☆Chapter TwentyOne☆

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Chapter TwentyOne
New Experience

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020
Narrators POV

"Thank you so much. Bye!" Stella said into her phone before hanging up. Noah, Finn, Sadie, Caleb, Gaten, and Millie sat there anxiously looking at the girl.

"Talk to us!!" Gaten said, breaking the silence and the attention turning towards him. It very quickly turned back to Stella as they watched her facial expression, trying to get a hint.

"I'm about to take your phone and call them back." Finn said reaching for the phone. Stella slapped his hand away before exchanging a glance with everyone in the group.

"I got the part." Stella mumbled calmly, but on the inside it felt like there was an explosion of emotions. "I got the part!!"

"No way!!!" Millie squealed before tackling Stella.

"Holy shit! I'm going to be on Nickelodeon!!" Stella said in the most excited tone anyone had ever heard.

"Holy shit! My girlfriends gonna be on Nickelodeon!" Noah mimicked, but he was almost as excited as Stella was.

"Language!" Caleb protested with a laugh.

"What the fuck, you're going to LA." Finn smiled, knowing it would be her first time in the big city.

"When do you go?" Sadie asked as all attention turned to Stella so she could answer the question.

"I don't know yet. They said they would email me with details."

"What's the show called?" Gaten added.

"Side Hustle. We've talked about this a million times."

"Who inspired you to become an actress?" Finn joked.

"Well, my brother Finn Wolfhard and his amazing cast mates from both the It and Stranger Things casts."

"Will you be continuing music, Miss Wolfhard?" Noah added as everyone laughed.

"Yes, of course. Acting and singing is like my biggest dreams."

"I think she has the interviews down." Millie laughed.

"I learn from the best." Stella shrugged with a smile.

"Ok, well, we have to celebrate." Caleb smiled at the group.

"What do you have in mind Mclaughlin?" Stella asked.

"Carpool karaoke!!" Millie smiled, answering for Caleb.

"CALEBS DRIVING!!!" Gaten yelled before running out of the room, followed by everyone besides Caleb.

"Hey!!! Wait up!!"

"You know where I go when we're dancing! Handshakes in the Hamptons and getting drunk in a mansion with you!!" Everyone sang along with the music Gaten had been playing from the front seat. As they all finished up the song Gaten asked for song requests which Finn politely answered to.

"Play one of Stella's songs." Finn teased.

"No!! You're gonna make me sing the whole thing." Stella blushed. She always got embarrassed when Finn did that. He did it almost every time they were all together.

"Just this once, Stell!! We're celebrating your show!!" Sadie smiled, hugging the girl beside her.

"Fine." Stella rolled her eyes as she watched Gaten scroll through Stella's music. He eventually picked a song Stella had released back in 2017 called 'Ordinary Girl'.

"Not the 2017 phase!!" Stella groaned.

"Yep!! The 2017 phase!" Gaten shot back over the music. "You have to sing too!" Of course he was teasing her. Everyone in the car always teased her like that and Finn found it extremely hilarious.

"Ugh!!" Stella sighed, trying to hide her smile before starting to sing. "Louis sneakers, Kylie lip kit, cartier bracelet, can't live without fancy things. Living life in my ripped jeans, taking snapchat selfies, I celebrate everyday."

Everyone could agree that Stella's voice had improved ever since 2017. Especially Noah. He loved to hear her sing. Stella didn't know, but Noah was recording her as she sung the whole song.

"Just an ordinary girl." Stella sang as she finished off the song.

"Hey, Stell? When are you going on tour again?" Sadie asked after the song had ended.

"Oh, well, I haven't really planned another tour yet. Hopefully after Side Hustle filming." Stella smiled as she answered Sadie's question. Stella really loved going on tour the last time and hoped she could again soon.

"I'll be there." Noah and Sadie said in sync.

"The Aubrey's don't have an opening show for our first tour." Finn smirked.

"You think your music and my music mixes?" Stella laughed.

"No, but it's just an opening act. Plus you're my sister, so it'll be reasonable for you to be there already." Finn explained and everyone agreed.

"I'll think about it and you'll have to ask my manager."

Everyone eventually got back to the cast house and went to their rooms. It was getting late and they were all pretty tired. Stella had found out more about the show and her best friend had got the part as her characters best friend. They had auditioned together which must have made the producers want Riley, too.

Stella would have to leave for LA in early September, before Stranger Things filming ended. It was kind of disappointing, but she knew everyone would understand. She hadn't ever flown alone before so it would be a new experience, but she was still excited.

Stella did love a new experience.

a/n: add a little bit of spice ;)

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