
16 1 1

tw: language, mentions of violence, blood, death, manipulation


"Why is everyone shouting?" Ghostbur's confused question cut through the tension like a sword, drawing the three's attention towards him. Techno lowered the pickaxe quickly, his eyes suddenly cast in worry over Ghostbur's adversity to violence. Tommy stood in shock and confusion, not knowing what to do. Rain sighed, going up to her ghostly brother, kneeling down to speak to him politely.
"I'm sorry, Ghostbur. Could you...maybe take Friend on a walk? I think we need some time alone." She glanced to the window, no snow was falling. The sky was clear. He would be safe from melting thanks to the North's sudden generosity.

Ghostbur looked between her violet eyes for a moment, then glanced towards Techno and Tommy, both of which avoided eye contact. He turned back to Rain and stood up, briefly solidifying himself so he could hug her properly. She patted his back as he began pulling away, his form phasing out again to become more transparent.
"Ok. Thank you for the chat! See you later, Rain!" He said happily. He patted Rain's head as he walked past, though it phased through. Friend gave Rain a happy bleat as he followed his owner, trotting with his little blue tail held high. They exited out of the same door Techno had stumbled through, Ghostbur being polite enough to close it behind him.

The three stood in silence for a few moments before the man with hooves piped up.
"What are you doing in my house, Tommy?" Techno asked, his eyes narrowed as the bloodlust began resurfacing.
"Uh...well. How are you?" Tommy began, seemingly falling into his original 'I'm-an-angry-British-boy' routine.
"What are you doing in my house To-"
"How are you?"
"What are you doing in my house, Tommy?!"
"You. Are. A. Bitch!" The teen shouted. "That's the way to lightly put it!"

Rain couldn't help but start giggling as her brother started taking swings at Tommy with his pickaxe, despite the boy squealing and ducking away. They whirled around in the space of the first floor while Rain stood laughing by the door. Her real brother trying to hit her adoptive one was seriously funny, especially with the high-pitched pleas for mercy through laughter that Tommy was making. Techno was just shouting at him to 'get of of his house,' still swinging the pickaxe, though not actively trying to kill him. Rain managed to break out of her laughter and pulled the two apart, standing between then to act as a sort of mediator.

"You can't kill him, Techno. So, stop swinging around the fucking murder weapon." She stated, turning to her brother. Techno huffed out an exhale, glancing between her and Tommy in what appeared to be disbelief.
"I feel like I actually really can kill him." He grumbled, turning back to Tommy with a red glint in his eyes. Tommy froze for a moment before complaining that Techno 'ain't shit'. Rain laughed once before turning back to Techno to chop him on his shoulder lightly.
"Cut it out." She instructed, still trying to calm him.

Techno pointed a finger towards the clothes still clutched to Tommy's chest.
"He's just taking our items!"
"I gave those to him. Techno, do you not see what he's wearing?" She asked, pointing to Tommy's ripped clothes. Techno glanced at Tommy, raised an eyebrow, then turned back to Rain.
"You really wanna argue about this, right here?" She challenged, even looking down at the pickaxe still in her brother's grip. He looked at her through narrowed eyes for a moment before taking a few deep breaths, calming the adrenaline in his veins.

"Are you hurt, by the way? I can't see cause you're covered in blood." Rain asked, looking down at his bloodied clothing with furrowed brows and a wry smile. Techno simply brushed himself off, running a hand through his hair.
"No, I'm fine. It's Quackity you should be worrying about." He looked to the pickaxe in his hand, still dripping with blood. He began cleaning it off with his cloak before Tommy burst in. "What did you do?"

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