Wolf Trainer- Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Hidden Danger

''Sarah!'' I called out louder. But still no answer. Sarah lay there, still and limp. As I got closer I saw the slightest spot of blood on her muzzle. But as I approached, I screamed. ''SARAH!'' She was motionless and speakless. Metallic blood all around her chest. Not worrying about the blood, I bent down and put my ear to where her heart would be. I sighed, and mumbled under my breath, ''She is still alive, Thank God.''

I picked up her head, her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly opened. I softly laid her head back down and ran to my house. I grabbed a cup of water, hoping it would help Sarah.

''One of your imaginary friends fall out a tree?'' Mom said chuckling.

Uh-oh, forgot about about mom. ''Um, no. Just dehidrated, that is why I have water. Bye!'' I said trying to smile and not to cry.

''Tell her or him I hope she or he feels better.'' My mom called out after me.

''She and OK.'' The door slammed behind me as I rushed out of the house. I ran to Sarah, without spilling a single drop of water. When I reached her a tear fell.

''Sarah.'' I whispered in her ear. ''Please let this help.'' Then slowly, I poured some water onto her chest. As I looked at her eyes and muzzle, I noticed the little bit of blood. I wetted a big leaf, and wiped the blood off. When I looked back at her chest, I noticed the long cut. I poured more water on her chest, but still the blood slowly oozed out. I sat down the glass and ran to the house once more.

I walked in and quickly yelled to my mom, ''She spilled some on her shirt, got to get a towel.''

''OK.'' I barley heard her say. So I grabbed a towel and ran right back outside. The wind picked up, as I slowed down when I reached Sarah.

I picked up the glass. Empty. ''What the...'' I said to myself. There was just water in here and now it is gone. Knocked over. But by what. I ignored it, hoping it was just the wind. But, I knew it had to be something out there, because of Sarah. I placed the towel over the cut and barely tapped over it to get up the blood.

''What am I going to do with the town now that...'' My thoughts escaped as I heard the rustling of leaves. ''Please be a bird, please be a bird.'' I thought to myself with my hands clenched. The towel was still on Sarah. Then I slowly looked at Sarah's eyes. They were opening! Then the rustling came. ''Oh-no.'' I bent down to Sarah's ear and whispered, ''Be queit, something is coming.'' My voice was worried like me, even though I tried not to say it with the voice.

''I know... ugh. A-attack. Took, ugh, pack.'' She said,trying her best to get the words out.

''What!?'' said in a whisper. I felt my body get hot. I was reaching the level called mad. And by the looks of it I would go to the level of overboard angry. ''By the Spooks?'' I asked with clenched teeth.

''No. Grashii Pack.'' She said, again with a broken voice.

''Who?'' I asked. I'd never heard of the Grashii Pack.

''Meanest ever. Grashii means overpower.'' She explained, with a more suttle voice.

I didn't respond. Of course, Grashii means overpower. Hiw many bad wolves are there, I thought. Now I was at the level of overboard angry. I stood up. ''Wait!'' Sarah said worridly.

''It's OK.'' I said, knowing it wasn't. Slowly, I turned around. A wolf! A completely pitch black wolf! Teeth bared, claws sharp, and the wolf was hunched low.

''What have you done!?'' I asked angrily.

''Oh, me. I have done what I wanted to do, that is all. We have seen you before, and we won't you out of our territory.'' The wolf growled in a male voice.

''Where is Anjoo, where is the pack, and what have you done to Sarah?! Why are you here! This is not your territory. We all share this planet! God owns the Earth, and at least he knows how to share it with others! Unlike you, you filthy Grashii Pack member!'' I said with my hands, feet, and teeth clenched.

''This is my land! I took it now. Surrender!'' He growled.

''Not without the safety of all the pack members. Anjoo and Sarah too.'' I argued.

''Then I will make you surrender!'' He growled. I ran to a stick as he ran at me. I swung as he quickly approached me. Smack! The sound bounced off the stick. He growled. Chaging again, snarling, jabbing his sharp claws in the dirt with every paw step. I swung again. Miss. OH-NO! He grabbed me shirt, then quickly ran with my shirt in his teeth.

I squirmed and tried to free myself, but the wolf's jaw was just to strong. I was stuck with him, going to wherever he may be leading me. ''Wherever my death spot is, let it be with my friends!'' I called out, starting to cry.

He looked back with dark yellow eyes. They shone into mine. Hypnotixing me, almost, until he quickly turned his head around. The tears were rolling from my eyes so fast, I couldn't see. Soon his pace slowed down. I opened my shut eyes. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,and 12 wolves! Uh-oh.

''Where am I? Where are my friends!?'' I screamed.

''Samantha!'' Anjoos voice called out. He was stuck behind many wolves. Blood on his muzzles. He was held down by other wolves.

''Anjoo.'' I said as I looked around. ''Inja, and all of you... WHY ARE YOU WOLVES SO MEAN!?'' I yelled to the Grshii members.

''Because we can be.'' The pitch black wolf said.

''Well then, don't go to heaven with God. You don't desrve it. Everyone could be good ebough, but you choos not to be!'' I said looking around at all the other wolves. They only laugh. My tears started falling again. ''YOU ONLY KILL OTHERS BECAUSE YOU EITHER HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO, OR YOU DON'T HAVE A LIFE. AND I BET I KNOW WHICH ONE IT IS!'' I screamed out, still crying.

''What are you going to do to us!?'' Dioski yelled out. ''SARAH!'' SHe screamed. I turned as much as I could. The 12th wolf had gone and come back with Sarah. I pulled free of the wolf and ran to her.

I whacked the wolf carrying her on the head. He let go and snarled. ''NO!'' The pitch black wolfcalled. ''Leave her. She won't leave without them all.''

''Run.'' Sarah said.

''What! No! Never, not without you all.'' I explained

''By what can we do?'' She asked.

''I don't know.'' I said. ''Stay calm. Something will happen. Hopefully for the good.'' I said looking the Grashii pack, huddled around the Forest Pack. ''I don't know, just pray...''

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