☆Chapter ThirtyFour☆

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Chapter ThirtyFour
To All A Goodnight

Saturday, December 24th, 2033
Narrators POV

"Noah! Do you have everything we need in the diaper bag?" Stella yelled from their daughters bedroom.

"Yes and I just finished packing the presents into the car!" Noah yelled back. Stella smiled as she picked up her two year old daughter, Alice, from her crib.

"Hey baby. Do you wanna go see Gigi and Papaw and Auntie C and Uncle Alex?" Stella smiled as she put Alice on the changing table and started changing her. The little girl smiled and rubbed her eyes from just waking up. Chloe and her boyfriend Alex got married a little over a year earlier. They were both happy with each other and it was like Chloe had finally found her person.

"So what time are we leaving the house tomorrow?" Noah asked, propping himself against the door frame as he watched Stella finish up changing their daughter.

"We need to be out of here by eleven thirty. The plane leaves at one and it takes around thirty minutes to get to the airport. Did
you-" Stella rambled, not realizing Noah had walked up behind her. Her wrapped his arms around her waist and planed a soft kiss on her jawline.

"Don't worry. I got it. I finished packing your stuff and mine. All we have to do is pack Alice's bag." Noah smiled. Stella felt herself relax into Noah as she picked up her daughter. Noah watched as tears brimmed Stella's eyes. "Are you ok?"

"She looks so much like Finn. She acts like him, too." Stella smiled as she played with Alice's curls. "Ugh, I've always wanted those curls."

"You would rock them." Noah smiled as he admired how much Alice and Stella looked alike. Not only did she look like Finn, but she also looked a lot like Stella, too.

"Life goes on." Stella mumbled, ignoring everything they had just talked about. Noah backed away from her so she had room to move. Noah usually asked if she was ok or talked to her, but he knew now wasn't the time.

"Time to go?" Noah asked before kissing his wife's lips. Stella smiled a nodded a 'yes' before walking out of the room. Noah trailed behind her and followed her down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas!" Stella smiled as she entered the Schnapp household. The familiar scent she had smelled since the first time she visited filled her lungs as she walked towards the living room.

"Stella! Noah! Merry Christmas!" Chloe smiled as she jumped off the couch to greet them. Stella sat down her diaper bag and hugged Chloe, admiring her Christmas pajamas. "Oh! We have Christmas pj's for everyone. Yours are upstairs in Noah's room."

"Ouuuu fun." Stella smiled as she let go of Chloe to give Noah a chance to hug his twin sister. As Noah, Chloe, and Alex talked, Stella grabbed Alice and walked to the kitchen where Karine was finishing up spaghetti sauce for the traditional Christmas Eve spaghetti dinner that happened every year for Noah's family. Mitchell was sitting at the island and finishing paperwork which Stella assumed was for his job.

"Ali! Stella!" Mitchell smiled as he saw the two girls enter the kitchen. "Merry Christmas, bug." Mitchell added as he grabbed Alice and started talking to her.

"Merry Christmas to you too Mitchie Boo Boo Bear." Stella laughed before walking over to give Karine a hug. Mitchell rolled his eyes and continued to leave his attention on Alice.

"Hey Stell. Merry Christmas." Karine smiled as she leaned into the hug Stella was giving her. "How are you?"

"I'm doing ok. Yesterday was rough, but I'm recovering fine." Stella smiled softly. Although she was close with her mom, Karine would always be another mother like figure in Stella's life.

"I understand, honey. I know it's hard, but I'm glad you're doing better." Karine smiled back before turning off the stove eye. "Why don't you, Noah, and Ali go change into your pajamas? Dinners almost ready." Stella nodded before grabbing Alice from Mitchell and heading back to the living room.

"Noah, let's go change into out pjs." Stella smiled, Noah nodding and following her upstairs to his room.

"Merry Christmas." Noah whispered to his parents, trying not to disturb the sleeping child in his hands.

"Merry Christmas you three. Have fun in Canada." Karine smiled and waved as Noah and Stella walked to their car. Noah carefully laid Alice in her car seat, successfully not waking her. He then sat in the drivers seat and started the car. After making sure Stella was buckled, he backed out of the driveway and headed to his own household.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

a/n: second to last chapter :(

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