The Purple Blade

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tw: swearing, depictions of violence

A man was leaning against a steep hill, twirling his sword grip in boredom. He was on duty, guarding the entrance from any interlopers that might wander by, stood outside Pogtopia like some kind of immovable Juggernaut.
At first glance, he looked like a member of royalty. But, naturally, he was very far from it.

His name was Technoblade.

His ears suddenly pricked, the thick gold piercings lining them jingling against each other. All he heard was the leaves crackling as the wind whistled past. The sky was hazy, dark. Full of pale grey clouds that let no sunshine through, casting shadows over the 6'3" pig-man.

It was rather depressing, honestly.

Suddenly, his ear caught the sound of the faintest footsteps. Snapping his head up quickly, he turned towards where it had come from. Peering into the woods with sharp, pale pinkish-red eyes he saw the hazy silhouette of a person among the dark oak trees.

"I can see you. There's no point in trying to hide." He called in a deep, monotone voice. He was so tired of sneak-attacks, his face displayed the marks of past ones. Battle scars. His face was marked with two, across his nose and through his brow. Haunting evidence from his past in combat.

Techno raised his sword, a shield appearing in his other hand in a flash of white. Holding it up against himself, he narrowed his eyes. He fanned out the crimson-coloured cape draped over his shoulders, the golden button chain ringing. White fur wrapped around the collar as an accent, possibly for protecting his neck.
The figure didn't move, rather, they remained stationary.

"Face me, like a Spartaner." He said lowly. He flashed pale, sharp white teeth. One golden incisor sticking out slightly past his bottom lip.

The figure stepped out from behind the tree, taking almost silent steps as they came into the light. The figure wore a dark purple cloak, furred at the collar and end, bearing a pair of black arrow sigils. Under this, they wore a deep purple suit, tied with three violet button chains across the chest and a collar reaching to just above the neckline. They also wore a pair of deep grey pants and thin black boots.

Techno couldn't tell who it was by what they had over their face. They wore the hood of the fur-tipped cloak over their head, leaving no glimpse of hair. Along with a thick black half balaclava and mirror goggles covering the rest of the face.

"I am here." The figure spoke, the half balaclava muffling their voice.

The sliding of steel alerted Techno to a blade being drawn, watching as the figure's slighter hands produced a sword. His skin was a tone between tan and white, but their hands were pale, icy pale.

"You have good hearing, I'll give you that. Hearing my footsteps like that." They said. Techno pointed his sword up at the figure, his blunted nails digging into the handgrip.

"You have five seconds to get off Pogtopia territory. Otherwise, I'm going to have to force you off." Techno warned.

The figure's grip on their sword only tightened. "Hmph." They grunted.

"We appear to be at an impasse then." He said.

The figure adjusted their stance on the ground, sliding their foot out and bending their knees ever so slightly. Technoblade planted his shield in front of him, making a dull clanging sound as the metal rim made contact with the floor.

"I'm not going to warn you again. Five seconds." The figure made no attempt to flee, only bracing themselves.


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