Caught In Strings

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tw: threat, aggressive interrogation, violence, blood

Rain groaned, blinking open her eyes slowly, her vision was blurred. Her hearing was fuzzy, a distinct ringing noise occupying her headspace. She shook her head quickly, almost like a twitch. Desperately trying to get the ringing to clear, blinking heavily to clear the blurriness. She raised her hands up to grip her head.

Well, she tried to.

Rain glanced down through her foggy vision to see her hands held tightly together by a pair of steel manacles attached to a thick chain. The chain was attached to a strong iron plate embedded into the uneven floor, only giving her a little wiggle-room. She leant away from the wall, shifting her weight on to her legs to kneel on them. Rain felt thin bandages around her battle wounds.

"You're awake."

A voice cut through her head, almost instantly clearing the ringing in her ears. Rain glanced up immediately, following where the sound had come from. Her vision cleared to see Dream standing across the room next to an iron door, leaning against the wall looking very bored. Rain growled to herself.

"Congratulations, you've captured me, oh whatever will I do." She mused sarcastically, casting her eyes around the room.

It was a rather large room, the ceiling, floor and walls all made of obsidian. Crying obsidian from above was dripping an alkaline purple substance down to the floor. The drips bubbled as they made contact, looking like soap suds or foam on coffee. The room's only light was give off by waterfalls of bubbling lava, pouring into two small pools on each side of the iron door exit.

Footsteps echoed across the room as Dream made his approach, kneeling down in front of her.
"Welcome to Manburg." He said simply. Rain lowered her eyelids, glancing around the room again.
"This isn't quite what I imagined. A prison cell made of obsidian? Really? A little excessive, don't you think?" She said bluntly. Dream giggled lowly, his shoulders shaking.
"Well, considering the fact you almost killed Punz, the President thought it best to keep you locked away for the time being." He said.

Rain blinked, her memory of the encounter flashing into her head. She remembered the haze of the moment, the roaring blood in her ears. Looking at Dream, it looked like he'd just gone mining or something. He mask with scuffed and scratched, and his green hoodie had dirt stains on it. Her gaze travelled down, locking on his hands. He wasn't wearing the gloves anymore.

"Did I break your knuckles then?" She asked nonchalantly.

Dream's mouth showed an expression mirroring surprise, his masked face glanced down. His hands were swathed in white bandages, specifically around the knuckles. He flexed his fingers slowly, hissing in pain.
"Not quite." He said. "You did fracture the bones though, so good on you." Dream saw her smile as he stood up, walking toward the door and pausing beside one of the lava pools. Rain noticed an array of tools and weapons laid out on the floor, ranging from a simple pickaxe to a war axe. She felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead as Dream picked up a familiar sword.

Made of sleek steel.
With a purple handle and initials engraved into it.

Her sword.

Dream began walking back over, flipping the sword in his hands to glimpse the initials.
"R...W...H..." He read, sitting down cross-legged like a small child. Rain's eyes were locked on her sword, it was so close, if he had sat just a little bit closer she might've been free.

I Had Strings, But Now I'm Free (Dream SMP)Where stories live. Discover now