almost to the floor. "Noah and I both commented and privately messaged them and every time they said they wouldn't take it down."

"Oh, shit." Finn said in shock.

"How are we gonna handle it then?" Noah asked, obviously frustrated along with the others.

"Well we have to either confirm or deny it but everyone knows at this point so they're going to expect us to confirm it." Stella sighed and rolled her eyes. They heard small footsteps coming down the hall before Natalia popped her head in the door.

"Congrats?" She said, questioning what she should say.

"Thanks." Stella said trying not to sound to pissed.

"How did they even find that? Millie doesn't have her snapchat publicly open." Natalia asked as she walked into the room.

"Somehow people manage to find it," Millie started, shrugging her shoulders. "But I deleted it not even 30 seconds after I posted it. Plus it was at like 3am! I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"Millie it's not your fault. It was an accident and we understand you didn't mean to. We'll just have to announce it. It's not to big of a deal. I promise." Stella said, trying her best to keep her cool.

"I'm sure the fans will understand. Just post it and go to bed, ok? Goodnight guys." Natalia smiled, softly before leaving the room. She was usually the best at keeping her cool. Natalia was really good at helping the cast work through things, too. Especially in situations like this.

"Goodnight, Natty." The four kids said, all different expressions on each face.

"Natalia's right. We need to get to sleep. Goodnight you two." Finn smirked and waited for Millie.

"Goodnight Stella. Goodnight Noah." Millie said before walking out with Finn and quietly shutting the door behind her.

"It'll be ok. I mean we didn't plan on going public this way but they would find out eventually. Let's just confirm it and go to sleep ok?" Noah said after wrapping his arms around Stella.

"I know but it's frustrating. Who even does that to people? It's annoying." Stella said, her blood still boiling but she had calmed down a little. She turned her body so her face was in Noah's chest. Inhaling his scent could calm her down at any moment.

"I know but the fans will be understanding as they always are. I'm sure they've expected it to happen for a few years now." Noah said adding a slight laugh.

"I love you." The girl smiled as her boyfriend leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

"I love you, too." The boy smiled back.

With that the two of them posted their official announcement of their relationship and went to sleep. The night had become hectic in a matter of seconds, but the two teens took matters into their own hands and did the most responsible thing they could. That was confirm their relationship and clear the air.

They were fixing things, right?

a/n: how is everyone? :)

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