Wolf Trainer-Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Suprise here, suprise there

We walked until we reached a trail. ''Darn.'' I mumbled with Anjoo beside me.

''I have the scent of people and... that explosion stuff.'' Anjoo said sniffing the air with a fowl expression.

''You smell gun powder they use in guns to...'' I looked at Anjoo and continued, ''Hunt.''

''So this is a hunting trail?'' Kuteen said stepping up.

''Yea, we need another route and we need to leave here quickly.'' I said looking at my surroundings for a good way out.

''Well, how do you know that people would be going by at this time?'' Fomanii asked.

''Well, it's summer, there are lots of hunters, and it is about the time lots of animals come out.'' I replied.

''Oh.'' Some of them said feeling stupid.

''Follow me. I know if we had to the west, we keep away from humans better.'' I said turning west and started to take off.

''Samantha Wait! I hear-'' Anjoo exclaimed.

''Shh! Stay.'' I coughed. I ran off into the trail... not to run away but to run at. I knew, if I could, I'd at least keep the pack safe. To catch the hunter's attention I ran beside him quickly and giggling. I ran off past the man and kept going.

''What are you doing little girl?'' The man tried to call out to me, but of course I didn't stop, I kept running. Soon I was far enough from him so I went South some and then went west, back to the pack. After another minute of running, I reached the pack.

I waved my hand at them to follow. I ran west, with the pack running right at my shoes. We kept running, feeling good that we had esaped, until, 'POW!' The hunter had found us.

''Run girl, I will get the wolves!'' The man said shooting another bullet.

''Keep running!'' I said just loud enough so that the wolves could hear me. Then I swerved around the wolves and waved both my hands in the air for him to stop. ''Stop! Stop!'' I called. ''Don't shoot them! Don't!''

I paused at a large tree. ''What are you doing? Who are you?'' The man's curiosity bugged me.

''Saving my friends, those wolves. Don't kill them you dumbass.  And who I am is none of your business. I live among the wolves, my homw is the woods, and my pack is the Forest pack. That is all you need to know mister.'' I said catching my breathe.

''You might just want to come with me.'' The man said grabbing at my arm. ''No human could live with such savage beasts. They had to be chasing you.''

I jerked my arm back. ''No! One, I live among them no matter what you say, two I won't come with you, and three, they are NOT savage beasts, they are kind and they are my friends. They care for me! Leave me and my pack alone!'' My temper rose.

''Wolves... not savage. Ha! They kill-''

''For protection! Humans kill, like you. Humans hunt wolves and bears for skin, I understand for food, but humans hunt TO much. And wolves, hunt just enough to satisfy them and keep them alive you... you piece of shit!'' I yelled.

''Humans survive by hunting.''

''And they get to much pleasure by TOO much hunting for competitions and fun!''

''Well... well... wolves... uh.... wolves aren't extinct.'' He stammered.

''Niether are humans BUT humans aren't endangered, wolves are! So you can shut the flip up!'' I paused and breathe. ''Sir, it would be best if just left now. Oh, and send the message while you are at it.''

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